Dimiter Driankov
Dimiter Driankov Position: Professor Emeritus School/office: School of Science and TechnologyEmail: ZGltaXRlci5kcmlhbmtvdjtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 702 410788
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About Dimiter Driankov
Dimiter Driankov received BSc in Mathematics (1973) and MSc in Computer Science (1975) from the University of Sofia, Faculty of Mathematics, Sofia, Bulgaria. He received PhD in Computer Science from the Linköping University in 1988. In 1999 he became a Docent at the Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University. Since 2001 he is a professor in Computer Science at the School of Science and Technology, Örebro University. and, since 2002 he is the director of the Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems. During 1990 - 1997 he was a visiting researcher at Siemens Corporate R & D, Munich, Germany working on industrial applications of fuzzy logic and control. During 2000-2003 he was a visiting professor with the Wallenberg Lab for Information Technology and Autonomous Systems (WITAS) at Linköping university working on the flight control system for a unmanned helicopter. He is one of the co-founders of Robotdalen (VINNOVA/VINNVÄXT innovation initiative) which is the largest Swedish effort in the field of robotics and, since its beginning in 2003, he is responsible for the Robotdalen's work in field robotics.
Research projects
Completed projects
Articles in journals
- Andreasson, H. , Bouguerra, A. , Cirillo, M. , Dimitrov, D. N. , Driankov, D. , Karlsson, L. , Lilienthal, A. J. , Pecora, F. & et al. (2015). Autonomous transport vehicles: where we are and what is missing. IEEE robotics & automation magazine, 22 (1), 64-75. [BibTeX]
- Kadmiry, B. & Driankov, D. (2004). A Fuzzy Flight Controller Combining Linguistic and Model-based Fuzzy Control. Fuzzy sets and systems (Print), 146 (3), 313-347. [BibTeX]
- Kadmiry, B. & Driankov, D. (2004). A fuzzy gain-scheduler for the attitude control of an unmanned helicopter. IEEE transactions on fuzzy systems, 12 (4), 502-515. [BibTeX]
- Bergsten, P. , Palm, R. & Driankov, D. (2002). Observers for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems. IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part B. Cybernetics, 32 (1), 114-121. [BibTeX]
- Palm, R. & Driankov, D. (2001). Design of a fuzzy gain scheduler using sliding mode control principles. Fuzzy sets and systems (Print), 121 (1), 13-23. [BibTeX]
- Grantner, J. L. , Fodor, G. A. , Driankov, D. & Patyra, M. J. (2000). Applications of the Fuzzy State Fuzzy Output Finite State Machine to the Problem of Recovery from Violation of Ontological Assumptions. International Journal of Smart Engineering System Design, 2 (3), 177-199. [BibTeX]
- Palm, R. & Driankov, D. (1999). Improving the global performance of a fuzzy gain-scheduler by supervision. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 12 (3), 297-307. [BibTeX]
- Wide, P. , Winquist, F. & Driankov, D. (1997). An air-quality sensor system with fuzzy classification. Measurement Science and Technology, 8 (2), 138-148. [BibTeX]
- Doherty, P. , Driankov, D. & Hellendoorn, H. (1993). Fuzzy if-then-unless rules and their implementation. International Journal of Uncertainty Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 1 (2), 167-182. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. (1991). Towards a many‐valued logic of quantified belief: The information lattice. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 6 (2), 135-166. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. (1989). Inference with consistent probabilities in expert systems. International journal of intelligent systems, 4 (1), 1-21. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. (1987). An outline of a fuzzy sets approach to decision making with interdependent goals. Fuzzy sets and systems (Print), 21 (3), 275-288. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. (1986). Uncertainty calculus with verbally defined belief‐intervals. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 1 (4), 219-246. [BibTeX]
- Palm, R. , Driankov, D. & Hellendoorn, H. (1997). Model Based Fuzzy Control Fuzzy Gain Schedulers and Sliding Mode Fuzzy Controllers: Fuzzy Gain Schedulers and Sliding Mode Fuzzy Controllers.. Springer. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. , Hellendoom, H. & Reinfrank, M. (1996). An Introduction to Fuzzy Control (2nd reviseded.).. Springer. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. , Hellendoorn, H. & Reinfrank, M. (1993). An Introduction to fuzzy control (1sted.).. Springer. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Doherty, P. & Driankov, D. (1993). Nonmonotonicity, fuzziness, and multi-values.. In: R. Lowen and M. Roubens, Fuzzy Logic: State of the Art. Series D: System Theory, Knowledge Engineering and Problem Solving.. Dordrecht ; Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. & Doherty, P. (1992). A non-monotonic fuzzy logic. In: Lotfi A. Zadeh, Janusz Kacprzyk, Fuzzy Logic for the Management of Uncertainty (pp. 171-190). New York: John Wiley & Sons. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Driankov, D. (ed.) & Saffiotti, A. (ed.) (2001). Fuzzy Logic Techniques for Autonomous Vehicle Navigation.. Physica Verlag (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 61). [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. (ed.) & Palm, R. (ed.) (1998). Advances in Fuzzy Control.. Physica Verlag (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 16). [BibTeX]
