Heidelore Fiedler
Heidelore Fiedler Position: Researcher School/office: School of Science and TechnologyEmail: aGVpZGVsb3JlLmZpZWRsZXI7b3J1LnNl
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About Heidelore Fiedler
Heidelore ("Heidi") Fiedler is a professor of chemistry and joined the MTM Research Centre in July 2015. She brings 15 years of professional experience from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) where she was responsible for the Science and Risk Team. Prior to the UNEP assignment she worked as a senior researcher at the University of Bayreuth (Germany) and the Bavarian Institute for Waste Research (BIfA, Augsburg, Germany).
My research focus is on environmental chemistry from identification and quantification of sources of (persistent organic) pollutants through environmental fate and transport to human exposure and effects in humans and the environment.
I am also a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Tsinghua University (Beijing, China), where I am collaborating with the School of Environment, POPs Research Centre.
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Lai, J. , Qi, H. , Ma, Y. , Lin, X. , Wang, X. , Han, Z. , Fiedler, H. & Li, X. (2025). Insight into the performance of VOx-WOx/TiO2 catalysts modified by various cerium precursors: A combined study on synergistic NOx and chlorobenzene removal. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 687, 143-157. [BibTeX]
- Lai, J. , Wang, P. , Qi, H. , Ma, Y. , Han, Z. , Fiedler, H. , Li, X. & Lin, X. (2024). Calcium Oxide Adsorption of Gas Phase PCDD/Fs and Its Impact on the Adsorption Properties of Activated Carbon. Environmental Pollution, 361. [BibTeX]
- Zeiner, M. , Juranović Cindrić, I. , Nemet, I. , Šola, I. & Fiedler, H. (2024). Chemometric evaluation of inorganic and organic parameters found in Rosaceae plants proposed as food supplements. Food Chemistry: X, 22. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , de Boer, J. & Abad, E. (2024). Persistent organic pollutants in air across the globe using a comparative passive air sampling method. TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry, 171. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Vega-Bustillos, L. , Arias-Pastrano, J. , Pérez-Aldás, L. V. & Castro-Díaz, J. (2024). Snapshot Survey of the Presence of Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Products, Articles, and the Environment in Ecuador. Engineering (Beijing), 37, 49-61. [BibTeX]
- Lai, J. , Wang, P. , Ma, Y. , Han, Z. , Fiedler, H. , Lin, X. & Li, X. (2024). Unveiling the competitive mechanism between SO2 and PCDD/Fs on activated carbon adsorption. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering (JECE), 12 (6). [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Abad, E. & de Boer, J. (2023). Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants for the Stockholm Convention's Global Monitoring Plan. Chemosphere, 332. [BibTeX]
- van der Veen, I. , Fiedler, H. & de Boer, J. (2023). Assessment of the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances analysis under the Stockholm Convention - 2018/2019. Chemosphere, 313. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Ábalos, M. , Parera, J. , Abad, E. , Lohmann, N. , Neugebauer, F. , Rottler, H. & Horstmann, M. (2023). Dioxin-like POPs in national samples from global monitoring plan projects (2017-2019). Chemosphere, 325. [BibTeX]
- Wang, B. , Heng, L. , Sui, Q. , Peng, Z. , Xiao, X. , Zheng, M. , Hu, J. , Fiedler, H. & et al. (2023). Insight of chemical environmental risk and its management from the vinyl chloride accident. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 17 (4). [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2023). Metadata Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants in National Pools of Human Milk in Support of the Stockholm Convention Implementation. Environment and Health, 1 (1), 41-52. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Li, X. & Zhang, J. (2023). Persistent organic pollutants in human milk from primiparae: correlations, global, regional, and national time-trends. Chemosphere, 313. [BibTeX]
- Surenjav, E. & Fiedler, H. (2023). POPs in the Mongolian environment. Emerging Contaminants, 9 (4). [BibTeX]
- Zeiner, M. , Fiedler, H. , Juranović Cindrić, I. , Nemet, I. , Toma, D. & Habinovec, I. (2023). Preliminary Study of Pepper Types Based on Multielement Content Combined with Chemometrics. Foods, 12 (16). [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Abad, E. & de Boer, J. (2023). Preliminary trends over ten years of persistent organic pollutants in air: Comparison of two sets of data in the same countries. Chemosphere, 324. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , van der Veen, I. & de Boer, J. (2022). Assessment of four rounds of interlaboratory tests within the UNEP-coordinated POPs projects. Chemosphere, 288. [BibTeX]
