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Elisabet Rutström

Elisabet Rutström Position: Affiliated Professor School/office: Örebro University School of Business

Email: ZWxpc2FiZXQucnV0c3Ryb207b3J1LnNl

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Research subject Research environments

About Elisabet Rutström

I am an Experimental Economist studying individual decision making and interactive group behaviors. I am the Program Director of Field Experiments at the Center for Economic Analysis of Risk at the Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. I am also a Guest Professor at the Economics Department at Örebro University and an Affiliated Professor at the Economics Department at the Stockholm School of Economics. Orcid ID 0000-0001-8616-3318


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys

Chapters in books

Conference papers
