Lauren Alex O'Hagan
Lauren Alex O'Hagan Position: Postdoctoral Researcher School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: bGF1cmVuLWFsZXgubydoYWdhbkBvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 303768
Room: F3124

About Lauren Alex O'Hagan
Professional Biography
Dr Lauren Alex O'Hagan is a Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Media and Communication Studies at Örebro University, as well as a Research Associate in the Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies at the Open University. She previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Örebro University (Communication of 'Good' Foods and Healthy Lifestyles project), the University of Sheffield (Drones in Visual Culture project) and Cardiff University (Reading, Writing and... Rebellion project). She holds a PhD in Language and Communication (Cardiff University), MA in Applied Linguistics (Cardiff University) and BA Hons in Modern Language Studies (Open University), as well as professional qualifications in Spanish, Italian, French, Teaching English as a Foreign Language and Archive Management.
Lauren is an experienced historical sociolinguist with extensive knowledge in the practical applications of visual analysis techniques, specialising particularly in visual social semiotics and multimodal critical discourse analysis. Her work largely concerns late nineteenth/early twentieth century material culture, social class and identity, with past projects exploring book inscriptions, propaganda postcards and food advertisements from this perspective. Her current research 'Selling Healthy Lifestyles with Science: A Transhistorical Study of Food and Drink Marketing in the UK and Sweden' is concerned with how science has been used historically in food marketing to convince consumers that products are ‘healthy’. Lauren also has a growing interest in music memorabilia and (online) fandoms, and is the co-creator and co-writer of the Rewriting Rory blog, which focuses on the last ten years in the career of Irish blues musician Rory Gallagher.
Lauren serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Victorian Culture and is an Associate Fellow of both the Higher Education Academy and Royal Historical Society. She is also a member of the following research groups and associations: FoodKom, Cosmetic Makeup and History Study Network, Edwardian Culture Network, British Association for Victorian Studies and International Visual Sociology Association.
Lauren recently won two awards at the 2022 Emerald Literati Awards: Outstanding Paper ("Commercialising public health during the 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic in Britain") and Outstanding Reviewer (for Journal of Historical Research in Marketing). In 2021, she won the Outstanding Postdoc Award at the University of Sheffield.
She is passionate about interdisciplinary research and its real-life applications; her own work is strongly informed by her professional experience as an antiquarian bookshop manager, archive assistant and translator.
Research Interests
Lauren's research can be broadly split into four main strands:
1. Book inscriptions and performances of social class/power mediation: She has investigated how different class groups in the late 19th/early 20th century used book inscriptions to contest or perpetuate their class identities by using language, image, colour, typography, texture and materiality. An important aspect of this research has been unlocking the 'hidden histories' of working-class and lower-middle-class individuals who have typically been left out of official records of the Edwardian era.
2. Food advertising/packaging and public health communication: She has explored how food companies can circumvent legislation on food packaging and advertising by using semiotic resources to promote supposedly healthy eating discourses and convince consumers that a product is “healthy”. She has also investigated how marketers shape public understanding of science by drawing upon the meaning potentials of language and other semiotic resources.
3. Postcards and propaganda: She has a keen interest in the historical use of postcards to promote and spread political propaganda in a palatable format to the general public. Her research interests lie particularly in the women’s suffrage movement and the Irish fight for Home Rule in the early 20th century.
4. Music memorabilia, memories and identities: More recently, her attention has turned to music memorabilia, particularly battle jackets and tour t-shirts, and how they are used by fans to signal individual and collective identity. She is also interested in (online) fandoms, participatory culture and media representations of musicians, and has explored this in relation to Rory Gallagher, Phil Lynott and Tom Petty.
Teaching and Supervision
Although Lauren’s current role does not involve teaching or supervision responsibilities, she has previous experience in these areas within university and college settings. She has taught Sociolinguistics at undergraduate and postgraduate level (Cardiff University), and English as a Foreign Language in the community with international students, migrants and refugees (Cardiff and Vale College). She has supervised MA students in Strategic Communication (Örebro University, Sweden) and research assistants on her Reading, Writing and Rebellion project (Cardiff University).
Impact and Engagement
Some of Lauren's impact and engagement work includes:
- Collaboration with Actively Learn – a free online education platform – to provide an easy-access version of her research on St Patrick’s Day and nationalism in Edwardian Ireland that can be used by secondary school and college pupils
- Collaboration with Futurum – a free online magazine aimed at introducing 14-19-year-olds to the world of work in STEM and SHAPE – to translate her research into free educational resources that can be used in the classroom or at home
- Collaboration with Heavy Metal Therapy to produce a blog post about her own personal mental health experiences and music, and also helped develop resources about the link between battle jackets and mental health
Exhibitions and Events
- Creation of 10 digital Museum in a Box collections based on her research to facilitate long-distance learning on social history and visual studies
- Development and curation of a digital exhibition 'Views from the Blue' which uses drone photography as a means of encouraging viewers to reflect on how drones have created new ways of visualising our world
- Development and curation of a digital exhibition ‘Prize Books and Politics: Rethinking Working-Class Life in Edwardian Britain’, which used images of book inscriptions to tell the stories of working-class individuals.
