Erik Amnå
Erik Amnå Position: Professor Emeritus School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: ZXJpay5hbW5hO29ydS5zZQ==
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About Erik Amnå
Erik Amnå, PhD (Uppsala), Professor in Political Science, is currently active as external lecturer and involved in the research project Obstacles and opportunities for equal participation of citizens with intellectual disabilities: evidence from a world-leading accessibility initiative (VR 2022-2024) at the Department of Government at Uppsala University.
Earlier he was based in the following major research projects:
POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION AND HUMAN AGENCY, funded by The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009--2016
Erik Amnå worked within the research group The Center for Studies on civic engagement (CIVIC) which is a part of the research research environment Youth & Society (YeS)
He is a member of:
- The Project Advisory Committe of IEA:s global evaluation of civic education, ICCS 2027
- The Swedish Government's Council on Basic Values, 2014--16
- The Board of Demokratifonden
- The Board of Transparency International Sweden, 2015--17
- The project group for societal introduction of newly arrived refugees (European Social Fund) 2017-21
In 2016 he was awarded the large gold medal for civic virtues by The Royal Society Pro Patria
The 2017 Ivan Bolin memorial lecturer by Folkuniversitetet
International Advisor at ”Socialización Politica y Education para la Ciudadania: El rol de la Familia y la Escuela”, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile 2018-2022.
Research projects
Completed projects
- Civil Society and new forms of governance in Europe
- Civil Society and new forms of governance in Europe (Network of Excellence)
- Catch EyoU - Constructing Active Citizenship with European Youth
- Nya och gamla organisationer
- Youth Political Efficacy; Its sources; its effects and a potential tool for a more equal society
Articles in journals
- Stattin, H. , Amnå, E. & Russo, S. (2023). Setting societal engagement goals during adolescence amplifies the impacts of political interest on political activities during young adulthood. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 47 (2), 135-145. [BibTeX]
- Stattin, H. & Amnå, E. (2022). Basic Values Transform Political Interest into Diverse Political Values, Attitudes and Behaviors. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51 (11), 2205-2218. [BibTeX]
- Stattin, H. , Eckstein, K. & Amnå, E. (2022). Why Some Adolescents Are Open To Their Parents’ Political Communication. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51 (11), 2235-2247. [BibTeX]
- Tzankova, I. , Prati, G. , Eckstein, K. , Noack, P. , Amnå, E. , Frosso, M. , Petr, M. & Cicognani, E. (2021). Adolescents’ Patterns of Citizenship Orientations and Correlated Contextual Variables: Results From a Two-Wave Study in Five European Countries. Youth & society, 53 (8), 1311-1334. [BibTeX]
- Wanders, F. H. K. , Dijkstra, A. B. , Maslowski, R. , van der Veen, I. & Amnå, E. (2021). The Role of Teachers, Parents, and Friends in Developing Adolescents´ Societal Interest. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 65 (5), 736-751. [BibTeX]
- Shehata, A. & Amnå, E. (2019). The Development of Political Interest Among Adolescents: A Communication Mediation Approach Using Five Waves of Panel Data. Communication Research, 46 (8), 1055-1077. [BibTeX]
- Dahl, V. , Amnå, E. , Banaji, S. , Landberg, M. , Šerek, J. , Ribeiro, N. , Bellman, M. , Pavlopoulus, V. & et al. (2018). Apathy or Alienation?: Political passivity among youths across eight European Union Countries. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15 (3), 284-301. [BibTeX]
- Banaij, S. , Mejias, S. , Kouts, R. , Piedade, F. , Pavlopoulos, V. , Tzankova, I. , Mackova, A. & Amnå, E. (2018). Citizenship's tangled web: Associations, gaps and tensions in formulations of European youth active citizenship across disciplines. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 15 (3), 250-269. [BibTeX]
- Kim, Y. , Russo, S. & Amnå, E. (2017). The longitudinal relation between online and offline political participation among youth at two different developmental stages. New Media and Society, 19 (6), 899-917. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Sachs, D. (2017). Translating Civic Engagement into Political Participation: A Non-partisan School for Becoming a Politician. AI practioner, 19 (3), 10-14. [BibTeX]
- Russo, S. & Amnå, E. (2016). The personality divide: do personality traits differentially predict online political engagement?. Social science computer review, 34 (3), 259-277. [BibTeX]
- Russo, S. & Amnå, E. (2016). When political talk translates into political action: The role of personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 100, 126-130. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Ekman, J. (2014). Standby citizens: diverse faces of political passivity. European Political Science Review, 6 (2), 261-281. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2012). How is civic engagement developed over time?: Emerging answers from a multidisciplinary field. Journal of Adolescence, 35 (3), 611-627. [BibTeX]