- de Boer, J. , van der Veen, I. & Fiedler, H. (2022). Global interlaboratory assessments on PCBs, organochlorine pesticides and brominated flame retardants in various environmental matrices 2017/2019. Chemosphere, 295. [BibTeX]
- Anderson, J. K. , Brecher, R. W. , Cousins, I. T. , DeWitt, J. , Fiedler, H. , Kannan, K. , Kirman, C. R. , Lipscomb, J. & et al. (2022). Grouping of PFAS for human health risk assessment: Findings from an independent panel of experts. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology, 134. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , van der Veen, I. & de Boer, J. (2022). Interlaboratory assessments for dioxin-like POPs (2016/2017 and 2018/2019). Chemosphere, 288 (Pt 1). [BibTeX]
- Zeiner, M. , Sjöberg, V. & Fiedler, H. (2022). Multielement Analysis of Fresh and Salt Surface Water from Different Continents. Sustainability, 14 (24). [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Sadia, M. , Krauss, T. , Baabish, A. & Yeung, L. W. Y. (2022). Perfluoroalkane acids in human milk under the global monitoring plan of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (2008-2019). Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 16 (10). [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Sadia, M. , Baabish, A. & Sobhanei, S. (2022). Perfluoroalkane substances in national samples from global monitoring plan projects (2017-2019). Chemosphere, 307 (3). [BibTeX]
- Surenjav, E. , Lkhasuren, J. & Fiedler, H. (2022). POPs monitoring in Mongolia: Core matrices. Chemosphere, 297. [BibTeX]
- Sun, Z. , Cao, H. , Liu, Q. S. , Liang, Y. , Fiedler, H. , Zhang, J. , Zhou, Q. & Jiang, G. (2021). 4-Hexylphenol influences adipogenic differentiation and hepatic lipid accumulation in vitro. Environmental Pollution, 268 (Part A). [BibTeX]
- Abad, E. , Abalos, M. & Fiedler, H. (2021). Air monitoring with passive samplers for dioxin-like persistent organic pollutants in developing countries (2017-2019). Chemosphere, 287 (Pt 1). [BibTeX]
- Gonzalez, P. C. , Sadia, M. , Baabish, A. , Sobhanei, S. & Fiedler, H. (2021). Air monitoring with passive samplers for perfluoroalkane substances in developing countries (2017-2019). Chemosphere, 282. [BibTeX]
- Meng, Y. , Liu, W. , Fiedler, H. , Zhang, J. , Wei, X. , Liu, X. , Peng, M. & Zhang, T. (2021). Fate and risk assessment of emerging contaminants in reclaimed water production processes. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 15 (5). [BibTeX]
- Meng, Y. , Zhang, J. , Fiedler, H. , Liu, W. , Pan, T. , Cao, Z. & Zhang, T. (2021). Influence of land use type and urbanization level on the distribution of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and risk assessment in Beiyun River, China. Chemosphere, 287 (Pt 1). [BibTeX]
- Baabish, A. , Sobhanei, S. & Fiedler, H. (2021). Priority perfluoroalkyl substances in surface waters: A snapshot survey from 22 developing countries. Chemosphere, 273. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. & Sadia, M. (2021). Regional occurrence of perfluoroalkane substances in human milk for the global monitoring plan under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants during 2016-2019. Chemosphere, 277. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , van der Veen, I. & de Boer, J. (2020). Global interlaboratory assessments of perfluoroalkyl substances under the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants. TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry, 124. [BibTeX]
- Degrendele, C. , Fiedler, H. , Kocan, A. , Kukucka, P. , Pribylova, P. , Prokes, R. , Klanova, J. & Lammel, G. (2020). Multiyear levels of PCDD/Fs, dl-PCBs and PAHs in background air in central Europe and implications for deposition. Chemosphere, 240. [BibTeX]
- Sun, Z. , Tang, Z. , Yang, X. , Liu, Q. S. , Liang, Y. , Fiedler, H. , Zhang, J. , Zhou, Q. & et al. (2020). Perturbation of 3-tert-butyl-4-hydroxyanisole in adipogenesis of male mice with normal and high fat diets. Science of the Total Environment, 703. [BibTeX]
- Sadia, M. , Yeung, L. W. Y. & Fiedler, H. (2020). Trace level analyses of selected perfluoroalkyl acids in food: Method development and data generation. Environmental Pollution, 263 (A). [BibTeX]
- Sun, Z. , Yang, X. , Liu, Q. S. , Li, C. , Zhou, Q. , Fiedler, H. , Liao, C. , Zhang, J. & et al. (2019). Butylated hydroxyanisole isomers induce distinct adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 379. [BibTeX]
- Zhang, T. , Hu, L. , Zhang, M. , Jiang, M. , Fiedler, H. , Bai, W. , Wang, X. , Zhang, D. & et al. (2019). Cr(VI) removal from soils and groundwater using an integrated adsorption and microbial fuel cell (A-MFC) technology. Environmental Pollution, 252 (Pt B), 1399-1405. [BibTeX]
