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Jonas Ludvigsson

Jonas Ludvigsson Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: School of Medical Sciences

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Jonas Ludvigsson
Research subject

About Jonas Ludvigsson

Present positions

Professor, Dept of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet

Senior Physician (överläkare), Dept Pediatrics, Örebro University Hospital

Affiliated research Örebro University

Associate professorship Örebro University

Chairman of the Swedish Paediatric Society

Member of the steering group of the Swedish IBD Register

Member of the scientific reference group of the Swedish National Data Service (SND)

Previous positions

Chairman of the Swedish Society of Epidemiology

Teaching description

I enjoy teaching and my teaching was first externally peer reviewed in 2004 and I was found to have ”very good educational skills” and I contribute to provide students with the ability to:

  • make independent and critical assessments
  • independently identify, formulate and solve problems search and evaluate scientific knowledge
  • independently follow the development of knowledge
  • exchange knowledge with other persons who do not have specialist knowledge in the field

Topics that I frequently discuss in my lectures are: grant writing, scientific misconduct, celiac disease, emergency paediatrics, international health, Swedish national health registries (including the personal identity number), and questionnaire research.

I have also written several books and book chapters, e.g. ”Att börja forska inom medicin” (Studentlitteratur, 2002, Studentlitteratur, 2015).

Selected events 2014

President of the Swedish Society of Pediatrics
I was today elected president of the Swedish Society of Pediatrics (Barnläkarföreningen) on April 10, 2014. My main objectives during this 2-year-term is to improve education of paediatricians and to create national guidelines for treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases in children.

Paper on Swedish personal identity number tops 350 citations
My paper about the personal identity number* reached 350 citations in sept4ember 2015. My paper on the Swedish Inpatient Register has been cited more than 450 times.

The Swedish personal identity number: possibilities and pitfalls in healthcare and medical research. Ludvigsson J, Otterblad-Olausson P, Pettersson B, Ekbom A Eur. J. Epidemiol. 2009 ;24(11):659-67


  • 1995. MD. Linköping University, Sweden
  • 2001. PhD. Medicine. Linköping-Örebro.
  • 2005. Docent, Örebro University Hospital.
  • 2012. Fulbright Research Scholar, Mayo Clinic, US

Research description

Ongoing research

Celiac disease

Celiac disease is my main research interest. Most of my papers in this field have been epidemiological, although I have published papers on experimental research in celiac disease. Lately, I have spent considerable time coordinating an international group of scientists working on new guidelines for the definition and management of celiac disease.

The first paper from this collaboration was published in 2013, and has since been cited more than 80 times. The second paper was published in 2014:

In the same year I was invited as a collaborator on several international projects, including the Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minnesota, USA) and Columbia University (New York, USA). My former 6 PhD students have all done research in celiac disease.

Other gastroenterology

I have been a member of the steering board of the Swedish IBD register since 2005, and in the past years I have responsible for the annual report*. I am currently coordinating one validation of inflammatory bowel disease diagnoses (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), and a second validation of microscopic colitis. Together with former PhD student Ola Olén I coordinate a project on complication sin IBD, with focus on cancer. In addition, supervising two postdocs in Britain working on cancer complications and diverticulitis. Furthermore I work closely with Professor Hanns-Ulrich Marschall, on intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy (ICP).


Database research

Among the five most work-intense papers of my career is a validation and review of the Swedish Inpatient Register:

Other research

My other research can be divided into four fields:

A) H1N1 immunization and pregnancy outcome (coordinator). I participated in the first project on autoimmune and neurological disease in immunized individuals published in the BMJ. The H1N1 pregnancy project is funded by the Swedish Research Council as well as by the funding agencies "FAS" and the Swedish Society of Medicine.

B) Addison's disease. I am the co-supervisor for a PhD student working on Addison's disease. We have previously published one paper on fractures in Addison's disease and are currently working on a paper about medication in Addison's disease.

C) Together with Professor Lennart Hammarström, I am coordinating a project on complications and comorbidities in IgA deficiency. Data on IgA deficiency have been collected from blood banks at Swedish university hospitals, and so far we have identified 2,516 individuals with IgA deficiency.

D) I have been involved in the ABIS study (All Babies in southeast Sweden) since the late 1990s. My thesis, consisting of 5 papers and 1 research letter, was based on this study. Thus far, I have been a co-author of 19 "ABIS publications". Currently, I am leading two projects based on the ABIS study: one to explore the influence of breastfeeding on type 1 diabetes risk and the second to examine breastfeeding duration in celiac mothers.

The ABIS study is a longitudinal study that was initiated in 1997. It includes the collection of blood specimens and other tissues, as well as questionnaire data.

Doctoral students

  • Ola Olén 2008 (main supervisor)
  • Peter Elfström, 2009 (main supervisor)
  • Adina Welander, 2012 (main supervisor)
  • Karl Mårild, 2012 (main supervisor)
  • Kaziwa Mollazadegan, 2012 (main supervisor)
  • Louise Emilsson, 2013 (main supervisor)
  • Karina Huus, 2009 (co-supervisor)

Further information


  • Member of the Editorial Board of the European J Epidemiology
  • Member of the International editorial board of Alimentary pharmacology and therapeutics

Academic honors, awards and prizes

  • "Rising star in gastroenterology", Europe, 2010. Awarded by ASNEMGE The European Gastroenterology Association.
  • Shortlisted for the Göran Gustafsson prize in medicine (nominated by Örebro University), 2012
  • Alumnus of the year, 2013, Linköping University
  • Honorary professor at the School of Medicine at the Nottingham University, UK, formally starting his 3-year appointment on August 1, 2015.


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Conference papers |  Manuscripts | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys

Conference papers
