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Louise Frogner

Louise Frogner Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

Email: bG91aXNlLmZyb2duZXI7b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 303160

Room: L2171

Louise Frogner
Research subject

About Louise Frogner

Louise Frogner holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and is a senior lecturer in Criminology. She is one of the research leaders in CAPS - Center for Criminological and Psychosocial Research at Örebro University, and one of the PI:s in the SOFIA-study. Her research is primarily focused on the development of antisocial and criminal behavior already from early childhood, and factors that might be associated to such a development. She is currently involved in two research projects: The SOFIA-study ( and a process evaluation of the implementation ov GVI Örebro (Group Violence Intervention).


Louise is a senior lecturer in Criminology and mainly teaches scientific research methods, implementation and evaluation, as well as risk and protective factors for crime, including mental illness, within the criminology program at Örebro University.

Research projects

Active projects

Completed projects


Articles in journals |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Manuscripts |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Chapters in books

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries

