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Emma Söderström

Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Medical Sciences

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About Emma Söderström

Emma Söderström is resident physichian at Child- and adolescent psychiatry in Karlstad, Region Värmland. She is doctoral student since march 2022.


The main focus is psychotic symptoms among adolescents/young adult with autism/autistic traits. 

The occurance of potential psychotic symptoms and autistic traits among help-seeking adolescents at Child- and adolescent psychiatry in Värmland.

Psychotic symptoms among adolescents diagnosed with autism compared to adelescents diagnosed with ADHD and the general population. Clinical and kvalitative evaluation of positive outcome at two screening tools for psychotic symptoms among adolescents diagnosed with autism. 

Amount of psychotic symptoms, psychiatric comorbidity and global functioning among young adults diagnosed with autism. A comparison between individuals with and without positive screening for At-Risk Menatl State 10 yeras ago.