- Guan, Q. , Tan, H. , Yang, L. , Liu, X. , Fiedler, H. , Li, X. & Chen, D. (2019). Isopropylated and tert-butylated triarylphosphate isomers in house dust from South China and Midwestern United States. Science of the Total Environment, 686, 1113-1119. [BibTeX]
- Chen, P. , Gong, W. , Yu, G. & Fiedler, H. (2019). Preliminary release inventories of unintentionally generated dl-PCB and HCB from sources in China: Base year 2015. Chemosphere, 219, 875-881. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Ohno, K. & Camelo MArtinez, E. (2019). REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN PCB ELIMINATION UNDER THE STOCKHOLM CONVENTION ON POPS: STATUS REPORT 2019. Organohalogen Compounds, 81, 290-293. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Kallenborn, R. , de Boer, J. & Sydnes, L. K. (2019). The Stockholm Convention: A Tool for the Global Regulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants. Chemistry International, 41 (2), 4-11. [BibTeX]
- Liu, X. , Fiedler, H. , Gong, W. , Wang, B. & Yu, G. (2018). Potential sources of unintentionally produced PCB, HCB, and PeCBz in China: A preliminary overview. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering, 12 (6). [BibTeX]
- Elgazali, A. A. S. , Gajdosechova, Z. , Abbas, Z. , Lombi, E. , Scheckel, K. G. , Donner, E. , Fiedler, H. , Feldmann, J. & et al. (2018). Reactive gaseous mercury is generated from chloralkali factories resulting in extreme concentrations of mercury in hair of workers. Scientific Reports, 8 (1). [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , van der Veen, I. & de Boer, J. (2017). Bi-ennial Global Interlaboratory Assessment on Persistent Organic Pollutants: Third Round 2016/2017, Dioxin-like POPs and Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances. Organohalogen Compounds, 79, 237-240. [BibTeX]
- van der Veen, I. , Fiedler, H. & de Boer, J. (2017). Bi-ennial Global Interlaboratory Assessment on Persistent Organic Pollutants: Third Round 2016/2017, Organochlorine Pesticides, PCBs and Brominated Flame Retardants. Organohalogen Compounds, 79, 575-578. [BibTeX]
- Jin, R. , Liu, G. , Zheng, M. , Fiedler, H. , Jiang, X. , Yang, L. , Wu, X. & Xu, Y. (2017). Congener-specific determination of ultratrace levels of chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmosphere and industrial stack gas by isotopic dilution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry method. Journal of Chromatography A, 1509, 114-122. [BibTeX]
- Malisch, R. , Denison, M. S. , Fiedler, H. , Fürst, P. , Hoogenboom, R. L. A. P. , Schaechtele, A. , Schrenk, D. & van den Berg, M. (2017). Do PCDD/PCDF standard solutions used in dioxin analysis pose a risk as potentially acutely toxic to lab personnel?. Chemosphere, 185, 489-498. [BibTeX]
- Gong, W. , Fiedler, H. , Liu, X. , Wang, B. & Yu, G. (2017). Emission factors of unintentional HCB and PeCBz and their correlation with PCDD/PCDF. Environmental Pollution, 230, 516-522. [BibTeX]
- Jin, R. , Liu, G. , Jiang, X. , Liang, Y. , Fiedler, H. , Yang, L. , Zhu, Q. , Xu, Y. & et al. (2017). Profiles, sources and potential exposures of parent, chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in haze associated atmosphere. Science of the Total Environment, 593-594, 390-398. [BibTeX]
- Gong, W. , Fiedler, H. , Liu, X. , Wang, B. & Yu, G. (2017). Reassessment and update of emission factors for unintentional dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls. Science of the Total Environment, 605, 498-506. [BibTeX]
- Wang, B. , Fiedler, H. , Huang, J. , Deng, S. , Wang, Y. & Yu, G. (2016). A primary estimate of global PCDD/F release based on the quantity and quality of national economic and social activities. Chemosphere, 151, 303-309. [BibTeX]
- Gong, W. , Fiedler, H. , Wang, B. , Huang, J. & Yu, G. (2016). A review of emission factors for unintentional hexachlorobenzene and pentachlorobenzene from metal production. Organohalogen Compounds, 78, 1046-1049. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , de Boer, J. & van Bavel, B. (2016). Assessment of Results for the 2nd Interlaboratory Study of POPs Laboratories. Organohalogen Compounds, 78, 777-780. [BibTeX]
- Malisch, R. , Denison, M. , Fiedler, H. , Fuerst, P. , Hoogenboom, R. , Schaechtele, A. & Schrenk, D. (2016). Do PCDD/PCDF standard solutions used in bioassay- or mass spectrometry based dioxin analysis pose a risk as potentially acutely toxic to lab personnel?. Organohalogen Compounds, 78, 824-825. [BibTeX]
