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Dag Balkmar

Dag Balkmar Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Email: ZGFnLmJhbGttYXI7b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 301281

Room: F3256

Dag Balkmar

About Dag Balkmar

Dag Balkmar is Associate Professor (Docent) and Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies.

His research is foremost qualitative, with emphasis on qualitative interviews, ethnographic fieldwork, and interactive research methods. His research encompasses areas such as: 1) power aspects of transport and mobilities, 2) studies of men, masculinities, technology and motor cultures, 3) interactive gender equality work in organisations.

Recent projects focus on cycling in socially disadvantaged neigbourhoods in Sweden, and the EU-project ACCTING, where his research focuses on grassroot initiatives and organisations that supports cycling among marginalised communities in the EU. He has produced over 50 articles, books, book chapters, and reports, in e.g.: Applied Mobilities; Feministische Studien; Transfers; Mobilities; NORMA; NORA, MasCS/Masculinidades y Cambio Social; Men and Masculinities; Routledge International Handbook on Masculinity Studies; The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect.


Balkmar teaches on both undergraduate- and graduate levels. He is the program director of the bachelor program in Gender Studies, Administration and Social Sustainability, 180 Credits

Ongoing projects


Previous projects

  • 4D: Doing Driving, Doing Design. Gender, Age and Transport Practices. Research leader: prof. Jeff Hearn. Financed by Vinnova, Linköping University and Luleå University of Technology (2007-2013).
  • Hegemonic masculinities and men in Sweden and South Africa: Theorising power and change. Research leader: prof. Jeff Hearn. Financed by the Swedish Research Council within the Swedish Research Links Programme (2009-2012).


Articles in journals |  Books |  Chapters in books |  Collections (editor) |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, monographs |  Other |  Reports | 

Articles in journals


Chapters in books

Collections (editor)

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, monographs

