Eva Gustavsson
Eva Gustavsson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: ZXZhLmd1c3RhdnNzb247b3J1LnNl
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About Eva Gustavsson
Eva teaches human geography, mainly sustainable development and urban planning.
Eva’s research interest is in sustainable development. Her dissertation discusses climate change mitigation politics from a social science perspective with a focus on the local level in the context of multi-level governance. The research was conducted within the project Climate Change and Multilevel Governance in Swedish Municipalities, financed by Formas.
Later on her research has been oriented to sustainability in urban renewal projects, and especially the social dimension of sustainability. One example is the ongoing research project My Green Neighbourhood – evaluation (financed by ÖrebroBostäder AB and the Delegation for Sustainable Cities). Other examples are the now finished projects Model for analyse and evaluation of social sustainability in urban building projects (financed by the Delegation for Sustainable Cities, and eight other private or public actors) and Effects of the support to sustainable cities – an evaluation of the Delegation for Sustainable Cities’ projects (an assignment from the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning).
Eva has also studied the project Climate Pilots in Askersund and Laxå (mainly financed by Leader Mellansjölandet), that ran during 2009-2010. Ten households took part with the aim to reduce their CO2 emissions by making changes in their everyday routines. Attitudes towards climate change among the ten households and among inhabitants in general in the two municipalities were explored in two interview studies and one questionnaire.
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Elander, I. & Gustavsson, E. (2019). From policy community to issue networks: Implementing social sustainability in a Swedish urban development programme. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37 (6), 1082-1101. [BibTeX]
- Boström, M. , Andersson, E. , Berg, M. , Gustafsson, K. M. , Gustavsson, E. , Hysing, E. , Lidskog, R. , Löfmarck, E. & et al. (2018). Conditions for Transformative Learning for Sustainable Development: A Theoretical Review and Approach. Sustainability, 10 (12). [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2017). Behaving Clean without Having to Think Green?: Local Eco-Technological and Dialouge-Based, Low-Carbon Projects in Sweden. The Journal of urban technology, 24 (1), 93-116. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2016). Sustainability potential of a redevelopment initiative in Swedish public housing: The ambiguous role of residents’ participation and place identity. Progress in Planning, 103, 1-25. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Gustavsson, E. (2015). Nyanser av grönt i den urbana hållbarhetskören: några aktuella exempel. Biodiverse (2), 5-7. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Fridolfsson, C. & Gustavsson, E. (2015). Swedish muslims and secular society: faith-based engagement and place. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 26 (2), 145-163. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2013). Households as role models for sustainable consumption: the case of local climate dialogues in two Swedish towns. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56 (2), 194-210. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2012). Cocky and climate smart?: Climate change mitigation and place-branding in three Swedish towns. Local Environment: the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 17 (8), 769-782. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. , Elander, I. & Lundmark, M. (2009). Multilevel governance, networking cities and the geography of climate-change mitigation: two Swedish examples. Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy, 27 (1), 59-74. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Gustavsson, E. (2019). Renovering av ett miljonprogram. In: Forsberg, Gunnel, Samhällsplaneringens teori och praktik (pp. 188-196). Stockholm: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2015). Greenest of them all?: climate change mitigation and place branding in three Swedish towns. In: Marco Eimermann & Anders Trumberg, Place and identity: a new landscape of social and political change in Sweden (pp. 76-96). Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. (2012). Klimat, hållbarhet och deltagande: erfarenheter från två lokala utvecklingsprojekt. In: Lennart Tonell, Hållbar utveckling: samhällsplanering, lokala villkor och globala beroenden (pp. 135-162). Stockholm: Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografi. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. (2010). Klimatarbete i kommuner: utmaningar, möjligheter och konflikter. In: Göran Graninger, Christer Knuthammar, Klimatets krav på samhället (pp. 91-107). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Granberg, M. & Gustavsson, E. (2010). Kommunen - klimataktör med stor potential. In: Birgitta Johansson, Sverige i nytt klimat - våtvarm utmaning (pp. 389-400). Stockholm: Forskningsrådet Formas. