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Jort Veen

Jort Veen Position: Postdoctoral Researcher School/office: School of Medical Sciences

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Jort Veen

About Jort Veen

Jort Veen is a postdoctoral researcher in biomedicine with a focus on exercise physiology, nutrition and ageing within the Nutrition-Gut-Brain Interactions Research Centre (NGBI) at the School of Medical Sciences.  Jort previously did his MSc (with distinction) in Applied Sport Science at the University of Worcester and did his PhD in sport science with a specialisation in physiology and medicine within the Newbreed successful ageing program at Örebro University.


Jort’s main research is very interdisciplinary and takes place within the MiniMeal study. To work on the MiniMeal study he has received funding from the Dr P Håkansson Foundation in 2023 (300 000 SEK). In addition, he currently works on several smaller side projects. Jort’s PhD was focused on physical activity and physical function in older adults. He published several articles on this topic and wrote a PhD thesis called Physical activity, muscle mass and physical function in older adults. For his master’s he performed an intervention study to investigate the effect of maximal sprints during the warm-up on performance and pacing during a 10-km time trial.


Jort has been sessional lecturer at the University of Worcester and taught several exercise physiology and anatomy biomechanics courses. Furthermore, he has taught on several sport science and physical education courses and gives guest lectures in public health at Karlstad University. Jort also has been thesis co-supervisor for a master student in sport science and main thesis supervisor for a master student in experimental medicine.

Additional academic activities

Jort is currently member of the SWETALY seminar planning commission. Swetaly is a collaboration between around thirty universities in Sweden and Italy with the aim to strengthen relations between Sweden and Italy in research and higher education. Furthermore, he regularly acts as peer reviewer for scientific articles. During his PhD Jort has been board member of DocSec.

On a more personal note

All my life I have had a great interest in the physiology of exercise, healthy lifestyle behaviours and how to age well. Out of interest I entered a master’s in applied sport science at the University of Worcester. This made me want more and the moment I had the opportunity to enter academia I took the chance and went for it! In my role as a scientist, I aim to make a meaningful contribution to research, teaching and society!  





Articles in journals |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Manuscripts | 

Articles in journals

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
