Katarina Bååth
Katarina Bååth Position: Head of Department School/office: Legal OfficeEmail: a2F0YXJpbmEuYmFhdGg7b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 302116
Room: E3202

About Katarina Bååth
Katarina Bååth is head of department for the Legal Office which works with public documents, document and case management systems, legal issues and data protection.
At Örebro University, Katarina has previously worked as an equality developer and as unit manager for two units at the University Office.
Katarina has a bachelor's degree in media and communication science and since graduating in 1996 she has worked with business development, project management and communication.
For example, she has worked as a development leader in energy and climate and regional development at Region Örebro County, as an information officer at the Consumers' Telecommunications and Internet Agency and in various communication roles at authorities, companies and organizations.