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Jennifer Renoux

Position: Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology

Email: amVubmlmZXIucmVub3V4O29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: No number available

Room: T2246

Jennifer Renoux

About Jennifer Renoux

Jennifer Renoux is a researcher in Artificial Intelligence at the Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS). Her research focuses on communication in human-machine teams, epistemic and multi-agent planning.


Jennifer received her Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence and Application in 2015 from the University of Caen Normandy (France) with a research topic of planning for information gathering in multi-agent systems. Her research focused on how a team of artificial agents could coordinate online in order to gather information in an uncertain and dynamic environment. She developed an agent-based relevance degree to quantify how relevant a given piece of information is for a given agent, and incorporate it in a Theory-of-Mind based model to allow online coordination. She has since broadened her research interests to communication in multi-agent teams, and specifically mixed human-machine teams. She is trying to understand how communication impacts the performance of mixed human-machine teams, and how it can be used to create efficient, comfortable, and trustworthy interactions between humans and artificial systems.

Teaching & Science Popularization

Jennifer is involved in various teaching activities, with a focus on Software Engineering for both the Högskoleingenjör and Civilingenjör programs. She is also co-responsible for the SMARTER course on AI & Ethics for Engineers.

Besides her work as a researcher and a teacher, Jennifer is strongly involved in the popularization of her research field, and of Science in general. She is involved in various activities on various media, such as blog posts, podcasts, exhibitions, presentations in schools...


Articles in journals |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, monographs |  Patents | 

Articles in journals

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, monographs