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. , Elander, I. & Lundmark, M. (2009). Klimatpolitikens lokala geografi: exempel från svenska kommuner. In: Ylva Uggla, Ingemar Elander, Global uppvärmning och lokal politik (pp. 83-108). Stockholm: Santérus Förlag. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Kristianssen, A. , Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2015). Citizen-centred innovations between responsive and inclusive democracy.: Examples from a Swedish city.. Paper presented at Local Government and Urban governance: Citizen Responsive Innovations in Europe and in Africa. Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 9-10 April 2015. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Fridolfsson, C. & Gustavsson, E. (2013). Faith-based engagement and place: Searching for a Swedish muslim identity. Paper presented at Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies; session Faith, social justice and the city, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 1-3 July 2013. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2013). Killing three birds with one stone?: Participatory planning and the challenge of multi-dimensional sustainability. Paper presented at EURA Conference Cities as Seedbeds for Innovation, organized by the European Urban Research Association Conference (EURA), the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 3-6 July 2013. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2012). ‘My Green Neighbourhood’: potentials and limits of a redevelopment initiative in a stigmatized housing estate. Paper presented at Lund Conference on Earth System Governance, 18-20 April 2012. [BibTeX]
- Trumberg, A. & Gustavsson, E. (2012). Patterns of segregation in small cities: the case of Borlänge, Sweden. Paper presented at AAG, Association of American Geographers annual meeting (New York): Session: Migration and Inter-ethnic Relations in Europe. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. (2011). Households as Role Models in Local Climate Change Mitigation: experiences from municipal dialogue projects in Sweden.. Paper presented at The 2011 Annual meeting of Association of American Geographers (AAG), Seattle, US, 2011. Association of American Geografers. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. (2009). Climate change mitigation: burden or opportunity?. In: The 2009 Annual meeting of Association of American Geographers (AAG). Paper presented at The 2009 Annual meeting of Association of American Geographers (AAG), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, March 22-27, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2009). Local and Regional Climate Change Mitigation in the Financial Crisis: Burden or Opportunity?. In: The 15th ISDR Conference 2009 in Utrecht. Paper presented at The 15th ISDR Conference 2009 in Utrecht, NL, March 26-29, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Lundmark, M. (2008). Climate Change Mitigation and Economic Growth: Determinants for Local Level Climate Policy?. In: The 2008 Annual meeting of Association of American Geographers (AAG). Paper presented at The 2008 Annual meeting of Association of American Geographers (AAG), Boston, Ma, US, 15-19 April, 2008. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Gustavsson, E. (2007). Urban Governance, Networking Cities and Climate Change: The Swedish Context. In: SURF 2007. Paper presented at International Workshop Reproducing City-Regions: Rethinking Urbanism in an Era of Climate Change and Resource Constraint, SURF, Manchester, UK 19-20 July, 2007. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Gustavsson, E. (2008). Mellan det lokala och det globala: klimat, kommuner, nätverk. (Doctoral dissertation). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. (2010). Enkät till 1000 personer i Askersund och Laxå kommuner om attityder till klimatfrågan: Genomförd i januarifebruari 2010. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. (2010). Tid, pengar eller ett personligt klimatsamvete vad kan inspirera vanligt folk att ändra sitt vardagsliv i mer klimatvälig riktning?: Resultat av en intervjustudie i samband med starten av projektet Klimatpiloterna i Askersund och Laxå kommuner, genomförd i september 2009.. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2014). Social hållbarhet i stadsutveckling?: Uppföljning av tio projekt i svenska städer. Örebro: Örebro Universitet (Centrum för urbana och regionala studiers skriftserie 70). [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2013). "My Green Neighbourhood": sustainability potential of a redevelopment initiative in a stigmatized housing estate. Örebro: (Centrum för Urbana och Regionala Studiers skriftserie 68). [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2013). Social hållbarhet inte bara "sustainababble"?: Från mångtydig vision till analytiskt redskap vid uppföljning av stadsbyggnadsprojekt. Örebro: (Centrum för Urbana och Regionala Studiers skriftserie 69). [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Håkansson, J. (2012). Vilken image har miljonprogrammets bostadsområden i medelstora städer?. Borlänge: Högskolan Dalarna (Arbetsrapport Högskolan Dalarna 6). [BibTeX]