- Stall at Family History Show offering expert advice to the general public about how to use book inscriptions to research their family history.
- Development of a 20-minute podcast about her research for the DarntonWatch podcast series
- Invited keynote speaker at Lancaster University Literacy Research Centre (2021) and University of Leicester History and Politics Postgraduate Conference (2020)
- Radio interview with BBC Berkshire (2020) regarding her research on the pineapple as a status symbol
- 49 peer-reviewed publications (1 monograph, 1 edited volume, 5 book chapters and 42 journal articles)
- 12 general interest articles on her research for The Conversation, Discover Your - Ancestors and Wales Arts Review, amongst others
- 42 blog posts on her research for Cardiff University Special Collections, Edwardian Culture Network and British Association for Victorian Studies, amongst others
Click here for an up-to-date list of all her publications.
Articles in journals
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). A breakfast revolution for mothers?: introducing Kellogg’s Corn Flakes to the Swedish market, 1929-1939. History of Retailing and Consumption, 10 (2), 133-167. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). A taste of Nordic freedom: The problematic marketing of nicotine pouches in the United Kingdom. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 41 (6), 574-598. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. & Eriksson, G. (2024). Blurring the Boundaries Between Medicine and Food: The Canny Marketing of Läkerol in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden. Social history of medicine. [BibTeX]
- Hultgren, A. K. , Upadhaya, A. , O’Hagan, L. , Wingrove, P. , Adamu, A. , Greenfield, M. , Lombardozzi, L. , Sah, P. K. & et al. (2024). English-medium education and the perpetuation of girls' disadvantage. English Today, 40 (3), 219-225. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). Going bananas! The scientific marketing of a 'new' fruit in early 20th-Century Sweden. Food, Culture, and Society: an international journal of multidisciplinary research. [BibTeX]
- Runefelt, L. & O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). Hemp for health: a historical perspective on the marketing of cannabis-based foods in Sweden. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). In search of the social in social semiotics: a historical perspective. Social Semiotics, 34 (4), 634-655. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. & Runefelt, L. (2024). "Nerves Need Nourishment": Advertising Phospho-Energon Pills in Early Twentieth-Century Sweden. Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. & Serafinelli, E. (2024). Rethinking verticality through top-down views in drone hobbyist photography. Visual Studies, 39 (4), 535-548. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). "The golden path to health": marketing Postum as a cure for coffee abuse in early twentieth-century Sweden. Food, Culture, and Society: an international journal of multidisciplinary research, 27 (3), 866-888. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). The semiotic remediation of hardtack biscuits during World War One. Visual Studies. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). Walkin' blues: exploring the semiotic musicscape of Rory Gallagher's Cork City. Ethnomusicology Forum, 33 (1), 30-59. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2023). "Alcohol is humanity's enemy!" Propaganda posters and the 1922 Swedish prohibition referendum. Scandinavian Journal of History, 48 (2), 179-205. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2023). “Classifying” Margarine: The Early Class-Based Marketing of a Butter Substitute in Sweden (1923-1933). Global Food History, 9 (1), 20-46. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2023). 'Foodstagramming' in early 20th-century postcards: a transhistorical perspective. Visual Communication, 22 (4), 731-744. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2023). From Fatigue Fighter to Heartburn Healer: The Evolving Marketing of a Functional Beverage in Sweden. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 29 (1), 19-40. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2023). Music for Mental Health: An Autoethnography of the Rory Gallagher Instagram Fan Community. Journal of contemporary ethnography, 52 (5), 633-663. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2023). "Welcome to pure food city": tracing discourses of health in the promotional publications of the Postum Cereal Company, 1920-1925. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 15 (3), 171-200. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). All that glistens is not (green) gold: historicising the contemporary chlorophyll fad through a multimodal analysis of Swedish marketing, 1950-1953. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 14 (3), 374-398. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). Fashioning the “People’s Guitarist”: The Mythologization of Rory Gallagher in the International Music Press. Rock Music Studies, 9 (2), 174-198. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). Flesh-formers or fads? Historicizing the contemporary protein-enhanced food trend. Food, Culture, and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 25 (5), 875-898. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. & Eriksson, G. (2022). Modern science, moral mothers, and mythical nature: a multimodal analysis of cod liver oil marketing in Sweden, 1920–1930. Food and Foodways. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). Modernity, beauty and the Swedish "way of life": lifestyle marketing in Stomatol toothpaste advertisements, 1910-1940. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 14 (4), 424-452. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). “My Musical Armor”: Exploring Metalhead Identity through the Battle Jacket. Rock Music Studies, 9 (1), 34-53. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). Selling Swedish summer: the marketing of Pommac, 1920–1960. History of Retailing and Consumption, 8 (2), 171-199. [BibTeX]
