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Karin Collén

Position: External Relations Officer School/office: Communication and Collaboration

Email: a2FyaW4uY29sbGVuO29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: +46 19 303237

Room: L1245

Karin Collén

About Karin Collén

Karin Collén is a collaboration coordinator at the Office for Communication and Collaboration. The department is gateway for collaboration with the university. Her role focuses on collaboration linked to education and research. The work includes creating opportunities for students to meet and create relationships with future employers. Her role also involves making it easier for researchers to establish contacts outside the university.

Karin Collén leads the PAUS project (2018-2020). The purpose is to provide opportunities for teachers and researchers to work outside the university to strengthen education and research. She is also a sub-project manager in project for increased collaboration between Region Örebro and Örebro University (2020-2022). Here, she has the main responsibility for the development of collaboration between the university and the region´s business community.

Karin Collén has a master's degree in business administration from Örebro University. She has also completed three years of systems science studies at Dalarna University and has studied International Business at the University of Brighton. She is also a trained project manager and collaboration manager.

Karin Collén has many years of experience in private consulting companies that work with market research, leadership development, sales, communication and service. She has a background as project manager, business manager and sales manager.