- Sales, C. , Portolés, T. , Vicente Sancho, J. , Abad, E. , Ábalos, M. , Sauló, J. , Fiedler, H. , Gomara, B. & et al. (2016). Potential of gas chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry for screening and quantification of hexabromocyclododecane. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 408 (2), 449-459. [BibTeX]
- Wöhrnschimmel, H. , Scheringer, M. , Bogdal, C. , Hung, H. , Salamova, A. , Venier, M. , Katsoyiannis, A. , Hites, R. A. & et al. (2016). Ten years after entry into force of the Stockholm Convention: What do air monitoring data tell about its effectiveness?. Environmental Pollution, 217, 149-158. [BibTeX]
- Devia, L. , Capra, A. , Mendoza, M. , van Bavel, B. & Fiedler, H. (2015). Analysis of PCB in the Mining Sector within the Latin American Region. Organohalogen Compounds, 77, 789-792. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2015). From release inventories to body burden: some examples from POPs monitoring projects. Organohalogen Compounds, 77, 725-755. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Abad, E. , Martrat, G. , van Bavel, B. , Ericsson, I. & de Boer, J. (2014). New POPs in Ambient Air Samples Using Passive Air Samplers. Organohalogen Compounds, 76, 1533-1536. [BibTeX]
- Sancho, J. , Portoles, T. , Sales, C. , Beltrán, J. , Abad, E. , Abalos, M. , Saulo, J. , Fiedler, H. & et al. (2014). Potential of gas chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-tandem mass spectrometry for screening of hexabromocyclododecane. Organohalogen Compounds, 76, 1640-1643. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , van Bavel, B. , Nilsson, B. , van der Veen, I. & de Boer, J. (2014). Results from UNEPs 2nd Global Interlaboratory Assessment: Basic and New POPs. Organohalogen Compounds, 76, 1497-1500. [BibTeX]
- van Bavel, B. , van der Veen, I. , Nilsson, H. , de Boer, J. & Fiedler, H. (2014). Results from UNEPs 2nd Global Interlaboratory Assessment: Dioxinlike POPs. Organohalogen Compounds, 76, 1632-1635. [BibTeX]
- Lal, V. , Aalbersberg, W. , Fiedler, H. , van Bavel, B. & de Boer, J. (2013). Capacity building for persistent organic pollutant (POP) analysis in the Pacific and POP trends in the Pacific Islands. TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry, 46, 173-177. [BibTeX]
- Reeuwijk, N. M. , Talidda, A. , Malisch, R. , Kotz, A. , Tritscher, A. , Fiedler, H. , Zeilmaker, M. J. , Kooijman, M. & et al. (2013). Dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzo-furans) in traditional clay products used during pregnancy. Chemosphere, 90 (5), 1678-1685. [BibTeX]
- Cao, Z. , Fiedler, H. , Wang, B. , Zhang, T. , Yu, G. , Huang, J. & Deng, S. (2013). Economic status as a determinant of national PCDD/PCDF releases and implications for PCDD/PCDF reduction. Chemosphere, 91 (3), 328-335. [BibTeX]
- Malisch, R. , Kotz, A. , Wahl, K. , Kypke, K. , Tritscher, A. , Magulova, K. & Fiedler, H. (2013). From Dioxins and PCBs in Feed and Food to Human Biomonitoring of POPs. Organohalogen Compounds, 75, 1400-1403. [BibTeX]
- Van Leeuwen, S. P. J. , Van Bavel, B. , Abad, E. , Leslie, H. A. , Fiedler, H. & De Boer, J. (2013). POPs analysis reveals issues in bringing laboratories in developing countries to a higher quality level. TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry, 46, 198-206. [BibTeX]
- Abalos, M. , Abad, E. , van Leeuwen, S. P. J. , Lindström, G. , Fiedler, H. , de Boer, J. & van Bavel, B. (2013). Results for PCDD/PCDF and dl-PCBs in the first round of UNEPs biennial global interlaboratory assessment on persistent organic pollutants. TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry, 46, 98-109. [BibTeX]
- van der Veen, I. , Nilsson, H. , van Bavel, B. , de Boer, J. & Fiedler, H. (2013). Results of UNEP’s 2nd Global Interlaboratory Assessment of the Persistent Organic Pollutants under the Stockholm Convention in Various Matrices. Organohalogen Compounds, 75, 387-390. [BibTeX]
- Lundin, L. , Gullett, B. , Carroll, W. F. J. , Touati, A. , Marklund, S. & Fiedler, H. (2013). The effect of developing nations' municipal waste composition on PCDD/PCDF emissions from open burning. Atmospheric Environment, 79, 433-441. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Abad, E. , van Bavel, B. , de Boer, J. , Bogdal, C. & Malisch, R. (2013). The need for capacity building and first results for the Stockholm convention global monitoring plan. TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry, 46, 72-84. [BibTeX]
- Bogdal, C. , Abad, E. , Abalos, M. , van Bavel, B. , Hagberg, J. , Scheringer, M. & Fiedler, H. (2013). Worldwide distribution of persistent organic pollutants in air, including results of air monitoring by passive air sampling in five continents. TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry, 46, 150-161. [BibTeX]
