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Emil Lundberg

Emil Lundberg Position: Head of IT Services School/office: Department for Digitalisation and IT

Email: ZW1pbC5sdW5kYmVyZztvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 301008

Room: L2150

Emil Lundberg

About Emil Lundberg

Emil Lundberg is the CIO of Örebro University since June 2024.The CIO is responsible for the management and development of the Department for Digitalisation and IT, which includes IT/AV-support, IT infrastructure, systems administration as well as supporting digitalization, architecture and project management.

The CIO is part of the Professional Services management team as well as various collaboration groups nationally and within Örebro county.

Emil Lundberg has an extensive background in academic IT, most recently from University IT and University Library, both within Uppsala University.