Elisa Reinikainen
Elisa Reinikainen Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Health SciencesEmail: ZWxpc2EucmVpbmlrYWluZW47b3J1LnNl
Phone: No number available
Room: -

About Elisa Reinikainen
Elisa Reinikainen is a doctoral student, School of Health sciences. She is certified nurse specialized in geriatric care and dementia care. Her master thesis was one of the first studies to be done using data from the BPSD register (Swedish national register for dementia). In addition to being a doctoral student, she works as section manager for the health care organisation in Huddinge municipality, Stockholm county.
Elisas research focuses on examine municipal chief nurses obstacles and possibilities to fulfill their duties and thereby contribute to increased patient safety in municipal health care. The research topic will be examined from several different perspectives.
The first sub-study examines how municipal chief nurses experience their possibilities to fulfill their duties and thereby contribute to increased patient safety in municipal health care.
The second sub-study wides the perspective and studies how the function of the municipal chief nurse is used in the municipal administration.
The third sub-study will examine on the experience of the local health care managers and doctors collaboration with municipal chief nurses.
The fourth sub-study will examine the authorities experiences of municipal chief nurses decision-making mandates in patient safety work.
The four sub-studies together are expected to provide a theoretical framework in which the actions and interactions of different health care actors affect the decision-making mandates of municipal chief nurses in the field of patient safety.