- Martrat, M. , Parera, J. , Adrados, M. , Abalos, M. , Fiedler, H. & Abad, E. (2012). Analysis of PBDEs in Passive Air Samples to Support the Global Monitoring Plan under the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. Organohalogen Compounds, 74, 1308-1311. [BibTeX]
- Black, R. R. , Meyer, C. P. (. , Touati, A. , Gullett, B. K. , Fiedler, H. & Mueller, J. F. (2012). Emission factors for PCDD/PCDF and dl-PCB from open burning of biomass. Environment International, 38 (1), 62-66. [BibTeX]
- Lal, V. , Fiedler, H. , Aalbersberg, W. , Raju, R. , Malisch, R. & de Boer, J. (2012). Exposure to persistent organic pollutants: trends and levels in human milk from Fiji. Organohalogen Compounds, 74, 1292-1295. [BibTeX]
- Solorzano-Ochoa, G. , de la Rosa, D. A. , Maiz-Larralde, P. , Gullett, B. K. , Tabor, D. G. , Touati, A. , Wyrzykowska-Ceradini, B. , Fiedler, H. & et al. (2012). Open burning of household waste: Effect of experimental condition on combustion quality and emission of PCDD, PCDF and PCB. Chemosphere, 87 (9), 1003-1008. [BibTeX]
- Cao, Z. , Yu, G. , Chen, Y. , Cao, Q. , Fiedler, H. , Deng, S. , Huang, J. & Wang, B. (2012). Particle size: A missing factor in risk assessment of human exposure to toxic chemicals in settled indoor dust. Environment International, 49, 24-30. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Cao, Z. , Huang, J. , Wang, B. , Deng, S. & Yu, G. (2012). PCDD/PCDF Inventories 1990 vs. 2012. Organohalogen Compounds, 74, 1521-1524. [BibTeX]
- Sau, T. , Truong, N. , van Bavel, B. , Lindström, G. , Fiedler, H. , Lahoutifard, N. & Courtaboeuf, F. (2011). Development of dioxin/furan analysis method for congeners of dioxin-like PCB. Organohalogen Compounds, 73, 764-767. [BibTeX]
- Hagberg, J. , Li, Y. M. , Leslie, H. , Fiedler, H. & van Bavel, B. (2011). Dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in samples from African countries participating in the United Nations Environment Programme. Organohalogen Compounds, 73, 795-798. [BibTeX]
- Black, R. R. , Meyer, C. P. , Touati, A. , Gullett, B. K. , Fiedler, H. & Mueller, J. F. (2011). Emissions of PCDD and PCDF from combustion of forest fuels and sugarcane: A comparison between field measurements and simulations in a laboratory burn facility. Chemosphere, 83 (10), 1331-1338. [BibTeX]
- Zhang, T. , Fiedler, H. , Yu, G. , Solorzano Ochoa, G. , Carroll, W. F. J. , Gullett, B. K. , Marklund, S. & Touati, A. (2011). Emissions of unintentional persistent organic pollutants from open burning of municipal solid waste from developing countries. Chemosphere, 84 (7), 994-1001. [BibTeX]
- Klánová, J. , Diamond, M. , Jones, K. , Lammel, G. , Lohmann, R. , Pirrone, N. , Scheringer, M. , Balducci, C. & et al. (2011). Identifying the Research and Infrastructure Needs for the Global Assessment of Hazardous Chemicals Ten Years after Establishing the Stockholm Convention. Environmental Science and Technology, 45 (18), 7617-7619. [BibTeX]
- Malisch, R. , Kypke, K. , Kotz, A. , Wahl, K. , Bitomsky, N. , Moy, G. , Park, S. , Tritscher, A. & et al. (2011). Levels of HCH, endosulfan, nonachlor, S-421, musk xylene and musk ketone in human milk of WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure study for determination of POPs (2008-2010) with regard to the global monitoring plan. Organohalogen Compounds, 73, 1023-1025. [BibTeX]
- Umlauf, G. , Bouwman, H. , Cardenas, B. , Fiedler, H. , Mariani, G. , Mirikau, C. , Skejo, H. & Thanner, G. (2011). PCDD/F, PCB and HCB in soil and ash from brick production sites in Kenya, South Africa and Mexico. Organohalogen Compounds, 73, 1041-1045. [BibTeX]
- Lal, V. , Aalbersberg, W. , Fiedler, H. , de Boer, J. & van Bavel, B. (2011). POPs in developing countries: human milk analysis at Pacific reference laboratory in Fiji Islands. Organohalogen Compounds, 73, 789-791. [BibTeX]
- Malisch, R. , Kypke, K. , Kotz, A. , Wahl, K. , Bitomsky, N. , Moy, G. , Park, S. , Tritscher, A. & et al. (2010). WHO/UNEP-coordinated exposure study (2008-2009) on levels of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in human milk with regard to the global monitoring plan. Organohalogen Compounds, 72, 1766-1769. [BibTeX]
- Zhang, T. , Yu, G. , Wang, B. , Fiedler, H. , Huang, J. & Deng, S. (2009). Bioanalytical characterization of dioxin-like activity in sewage sludge from Beijing, China. Chemosphere, 75 (5), 649-653. [BibTeX]
- de Boer, J. , Leslie, H. , van Leeuwen, S. P. J. , Wegener, J. , van Bavel, B. , Lindström, G. , Lahoutifard, N. & Fiedler, H. (2008). United Nations Environment Programme Capacity Building Pilot Project: training and interlaboratory study on persistent organic pollutant analysis under the Stockholm Convention. Analytica Chimica Acta, 617 (1-2), 208-215. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2007). National PCDD/PCDF release inventories under the Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants. Chemosphere, 67 (9), S96-S108. [BibTeX]
