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Julie Deprez

Julie Deprez Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Health Sciences

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Julie Deprez
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About Julie Deprez

Julie Deprez is a PhD student at the Nursing Unit, School of Health Sciences, Örebro University. After obtaining her Bachelor's degree in Nursing at Artevelde University College Ghent (Belgium), she completed the Master of Science in Nursing and Midwifery with a specialization Researcher in care and health at Ghent University. As a member of the Swedish Centre for Skin and Wound Research (SCENTR) and under the supervision of Prof. dr. Dimitri Beeckman, she started her PhD at Örebro University. Her research focuses on the development and clinical validation of a risk-predictive model for incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) in a group of hospitalized adult patients. This project is financed by Vetenskapsrådet in Sweden with as supervising promoters prof. dr. Dimitri Beeckman, dr. Alexandra Eilegård Wallin and prof. dr. Jan Kottner


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