- Ekman, J. & Amnå, E. (2012). Political participation and civic engagement: towards a new typology. Human Affairs, 22 (3), 283-300. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Amnå, E. (2020). När tilliten prövas: sex dygder. Kurage (35). [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. , Ekström, M. & Stattin, H. (2016). Så kan ungas intresse för politik väckas: eller släckas. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2015). När medborgaren står standby. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 117 (1), 36-38. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2015). Når borgerne står stand by. Kommunal Rapport. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. , Ekström, M. , Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2009). Political socialization and human agency: The development of civic engagement from adolescence to adulthood. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 111 (1), 27-40. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Stigendal, M. (2021). Samhällsorientering: för en hållbar integration. Helsingborg: Bokförlaget Komlitt AB. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. , Ekström, M. & Stattin, H. (2016). Ungdomars politiska utveckling: Slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram. Stockholm: Makadam Förlag (RJ:s skrftserie 12). [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Amnå, E. (2023). Erik Amnå, Gästskribent: [Ett öppet brev till Liberalernas partiledare Johan Pehrson]. In: Lars-Erik Måg; John Thornander, Liberalerna Dalarna 110 år: En sammanfattning av 10-årsperioden 2011-2020 (pp. 38-41). Borlänge: Liberalerna Dalarna. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2023). Utan bildning dör demokratin. In: Leif Grundberg, Samtal i Höga Kusten. Perspektiv på kunskap, folkbildning och demokrati: Seminarium 29 oktober 2023 på Örnsköldsviks museum & konsthall (pp. 9-14). Sundsvall: Mittuniversitetet. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2022). Bildningsäventyr i osäkerhetens tid. In: Kenneth Abrahamsson; Per-Ola Jansson; Torvald Åkesson, Demokratin som bildningsväg (pp. 363-370). Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag. [BibTeX]
- Ekman, J. & Amnå, E. (2022). Civic Engagement. In: Marco Giugni; Maria Grasso, The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation (pp. 381-395). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2022). Första gången. In: Niklas Bolin; Kajsa Falasca; Marie Grusell; Lars Nord, Snabbtänkt 2.022: Reflektioner från valet 2022 av ledande forskare (pp. 92-92). Sundsvall: Mittuniversitetet. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2020). The Personal, the Professional, and the Political: An Intertwined Perspective on the IEA Civic Education Studies. In: Barbara Malak-Minkiewicz, Judith Torney-Purta, The Influence of IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies: Practice, Policy and Research Across Countries and Regions. . Springer Publishing Company. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2019). In School - and After. In: Dagmar Strohmeier and Harriet R. Tenenbaum, Young Peoples' Visions and Worries for the Future of Europe: Findings from the Europe 2038 Project. Abingdon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Abdelzadeh, A. , Amnå, E. & Lundberg, E. (2016). En arena för tillit och tolerans?. In: Föreningen, jaget och laget: 7 perspektiv på idrottens demokratiska effekter (pp. 27-46). Stockholm: Centrum för idrottsforskning. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2016). Tidlösa dygder. In: Erik Amnå, För det allmänna bästa: Kungl. Sällskapet Pro Patria 1766-2016. Ett kungligt sällskap mellan stat och marknad under 250 år (pp. 11-32). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlantis. [BibTeX]
- Kim, Y. & Amnå, E. (2015). Civic engagement among migrant youths in Sweden: do parental norms or immigration generation matter?. In: M. Barrett & B. Zani, Political and civic engagement: multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 248-267). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Kim, Y. & Amnå, E. (2015). Internet use and political engagement in youth. In: Coleman, J. and Freelon, D., Handbook of digital politics. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Ekman, J. (2015). Standby citizens: understanding non-participation in contemporary democracies. In: Barrett, M. & Zani, B., Political and civic engagement: multidisciplinary perspectives (pp. 96-108). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Lundberg, E. , Amnå, E. , Brundin, P. & Bozzini, E. (2011). European civil societies and the promotion of integration, Leading practices from Sweden, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Italy. In: Boje, P. Thomas, Potucek Martin, Social Rights, Active Citizenship and Governance in the European Union. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Zetterberg, P. (2010). A political science perspective on socialization research: young Nordic citizens in a comparative light. In: Sherrod, Lonnie, Torney-Purta, Judith, Flanagan, Constance, Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement in Youth (pp. 43-66). Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2010). Active, passive, or stand-by citizens?: Latent and manifest political participation. In: Erik Amnå, New forms of citizen participation: Normative implications (pp. 191-203). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Brundin, P. (2010). Balancing hopes and fears. In: Erik Amnå, New forms of citizen participation: normative implications (pp. 7-14). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2010). Scandinavian democracies learning diversity: From socialisation between lutherans to training of imams. In: Karin Sporre, Jan Malmberg, Values, religions and education in changing societies (pp. 9-22). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. [BibTeX]