- Scheringer, M. , Fiedler, H. , Suzuki, N. , Holoubek, I. , Zetzsch, C. & Bergman, Å. (2006). Initiative for an International Panel on Chemical Pollution (IPCP). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 13 (6), 432-434. [BibTeX]
- Van den Berg, M. , Birnbaum, L. S. , Denison, M. , De Vito, M. , Farland, W. , Feeley, M. , Fiedler, H. , Håkansson, H. & et al. (2006). The 2005 World Health Organization reevaluation of human and mammalian toxic equivalency factors for dioxins and dioxin-like compounds. Toxicological Sciences, 93 (2), 223-241. [BibTeX]
- Breivik, K. , Alcock, R. , Li, Y. , Bailey, R. E. , Fiedler, H. & Pacyna, J. M. (2004). Primary sources of selected POPs: regional and global scale emission inventories. Environmental Pollution, 128 (1-2), 3-16. [BibTeX]
- Dyke, P. H. , Foan, C. & Fiedler, H. (2003). PCB and PAH releases from power stations and waste incineration processes in the UK. Chemosphere, 50 (4), 469-480. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Cheung, C. K. & Wong, M. H. (2002). PCDD/PCDF, chlorinated pesticides and PAH in Chinese teas. Chemosphere, 46 (9-10), 1429-1433. [BibTeX]
- Avakian, M. D. , Dellinger, B. , Fiedler, H. , Gullet, B. , Koshland, C. , Marklund, S. , Oberdorster, G. , Safe, S. & et al. (2002). The origin, fate, and health effects of combustion by-products: A research framework. Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives, 110 (11), 1155-1162. [BibTeX]
- Büchert, A. , Cederberg, T. , Dyke, P. , Fiedler, H. , Fürst, P. , Hanberg, A. , Hosseinpour, J. , Hutzinger, O. & et al. (2001). Dioxin contamination in food: Bayreuth, Germany, from September 28 to October 1, 2000. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 8 (2), 84-88. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2001). Existierende dioxininventare weltweit und neue methodik zur erstellung von vergleichbaren und vollständigen emissionsinventaren [Existing dioxin inventories worldwide and a new methodology for establishing comparable and complete emissions inventories]. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 13 (2), 88-94. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2000). Persistent organic pollutants: chemical identity and properties. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 102 (1), 45-49. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2000). POPs convention: present status. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 102 (1), 58-60. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Lau, C. & Eduljee, G. (2000). Statistical analysis of patterns of PCDDs and PCDFs in stack emission samples and identification of a marker congener. Waste Management & Research, 18 (3), 283-292. [BibTeX]
- Rappe, C. , Bergek, S. , Fiedler, H. & Cooper, K. R. (1998). PCDD and PCDF contamination in catfish feed from Arkansas, USA. Chemosphere, 36 (13), 2705-2720. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Cooper, K. , Bergek, S. , Hjelt, M. , Rappe, C. , Bonner, M. , Howell, F. , Willett, K. & et al. (1998). PCDD, PCDF, and PCB in farm-raised catfish from southeast United States - Concentrations, sources, and CYP1A induction. Chemosphere, 37 (9-12), 1645-1656. [BibTeX]
- Rappe, C. , Andersson, R. , Bonner, M. , Cooper, K. , Fiedler, H. & Howell, F. (1998). PCDDs and PCDFs in municipal sewage sludge and effluent from POTW in the State of Mississippi, USA. Chemosphere, 36 (2), 315-328. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (1998). Thermal formation of PCDD/PCDF: A survey. Environmental Engineering Science, 15 (1), 49-58. [BibTeX]
- Lau, C. , Fiedler, H. , Hutzinger, O. , Schwind, K. & Hosseinpour, J. (1997). Levels of selected organic compounds in materials for candle production and human exposure to candle emissions. Chemosphere, 34 (5-7), 1623-1630. [BibTeX]
- Rappe, C. , Andersson, R. , Bonner, M. , Cooper, K. , Fiedler, H. , Howell, F. , Kulp, S. E. & Lau, C. (1997). PCDDs and PCDFs in soil and river sediment samples from a rural area in the United States of America. Chemosphere, 34 (5-7), 1297-1314. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Cooper, K. R. , Bergek, S. , Hjelt, M. & Rappe, C. (1997). Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/PCDF) in food samples collected in southern Mississippi, USA. Chemosphere, 34 (5-7), 1411-1419. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Lau, C. , Kjeller, L. & Rappe, C. (1996). Patterns and sources of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans found in soil and sediment samples in southern Mississippi. Chemosphere, 32 (3), 421-432. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. & Van den Berg, M. (1996). Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans and related compounds: Update and recent developments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 3 (3), 122-128. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (1996). Sources of PCDD/PCDF and impact on the environment. Chemosphere, 32 (1), 55-64. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Hutzinger, O. , Lau, C. , Cikryt, P. & Hosseinpour, J. (1995). Case study of a highly dioxin contaminated sports field: Environmental risk assessment and human exposure. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 43 (3), 217-227. [BibTeX]
