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Hailey Rheault

Hailey Rheault Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Email: aGFpbGV5LnJoZWF1bHQ7b3J1LnNl

Phone: No number available

Room: F3264

Hailey Rheault
Research subject

About Hailey Rheault

Hailey Rheault is a PhD student working with the ‘Work, Family, and Intimate Relations’ (WFIR) team in sociology. Her research focuses on invisible disability, social inequality, and family policy issues.

Hailey obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honours in Sociology in 2016 at St. Thomas University in New Brunswick, Canada. During her Master of Sociology and Social Research degree between the University of Trento, Italy, and the University of Bamberg, Germany, Hailey was a research assistant for two projects at the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories. After defending her dissertation in 2020 on ethnic disparities in special education referrals, Hailey worked as the assistant managing editor for a peer-reviewed journal at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.

In her ongoing research at Örebro University (since October 2021), Hailey is engaged in a multi-sited study in Canada and Sweden which examines how varied contexts of care and support for young children diagnosed with 'autism spectrum disorder' (ASD) impact parental expectations, demands, and ideals. By applying crtical disability theory and an intersectional feminist approach, Hailey's research aims to shed light on the ways in which parents negotiate work and family obligations alongside early autism care practices, and how such experiences are impacted by social factors like gender, class, dis/ability, and nationality. 


Presenter and Session Chair at the "NNDR 16th Research Conference" (May 2023), Reykjavik, Iceland. Session: "Childhood disability III - Parents of disabled children".

Presenter at the "Myths and Realities of the Nordic Welfare State: 30th Nordic Sociological Association Conference" (August 2022), University of Iceland. Session: 'A care friendly and gender equal, Nordic Welfare state?'.

Presenter at the “Sociologidagarna” (March 2022), Uppsala University. Session: Family and close relationships.

Presenter and Session Chair at “The Migration Conference” (September 2020), Tetovo -Southeast European University. Session: Integration & beyond.

Presenter at the “14th Annual Crossroads Interdisciplinary Health Conference” (March 2016), Dalhousie University. Session: Disability and parenthood.

Published work:

Rheault, H. (2020). ‘Is it the language or something else?’ Navigating migrant pupils’ adversities in Bavarian primary schools. In I., Sirkeci & M. Z. Alili (Eds.) TMC 2020 Proceedings: Migration and Integration (pp. 101-105). Transnational Press London.