- Fridolfsson, C. , Elander, I. , Granberg, M. & Amnå, E. (2009). FBOs and social exclusion in Sweden. In: Danielle Dierckx, Jan Vranken, Wendy Kerstens, Faith-based organisations and social exclusion in European cities: national context reports (pp. 161-196). Leuven: Acco. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2007). Associational life, youth, and political capital formation in Sweden: historical legacies and contemporary trends. In: Lars Trägårdh, State and civil society in Northern Europe: the Swedish model reconsidered (pp. 165-204). New York: Berghahn books. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Amnå, E. (ed.) (2016). För det allmänna bästa: Kungl. Sällskapet Pro Patria 1766-2016. Ett kungligt sällskap mellan stat och marknad under 250 år. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Atlantis. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (ed.) (2010). New forms of citizen participation: normative implications (1ed.). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG (European Civil Society 3). [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Cicognani, E. , Albanesi, C. , Mazzoni, D. & Amnå, E. (2018). Modelling and testing the processes of construction of youth active EU citizenship in school: Recommendations from the CATCHEyoU intervention. Paper presented at Catch-EyoU final Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 6-7 September, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Shehata, A. & Amnå, E. (2016). Adolescents’ Development of Political Interest: A Communication Mediation Approach Using Five Waves of Panel Data. Paper presented at 66th Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2016), Communicating With Power, Fukuoka, Japan, June 9–13, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Fitzgerald, J. , Amnå, E. & Abdelzadeh, A. (2016). Network discord and political engagement: Dynamic patterns among teens. Paper presented at American Political Science Association Annual Conference (APSA 2016), Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 1-4, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Abdelzadeh, A. , Amnå, E. & Fitzgerald, J. (2016). The popularization of unpopular ideas: Discord among friends and intolerance toward immigrants in Sweden. Paper presented at American Political Science Association Annual Conference (APSA 2016), Philadelphia, PA, USA, September 1-4, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Zetterberg, P. (2009). A political science perspective on socialization research: young Nordic citizens in a comparative light. [BibTeX]
Conference proceedings (editor)
- Amnå, E. (ed.) (2019). Nordic Education in a Democratically Troublesome time: Threats and Opportunities. Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
Data set
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Meanings and Practices of Youth Participation and Cases of Successful Participation: Documentary Evidence of Activities National Analysis: Sweden WP8. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Meanings and Practices of Youth Participation and Cases of Successful Participation: Ethnography Cases Analysis: Sweden WP8. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Modelling and testing the processes of construction of youth active EU citizenship: a social innovation intervention: Focus Groups: Sweden WP9. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Modelling and testing the processes of construction of youth active EU citizenship: a social innovation intervention: Proposals for Social Change: Sweden WP9. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Processes in Youth’s Construction of Active EU Citizenship: National Longitudinal (Wave 1 and 2) Questionnaires: Sweden WP7. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Processes in Youth’s Construction of Active EU Citizenship: National Pilot Questionnaire: Sweden WP 7. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Processes in Youth’s Construction of Active EU Citizenship: National Wave 2 Questionnaires: Sweden WP7. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Processes in Youth’s Construction of Active EU Citizenship: Wave 1 Questionnaires: Sweden WP7. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Public authorities engaging with youth: Interviews Sweden WP3: Transkriberingar av intervjuer med politiker. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Public authorities engaging with youth: Policy documents Sweden WP3. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Public authorities engaging with youth: report analyzing themes and discourses Sweden WP3. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU: Representation of the EU and youth active citizenship in educational contexts: Intervjuer med lärare, fokusgrupper med studenter Sverige WP6. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU': representation of the EU and youth active citizenship in educational contexts: Textbook analysis Sweden WP6. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU WP3: D3.1 Policy Analysis: Cross-National Reports. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2018). CATCH-EyoU WP3: D3.2 Perspectives of Policy Makers on EU and on Youth Active Citizenship: a Cross-National Report. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2019). Studieförbundet Ibn Rushd har idémässings svagheter. Stockholm: Dagens Nyheter AB. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Landehag, A. (2017). Vill partierna ta emot samhällsengagerade unga?. Malmö: Sydsvenska dagbladets aktiebolag.(Sydsvenskan) [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. , Ekström, M. & Stattin, H. (2016). Our kids. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. & Helander, A. (2022). Ungas organisering och politiska deltagande: En kunskapsöversikt. Stockholm: Forte. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. , Helander, A. & Settergren, B. (2019). När tilliten prövas: En studie av Studieförbundet Ibn Rushds samhällsbidrag. Stockholm: Folkbildningsrådet. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. , Ekström, M. , Kerr, M. & Stattin, H. (2015). Codebook: The Political Socialization Program (2015-01-26). Örebro: Örebro University: Youth & Society. [BibTeX]
- Amnå, E. (2012). Active, passive and standby citizens. Oslo: European Wergeland Centre. [BibTeX]