- Serafinelli, E. & O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). The View from Above: A Drone’s Perspective on the World. Futurum (12), 16-19. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. & Serafinelli, E. (2022). Transhistoricizing the Drone: A Comparative Visual Social Semiotic Analysis of Pigeon and Domestic Drone Photography. Photography and Culture, 15 (4), 327-351. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). A voice for the voiceless: Improving provenance practice for working-class books. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 53 (1), 16-28. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Blinded by science? Constructing truth and authority in early twentieth-century Virol advertisements. History of Retailing and Consumption, 7 (2), 162-192. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Commercialising public health during the 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic in Britain. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 13 (3-4), 161-187. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. , Serafinelli, E. & Jackman, A. (2021). Drones in Visual Culture: A Conversation with Anna Jackman, Lauren Alex O’Hagan and Elisa Serafinelli. ASAP/journal. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Getting a Better Read on Your Ancestors. Your genealogy today (May/June), 15-18. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2021). Instagram as an exhibition space: reflections on digital remediation in the time of COVID-19. Museum Management and Curatorship, 36 (6), 610-631. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). “Rory played the greens, not the blues”: Expressions of Irishness on the Rory Gallagher YouTube Channel. Irish Studies Review, 29 (3), 348-369. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, G. & O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Selling "Healthy" Radium Products With Science: A Multimodal Analysis of Marketing in Sweden, 1910-1940. Science communication, 43 (6), 740-767. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2021). The Anatomy of a Battle Jacket: A Multimodal Ethnographic Perspective. Journal of contemporary ethnography, 50 (2), 147-175. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. & Spilioti, T. (2021). The Edwardian Selfies: A transhistorical approach to celebrity culture and pictorial bookplates. Discourse, Context & Media, 43. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2021). The Irish Rover: Phil Lynott and the Search for Identity. Popular music and society, 44 (1), 26-48. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). Autodidactic book series in Edwardian Britain, 1901-1914. BOOK COLLECTOR, 69 (1), 91-99. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). Contesting women’s right to vote: anti-suffrage postcards in Edwardian Britain. Visual culture in Britain, 21 (3), 330-362. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2020). ‘Home Rule is Rome Rule’: exploring anti-Home Rule postcards in Edwardian Ireland. Visual Studies, 35 (4), 330-346. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2020). Not to Be Found in the Archives. Discover Your Ancestors (June). [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). Pure in body, pure in mind? A sociohistorical perspective on the marketisation of pure foods in great Britain. Discourse, Context & Media, 34. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2020). Social Posturing in the Edwardian Bookplate, 1901-1914. BOOK COLLECTOR, 69 (4), 662-672. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). Steal not this book my honest friend: Threats, warnings and curses in the Edwardian book. Textual cultures : text, contexts, interpretation, 13 (2), 244-274. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). Stepping up to the Bookplate. Literary review (489). [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2019). Packaging inner peace: A sociohistorical exploration of nerve food in Great Britain. Food & History, 17 (2), 183-222. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2019). The advertising and marketing of the Edwardian prize book: Gender for sale. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 62 (1), 72-94. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2019). Towards a multimodal ethnohistorical approach: a case study of bookplates. Social Semiotics, 29 (5), 565-583. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2018). “Clean Nails are the Mark of a Well Brought-Up Girl”: Exploring Gender in a Post-Edwardian Girls’ School Exercise Book. Women's Studies, 47 (8), 765-790. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2018). The dip pen as a source of social distinction in Victorian Britain. History of Retailing and Consumption, 4 (3), 187-216. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2018). The evolution of prize bindings 1870-1940: Their design and typography. BOOK COLLECTOR, 67 (4), 765-774. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2017). Principles, Privilege and Powerlessness in the Edwardian Prize Book: Bridging the Gap Between Two Opposing Worlds. English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 60 (4), 506-529. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). Book Review: Music, the moving image and Ireland, 1897-2017. Irish Studies Review, 30 (3), 369-372. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Book Review: Made in Ireland: Studies in Popular Music. Irish Studies Review, 29 (4), 542-544. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Review of: The Picture Postcard: A New Window into Edwardian Ireland, by Ann Wilson. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 4 (2), 139-141. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). The sociocultural functions of Edwardian book inscriptions: taking a multimodal ethnohistorical approach. Abingdon: Routledge (Routledge research in literacy ). [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- O’Hagan, L. A. & Eriksson, G. (2024). From Foods to Nutrients: 150 Years of Modern Nutrition Science. In: Lauren Alex O’Hagan, Göran Eriksson, Food Marketing and Selling Healthy Lifestyles with Science: Transhistorical Perspectives (pp. 19-37). . Taylor & Francis. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, G. & O’Hagan, L. A. (2024). Introduction: Food Marketing and Selling Healthy Lifestyles with Science. In: Lauren Alex O’Hagan, Göran Eriksson, Food Marketing and Selling Healthy Lifestyles with Science: Transhistorical Perspectives (pp. 1-18). . Taylor & Francis. [BibTeX]
