Dag Balkmar
Dag Balkmar Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: ZGFnLmJhbGttYXI7b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 301281
Room: F3256

About Dag Balkmar
Dag Balkmar is Associate Professor (Docent) and Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies.
His research is foremost qualitative, with emphasis on qualitative interviews, ethnographic fieldwork, and interactive research methods. His research encompasses areas such as: 1) power aspects of transport and mobilities, 2) studies of men, masculinities, technology and motor cultures, 3) interactive gender equality work in organisations.
Recent projects focus on cycling in socially disadvantaged neigbourhoods in Sweden, and the EU-project ACCTING, where his research focuses on grassroot initiatives and organisations that supports cycling among marginalised communities in the EU. He has produced over 50 articles, books, book chapters, and reports, in e.g.: Applied Mobilities; Feministische Studien; Transfers; Mobilities; NORMA; NORA, MasCS/Masculinidades y Cambio Social; Men and Masculinities; Routledge International Handbook on Masculinity Studies; The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect.
Balkmar teaches on both undergraduate- and graduate levels. He is the program director of the bachelor program in Gender Studies, Administration and Social Sustainability, 180 Credits
Ongoing projects
- ACCTING: AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal. EU H2020 project funded by the EU Commission. Period: 2021-2025 (more here)
Previous projects
- Overcoming the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Gender Divide: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (2019-2021). Balkmar (PI Sweden), with Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Genus studies, Örebro University; (Ulf Mellström, Gender studies, Karlstad University); lead by Prof Maura McAdam (PI), Dublin City University, Ireland. Financed by European Commission H2020 Gender Net plus, The Swedish Research Council.
- Families' everyday mobility in socially vulnerable neighbourhoods: conditions, negotiations and challenges for sustainable urbanism (2020-2022). With Tanja Joelsson (PI), Stockholm University; Malin Henriksson, Swedish National Road and Transport reserach Institute (VTI). Financed by Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas).
- Circular economy by upgraded aggregates and demolition material (2019-2021). Colaboration with Swerock AB. With Anne-Charlott Callerstig, ORU, Maira Babri, Per Carlborg, and Frans Prenkert, ORU. Financed by Vinnova.
- Genomförbarhetsstudie av elvägspilot E22, coordinated by NetPort Science Park in colaboration with BTH, RISE, Ernst & Young and ORU. Financed by The European Regional Development Fund/Tillväxtverket.
- Gear up! Implementing a model for diversity and inclusion (2019-2021). Interactive reserch project with the Volvo Group. With Anne-Charlott Callerstig, ORU; Susanne Andersson, SU (PI). Financed by Vinnova.
- Regimes of Violence: Theorising and Explaining Variations in the Production of Violence in Welfare State Regimes (2018-2020). With Sofia Strid (PI), Örebro universitet; Anne Humbert, Oxford Brooks University; Jeff Hearn, Genusstudier, Örebro universitet. Finansierat av Vetenskapsrådet.
- Gender Academy (2019-2020). Collaboration with companies in Värmland, Sweden. With, among others, Anne-Charlott Callerstig, Gender studies, Örebro University; Ulf Mellström, Karlstad University (PI). Financed by The Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket).
- Trucks for all: Developing norm-critical innovation at Volvo funded by Vinnova. The results of the project on how norms can hinder innovation ability have made evident the importance of establishing a norm-critical perspective to meet future challenges with relation to work environments, planned users and innovation processes.
- Feminist Theorizings of Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies funded by the Swedish Research Council.
- Developing disruptive norm critical innovation at Volvo - a pilot study. On future designs of long haul trucks and its potential users. With Prof. Nina Lykke, Linköping University, Sweden, as director. Financed by VINNOVA. Final report. (2014-2015)
- Women and the Media Industries in Europe. Research leader: Karen Ross, University of Liverpool. Financed by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (2012-2013).
- Study on the Role of Men in Gender Equality, national expert. Research leader: Nadja Bergmann L & R Social Research, Vienna, Austria. Financed by the European Commission (2011).
- 4D: Doing Driving, Doing Design. Gender, Age and Transport Practices. Research leader: prof. Jeff Hearn. Financed by Vinnova, Linköping University and Luleå University of Technology (2007-2013).
- Hegemonic masculinities and men in Sweden and South Africa: Theorising power and change. Research leader: prof. Jeff Hearn. Financed by the Swedish Research Council within the Swedish Research Links Programme (2009-2012).