- Hutzinger, O. & Fiedler, H. (1993). From source to exposure: Some open questions. Chemosphere, 27 (1-3), 121-129. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. & Hutzinger, O. (1992). Sources and sinks of dioxins: Germany. Chemosphere, 25 (7-10), 1487-1491. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Herrmann, G. , Schramm, K. & Hutzinger, O. (1990). Application of QSARS to predict potential aquatic toxicities of organochlorine pesticides. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 26 (1-4), 157-160. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Hutzinger, O. & Timms, C. W. (1990). Dioxins: Sources of environmental load and human exposure. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 29 (3), 157-234. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. & Schramm, K. (1990). QSAR generated octanol-water partition coefficients of selected mixed halogenated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans. Chemosphere, 20 (10-12), 1597-1602. [BibTeX]
- Hauk, A. , Richartz, H. , Schramm, K. W. & Fiedler, H. (1990). Reduction of nitrated phenols: A method to predict half-wave-potentials of nitrated phenols with molecular modeling. Chemosphere, 20 (6), 717-728. [BibTeX]
- Schramm, K. W. , Fiedler, H. & Hutzinger, O. (1990). Reduction of PXDD/F emissions. Low-temperature-separation of flyash in incinerators: Fugacity calculations. Staub, Reinhaltung der Luft, 50 (7-8), 281-283. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Hutzinger, O. & Giesy, J. P. (1990). Utility of the QSAR modeling system for predicting the toxicity of substances on the European inventory of existing commercial chemicals. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry, 28 (2-3), 167-188. [BibTeX]
- Hutzinger, O. & Fiedler, H. (1989). Organic trace analysis in environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology. Fresenius' Zeitschrift für analytische Chemie, 334 (7), 608-608. [BibTeX]
- Hutzinger, O. & Fiedler, H. (1989). Sources and emissions of PCDD/PCDF. Chemosphere, 18 (1-6), 23-32. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. & Faillard, H. (1985). Separation and determination of neuraminic acids in nanogram quantities by liquid chromatography: A comparative study with different amino phases. Chromatographia, 20 (4), 231-234. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Fiedler, H. , Kennedy, T. & Henry, B. J. (2021). A Critical Review of A Recommended Analytical and Classification Approach for Organic Fluorinated Compounds with an Emphasis on Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 17 (2), 331-351. [BibTeX]
- Henry, B. J. , Carlin, J. P. , Hammerschmidt, J. A. , Buck, R. C. , Buxton, L. W. , Fiedler, H. , Seed, J. & Hernandez, O. (2018). A critical review of the application of polymer of low concern and regulatory criteria to fluoropolymers. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 14 (3), 316-334. [BibTeX]
- van den Berg, M. , Kypke, K. , Kotz, A. , Tritscher, A. , Lee, S. Y. , Magulova, K. , Fiedler, H. & Malisch, R. (2017). WHO/UNEP global surveys of PCDDs, PCDFs, PCBs and DDTs in human milk and benefit – risk evaluation of breastfeeding. Archives of Toxicology, 91 (1), 83-96. [BibTeX]
- van den Berg, M. , Denison, M. S. , Birnbaum, L. S. , DeVito, M. J. , Fiedler, H. , Falandysz, J. , Rose, M. , Schrenk, D. & et al. (2013). Polybrominated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins, Dibenzofurans, and Biphenyls: Inclusion in the Toxicity Equivalency Factor Concept for Dioxin-Like Compounds. Toxicological Sciences, 133 (2), 197-208. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Fiedler, H. (2015). Release Inventories of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans. In: Mehran Alaee, Dioxin and Related Compounds: Special Volume in Honor of Otto Hutzinger (pp. 1-27). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2010). Short-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins: Production, Use and International Regulations. In: Boer, Jacob, Chlorinated Paraffins (pp. 1-40). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2001). Global and local disposition of PCBs. In: Larry W. Robertson, Larry G. Hansen, PCBs: recent advances in environmental toxicology and health effects (pp. 11-15). Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Zeiner, M. , Ilić, N. , Juranović Cindrić, I. , Nemet, I. & Fiedler, H. (2025). Evaluation of Cadmium and Lead Contamination in Wild Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) from Croatia: Implications for Food Safety and Public Health. Paper presented at SETAC Europe 35th Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, May 11-15, 2025. [BibTeX]