- Serafinelli, E. & O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). Researching Instagram: Computer-Mediated Research Methods in Practice. In: SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. . Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2019). Class, Culture and Conflict in the Edwardian Book Inscription: A Multimodal Ethnohistorical Approach. In: Janina Wildfeuer, Jana Pflaeging, John Bateman, Ognyan Seizov, Chiao-I Tseng, Multimodality: disciplinary thoughts and the challenge of diversity (pp. 145-170). Boston: Walter de Gruyter. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2019). Running down the American Dream: Tom Petty and the tour t-shirt. In: Crystal D. Sands, Tom Petty: Essays on the Life and Work. London: McFarland. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- O’Hagan, L. A. (ed.) & Eriksson, G. (ed.) (2024). Food Marketing and Selling Healthy Lifestyles with Science: Transhistorical Perspectives.. Taylor & Francis. [BibTeX]
Conference proceedings (editor)
- O’Hagan, L. A. (ed.) (2020). Rebellious Writing: Contesting Marginalisation in Edwardian Britain. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group (Writing and Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century ). [BibTeX]
Daily newspapers
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). Forget fast cars and shiny Rolexes: rich people used to show off their wealth with pineapples and celery. The Conversation. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). Prize books and politics: Rethinking the Edwardian working classes. Wales Arts Review. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). St Patrick’s Day: how a saint’s day played a key role in the struggle for Irish nationhood. The Conversation. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2019). Celebrity greens kale and seaweed were long considered food of last resort. The Conversation. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2019). Mindful eating: the Victorian food trend that could help you lose weight and transform your health. The Conversation (February). [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2017). Book inscriptions reveal the forgotten stories of female war heroes. The Conversation. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2017). For the Edwardians, bookplates were as rebellious as modern day tattoos. The Conversation (February). [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2017). How to tell your new year fortune the Edwardian way. The Conversation (December). [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2018). Class, Culture, and Conflict in the Edwardian Book Inscription: A Multimodal Ethnohistorical Approach. (Doctoral dissertation). Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2022). A World Reimagined: The Art of Drone Visuals. University of Sheffield. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Cheltine: The Diabetic Food That Wasn’t. University of Sheffield. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Mask Rage: The Modern-Day White Feather Campaign. Journal of Victorian Culture. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2021). Sargol: the ‘get fat quick’ scam. University of Sheffield. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. & Serafinelli, E. (2021). Views from the Blue: A Glimpse into Drone Photography. Pint of Science. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Vinegar Valentines: Trolling the Victorian Way. British Association of Victorian Studies. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). When Networking Goes Right: An Unexpected Success Story. University of Sheffield. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2021). Women’s Self Defence: How Ju Jutsu Played a Key Role in the Fight for Women’s Suffrage. Journal of Victorian Culture. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2020). Book inscriptions and family history research. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). “Shelfies” as Identity Performance in Edwardian Britain. British Association for Victorian Studies. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2020). The Family History Show, South West. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword. Peter Lang. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. A. (2020). Tracing ‘New Women’ Through the Edwardian Bookplate: British Association for Victorian Studies. British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS). [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2019). Behind the Night-light: A Forgotten Bestseller. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2019). Deciphering the indecipherable in the Janet Powney Collection. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2019). Lest We Forget: In Search of the Forgotten Voices of World War One. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2019). The Inscriptions of Herbert Scylla Mallalieu. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2019). Using census records to trace the owner of a birthday book…: with an unexpected twist!. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2019). “Why should the Devil have all the best tunes?”: A Halloween Tale. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2018). Daisy Ashford’s The Young Visiters: A Forgotten Bestseller. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2018). Exploring historical gender inequality in prize and gift books. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2018). The Things We Used to Do with Books. British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS). [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2018). The World’s Your Oyster… Unless You’re a Girl: Exploring Historical Gender Inequality in Prize and Gift Books. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2018). Weaving the Tapestries of Lives: The Lost Art of Book Inscriptions. Bristol, UK: Bookbarn International Ltd. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2017). The birthday book: tracing an absent presence. Cardiff: Cardiff University. [BibTeX]
- O’Hagan, L. (2015). Edwardian Encounters: The Edwardian Bookplate. Edwardian Culture Network. [BibTeX]