- Hellendoorn, H. (ed.) & Driankov, D. (ed.) (1997). Fuzzy model identification: Selected approaches.. Springer. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Siddiqui, J. R. , Andreasson, H. , Driankov, D. & Lilienthal, A. J. (2016). Towards visual mapping in industrial environments: a heterogeneous task-specific and saliency driven approach. In: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA, Stockholm, Sweden, May 16-21, 2016. (pp. 5766-5773). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). [BibTeX]
- Palm, R. & Driankov, D. (2015). Velocity potentials and fuzzy modeling of fluid streamlines for obstacle avoidance of mobile robots. In: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, (FUZZ-IEEE). Paper presented at 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, (FUZZ-IEEE) Istanbul, Turkey, August 2-5, 2015. (pp. 1-8). IEEE Press. [BibTeX]
- Palm, R. , Kadmiry, B. , Iliev, B. & Driankov, D. (2009). Recognition and teaching of robot skills by fuzzy time-modeling. In: J. P. Carvalho, D. U. Kaymak, J. M. C. Sousa, Proceedings of the Joint 2009 international fuzzy systems association world congress and 2009 European society of fuzzy logic and technology conference. Paper presented at Joint International-Fuzzy-Systems-Association World Congress/European-Society-Fuzzy-Logic-and-Technology Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, Jul 20-24. (pp. 7-12). Linz, Austria: Johannes Kepler university. [BibTeX]
- Saffiotti, A. , Driankov, D. & Duckett, T. (2004). A system for vision based human-robot interaction. Paper presented at IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics, SSRR, Bonn, Germany, May 2004. [BibTeX]
- Kadmiry, B. & Driankov, D. (2004). Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy gain scheduling with sampling-time uncertainties. In: Proceedings 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Paper presented at 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Budapest, Hungary, July 25-29, 2004. (pp. 1087-1091). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Kadmiry, B. , Bergsten, P. & Driankov, D. (2001). Autonomous Helicopter Control Using Fuzzy-Gain Scheduling. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotic & Automation (ICRA). IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Kadmiry, B. , Palm, R. & Driankov, D. (2001). Autonomous Helicopter Control Using Gradient Descent Optimization Method. In: Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Robotic & Automation (ACRA). [BibTeX]
- Kadmiry, B. & Driankov, D. (2001). Autonomous Helicopter Control using Linguistic and Model-Based Fuzzy Control. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (CCA/ISIC). [BibTeX]
- Coradeschi, S. , Driankov, D. , Karlsson, L. & Saffiotti, A. (2001). Fuzzy anchoring. In: The 10th IEEE international conference on fuzzy systems. Paper presented at The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Melbourne, Australia, 2001. (pp. 111-114). [BibTeX]
- Kadmiry, B. & Driankov, D. (2001). Fuzzy control of an autonomous helicopter. In: Smith, M.H., Gruver, W.A. & Hall, L.O., Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference. Paper presented at 9th International-Fuzzy-Systems-Association World Congress/20th North-American-Fuzzy-Information-Processing-Society, International Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 25-28. (pp. 2797-2802). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Bergsten, P. , Palm, R. & Driankov, D. (2001). Fuzzy Observers. In: The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (Volym:3) Meeting the grand challenge: Machines that serve people. Paper presented at The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Melbourne, Australia, December 2-5, 2001. (pp. 700-703). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Fodor, G. A. , Grantner, J. L. & Driankov, D. (1999). The implications of the object/unified modeling language approach to the problem of fault detection and isolation in dynamical systems. In: Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design August 22-27, 1999, Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel Kohala Coast-Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA. Paper presented at 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, Aug 22-27 1999. (pp. 176-181). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Grantner, J. L. , Fodor, G. A. & Driankov, D. (1999). The virtual fuzzy state machine approach: a domain-independent fault detection and recovery method for object-based control systems. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS). Paper presented at 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS). (pp. 158-162). IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. & Palm, R. (1999). Towards a systematic analysis of fuzzy observers. In: Dave, R. N., Sudkamp, T., Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 1999. NAFIPS.. Paper presented at 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 1999. NAFIPS. (pp. 179-183). IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Palm, R. & Driankov, D. (1998). Fuzzy switched hybrid systems: modeling and identification. In: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE Intelligent Control (ISIC)/CIRA/ISAS Joint Conference, Gaithersburg, MD, September 14-17, 1998. Paper presented at Intelligent Control 1998 (Held jointly with IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA), Intelligent Systems and Semiotics (ISAS)). (pp. 130-135). IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Grantner, J. , Fodor, G. & Driankov, D. (1998). Hybrid fuzzy-Boolean automata for ontological controllers. In: The 1998 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Proceedings IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (Volume:1). Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems at the World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 98, Anchorage, USA, May 4-9, 1998. (pp. 400-404). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Fodor, G. , Grantner, J. L. & Driankov, D. (1997). Modeling the real-time recovery of complex control systems: A fuzzy approach. In: 1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Computational Cybernetics and Simulation (Volume:3). Paper presented at 1997 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Computational Cybernetics and Simulation, Orlando, USA, October 12-15, 1997. (pp. 2163-2168). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Grantner, J. L. , Fodor, G. & Driankov, D. (1997). Using fuzzy logic for bounded recovery of autonomous agents. In: 1997 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS. Paper presented at 1997 Annual Meeting of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 97), New York, USA, Sep 21-24, 1997. (pp. 317-322). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Wide, P. & Driankov, D. (1996). A fuzzy approach to multi-sensor data fusion for quality profile classification. In: M'96 IEEE/SICE/RSJ International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems. Paper presented at 1996 IEEE/SICE/RSJ International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems, December Washington, USA, 8-11 December, 1996. (pp. 215-221). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. , Palm, R. & Rehfuess, U. (1996). A Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy gain-scheduler. In: Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Fuzz-IEEE '96. Paper presented at Fifth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, New Orleans, USA, September 8-11, 1996. (pp. 1053-1059). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. & Hellendoorn, H. (1995). Chaining of fuzzy IF-THEN rules in Mamdani-controllers. In: IEEE, Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International conference on fuzzy systems, Vols I-IV.. Paper presented at International Joint Conference of the Fourth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and The Second International Fuzzy Engineering Symposium (FUZZY-IEEE/IFES 95). (pp. 103-108). IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. , Hellendoorn,, H. & Palm, R. (1994). Fuzzy control with fuzzy inputs: the need for new rule semantics. In: Proceedings of the Third IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1994. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, VOLS I-III. Paper presented at Third IEEE Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 1994. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, ORLANDO, FL, USA. (pp. 111-114). IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Doherty, P. , Driankov, D. & Hellendoorn, H. (1992). Fuzzy if-then-unless rules and their implementation.. In: International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU92,1992. Springer. [BibTeX]
- Driankov, D. & Hellendoorn, H. (1992). Fuzzy logic with unless-rules. In: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. Paper presented at IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, San Diego, USA, March 8-12, 1992. (pp. 255-262). New York, USA: IEEE conference proceedings. [BibTeX]
- Doherty, P. , Driankov, D. & Tsoukias, A. (1992). Partial logics and partial preferences.. In: International Conference on Economics/Management and Information Technology,1992. [BibTeX]
- Doherty, P. & Driankov, D. (1991). A non-monotonic fuzzy logic.. In: International Fuzzy Systems Association, Fourth World Congress,1991. [BibTeX]
- Doherty, P. , Driankov, D. & Hellendoorn, H. (1992). Fuzzy if-then-unless rules and their implementation.. Linköping, Sweden: Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University (LITH-IDA-R 21). [BibTeX]
- Doherty, P. , Driankov, D. & Tsoukias, A. (1992). Partiality, para-consistency and preference modeling: Preliminary version.. Linköping, Sweden: Department of Computer and Information Systems, Linköping University (LITH-IDA-R 18). [BibTeX]