- Mihalic, E. , Juranović Cindrić, I. , Nemet, I. , Zeiner, M. & Fiedler, H. (2024). Elemental analysis of dry mango by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In: XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, Zagreb, Croatia, February 22-23, 2024. (pp. 119-119). [BibTeX]
- Zeiner, M. , Mihalić, E. , Juranović Cindrić, I. , Nemet, I. & Fiedler, H. (2024). ELEMENTAL ANALYSIS OF MANGO FLESH AND PEEL BY INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA MASS SPECTROMETRY. In: Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at 11th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Loen, Norway, June 9-13, 2024. (pp. 125-125). [BibTeX]
- Puklavec, K. , Juranović Cindrić, I. , Nemet, I. , Zeiner, M. & Fiedler, H. (2024). Elemental analysis of the almond (Prunus amygdalus) and apricot kernel (Prunus armeniaca) by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. In: XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at XV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, Zagreb, Croatia, February 22-23, 2024. (pp. 83-83). [BibTeX]
- Zeiner, M. , Kandler, W. & Fiedler, H. (2024). Elemental assessment of water samples from the West Indian Ocean. In: Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at 11th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Loen, Norway, June 9-13, 2024. (pp. 82-82). [BibTeX]
- Vuković, L. , Ilić, N. , Nemet, I. , Juranović Cindrić, I. , Zeiner, M. & Fiedler, H. (2024). Elemental composition of dandelion from Croatia. In: Sanda Rončević; Ivan Nemet; Bernardo Marciuš, SAAS24. 2nd Symposium on Analytical Atomic Spectrometry Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at 2nd Symposium on Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (SAAS24), Zagreb, Croatia, September 13-14, 2024. (pp. 27-27). Zagreb, Croatia: Croatian Chemical Society. [BibTeX]
- Mihalic, E. , Juranović Cindrić, I. , Nemet, I. , Zeiner, M. & Fiedler, H. (2023). Elementna analiza sušenog manga spektrometrijom masa uz induktivno spregnutu plazmu. Paper presented at Osmi simpozij studentena kemicara (SiSK 2023), Zagreb, Croatia, October 21, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Zeiner, M. , Sjöberg, V. , Fiedler, H. , Kandler, W. & Krska, R. (2023). Trace element analysis in solutions with high salt content. Paper presented at ANAKON 2023; Vienna, Austria, April 11-14, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2021). Assessment of Patterns of Toxic Equivalents in National Samples from Monitoring in Developing Countries. In: Dioxin2021 Abstract Book. Paper presented at 41st International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin2021), Tianjin, China, November 8-11, 2021. (pp. 325-330). [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , Baabish, A. , Sadia, M. & Camoiras González, P. (2021). Monitoring of PFAS in Core Matrices of the Stockholm Convention. In: Dioxin2021 Abstract Book. Paper presented at 41st International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (Dioxin2021), Tianjin, China, November 8-11, 2021. (pp. 707-714). [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2008). Stockholm convention on POPs: Obligations and implementation. In: Ebru Mehmetli, Bogdana Koumanova, The Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment. Paper presented at NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment, Istanbul, Turkey, April 25-27, 2007. (pp. 3-12). Springer. [BibTeX]
Daily newspapers
- Lauby-Secretan, B. , Loomis, D. , Grosse, Y. , El Ghissassi, F. , Bouvard, V. , Benbrahim-Tallaa, L. , Guha, N. , Baan, R. & et al. (2013). Carcinogenicity of polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated biphenyls. The Lancet Oncology, 14 (4), 287-288. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. , van der Veen, I. & de Boer, J. (2021). Bi-ennial Global Interlaboratory Assessment on Persistent Organic Pollutants – Fourth Round 2018/2019. Geneva: United Nations Environment Programme. [BibTeX]
- Fiedler, H. (2019). Expert Report on the Usability of Data from the POP Database in the Field of ‘Technosphere’. Dessau-Rosslau: Umweltbundesamt (UBA Texte 39/2019). [BibTeX]