Research projects
Active projects
- ACCTING: Advancing behavioural change through an inclusive green deal (2021-2025)
- Positive affect in ecofascist ideology and propaganda
- RESISTIRÉ: Responding to outbreaks through co-creative inclusive equality strategies (2021-2024)
- Skateboarding in middle age: gender, aging, and identity in youth cultures
Completed projects
- Enhancing the Quality of Policy Through Intersectional Analysis? Intersectionality, Multiple Inequalities and the Case of Gender-based Violence (2012-2017)
- Feminist Theories on Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies
- Trucks for all: Developing norm-critical innovation at Volvo
- VRVR: Regimes of Violence: Theorising and Explaining Variations in the Production of Violence in Welfare State Regimes (2018-2021)
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Balkmar, D. , Henriksson, M. & Joelsson, T. (2025). Cycling Motilities: Conditions, Weights and Reliefs for Cycling in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods in Sweden. Active Travel Studies, 5 (1), 1-16. [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. , Balkmar, D. & Henriksson, M. (2025). Introducing care-full everyday bus mobilities: challenges and ways forward for livable and just public mobilities. Applied Mobilities, 1-16. [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. , Balkmar, D. & Henriksson, M. (2025). Mobile caringscapes: Walking as an infrastructure of care in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Sweden. Mobilities, 20 (1), 1-17. [BibTeX]
- Callerstig, A. , Lindvert, M. , Ljunggren, E. C. , Breivik-Meyer, M. , Alsos, G. A. & Balkmar, D. (2024). Contextualising gender policy in tech entrepreneurship: a cross national and multiple-level analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 30 (7), 1678-1697. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2024). Långsamt våld: Om trafiken och klimatförändringarna. Texter om våld (1), 80-86. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Lindvert, M. & Ljunggren, E. C. (2024). Masculinity in Scandinavian tech entrepreneurship: male technology entrepreneurs negotiating gender (in)equality. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 16 (3), 297-314. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Strid, S. , Humbert, A. L. , Balkmar, D. & Delaunay, M. (2022). From gender regimes to violence regimes: Re-thinking the position of violence. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 29 (2), 682-705. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, S. , Balkmar, D. & Callerstig, A. (2022). From glass ceiling to firewalls: Detecting and changing gendered organizational norms. NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 30 (2), 140-153. [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. , Balkmar, D. & Henriksson, M. (2022). ‘Less-than’ and ‘barely’ citizens: Young people’s public mobilities as precarious experiments of democracy. Urban Matters (4). [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Strid, S. , Humbert, A. L. & Balkmar, D. (2022). Violence Regimes: A Useful Concept for Social Politics, Social Analysis, and Social Theory. Theory and society, 51 (4), 565-594. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. , Humbert, A. L. , Hearn, J. & Balkmar, D. (2021). States of violence: Exploring welfare state regimes as violence regimes by developing a violence regimes index. Journal of European Social Policy, 31 (3), 321-336. [BibTeX]
- Humbert, A. L. , Strid, S. , Hearn, J. & Balkmar, D. (2021). Undoing the ‘Nordic Paradox': Factors affecting rates of disclosed violence against women across the EU. PLOS ONE, 16 (5). [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2020). Cycling politics: imagining sustainable cycling futures in Sweden. Applied Mobilities, 5 (3), 324-340. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Mellström, U. (2019). Cyborgs and entanglements of technology, masculinity, and (automated) vehicles. Feministische Studien, 37 (2), 320-334. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Mellström, U. (2018). Masculinity and Autonomous Vehicles: A Degendered or Resegregated Future System of Automobility?. Transfers, 8 (1), 44-63. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2018). Violent mobilities: men, masculinities and road conflicts in Sweden. Mobilities, 13 (5), 717-732. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Summerton, J. (2017). Contested mobilities: politics, strategies and visions in Swedish bicycle activism. Applied mobilities, 2 (2), 151-165. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2017). Manliga maktdemonstrationer i trafiken. Ikaros (3), 12-13. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2015). Riskfyllda relationer mellan män, maskulinitet och bilar. Reflexen. En tidskrift om trafik, utveckling, människor och kunskap från Trafiktekniska Föreningen (3), 5-7. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2014). De osynliga slår tillbaka: Om cyklisters plats i en bilnormativ omgivning. Gränsløs : tidskrift för studier av Öresundsregionens historia, kultur och samhällsliv (4), 83-94. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2014). Negotiating the ‘plastic rocket’: masculinity, car styling and performance in the Swedish modified car community. Norma, 9 (3), 166-177. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2014). Våld i trafiken: om cyklisters utsatthet för kränkningar, hot och våld i massbilismens tidevarv. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap, 35 (2-3), 31-54. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Novikova, I. , Pringle, K. , Šmídová, I. , Jyrkinen, M. , Iovanni, L. , Arranz, F. , Kolga, V. & et al. (2013). Studying men’s violences: some key methodological principles in developing a European research framework. Masculinities and Social Change, 2 (1), 82-115. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Nordberg, M. , Andersson, K. , Balkmar, D. , Gottzén, L. , Klinth, R. , Pringle, K. & Sandberg, L. (2012). Hegemonic masculinity and beyond: 40 years of research in Sweden. Men and Masculinities, 15 (1), 31-55. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Joelsson, T. (2010). Den bioniske mannen på autoerotiska äventyr: mäns risktagande i trafikrummet. Norma, 5 (1), 27-44. [BibTeX]
- Pringle, K. , Balkmar, D. & Iovanni, L. (2010). Trouble in Paradise: Exploring Patterns of Research and Policy Response to Men's Violence in Denmark and Sweden. NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 18 (2), 105-121. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Iovanni, L. & Pringle, K. (2009). A Reconsideration of Two "Welfare Paradises": Research and Policy Responses to Men's Violence in Denmark and Sweden. Men and Masculinities, 12 (2), 155-174. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2009). Se upp - allt fler kvinnor kör som män!: Nollvisionen som diskurs och problemet män i trafiken. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap (2-3), 97-118. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2007). Implicit men in traffic safety discourse: A life course perspective on (auto)mobility, violations and interventions. Norma, 2 (2), 127-143. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Novikova, I. , Pringle, K. , Šmídová, I. , Bjerén, G. , Jyrkinen, M. , Iovanni, L. , Arranz, F. & et al. (2013). Studying Men’s Violences in Europe: Towards a Research Framework (1ed.). Örebro: Centre for Feminist Social Studies (CFS), Örebro University (CFS Report Series 25). [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Callerstig, A. , Balkmar, D. & Andersson, S. (2025). Developing norm-reflexivity in technical innovation. In: Marit Breivik-Meyer; Marta Lindvert; Anne-Charlott Callerstig; Dag Balkmar; Gry Agnete Alsos, Gendering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Levelling the Field (pp. 185-198). New York/Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Alsos, G. A. , Balkmar, D. , Breivik-Meyer, M. , Callerstig, A. & Lindvert, M. (2025). Levelling the field: Towards more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystems. In: Marit Breivik-Meyer; Marta Lindvert; Anne-Charlott Callerstig; Dag Balkmar; Gry Agnete Alsos, Gendering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Levelling the Field (pp. 1-16). New York/Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2024). Avgaser. In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, Lund, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Joelsson, T. (2024). Bilkultur(er). In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. & Balkmar, D. (2024). Bilnorm. In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2024). Cykelkultur. In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Joelsson, T. (2024). Kropp. In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2024). Mamils. In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2024). Omsorgsresor. In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2024). Vägvrede. In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2024). Våld. In: Mukhtar-Landgren, Dalia; Berglund-Snodgrass, Lina; Ringvall-Sundqvist, Sara, ORDBOK: för framtidens resande i städer. Lund: Lunds universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Mellström, U. (2023). Gender and Transport: Affective structures and practices. In: Todd W. Reeser, The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect (pp. 111-120). London and New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Henriksson, M. , Balkmar, D. & Joelsson, T. (2023). ”Planering handlar om liv och död”: tre forskarröster om mobilitet och rättvisa. In: Tanja Joelsson; Malin Henriksson; Dag Balkmar, Rättvist resande? Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen (pp. 207-223). Boxholm: Linnefors. [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. , Henriksson, M. & Balkmar, D. (2023). Tidsnormer, otrygghet och ekonomisk ojämlikhet: transportfattigdom i en svensk kontext. In: Tanja Joelsson; Malin Henriksson; Dag Balkmar, Rättvist resande? Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen (pp. 189-206). Boxholm: Linnefors. [BibTeX]
- Mellström, U. , Balkmar, D. & Callerstig, A. (2023). Tracing the superheroes of our time: Contemporary and emergent masculinities in tech entrepreneurship. In: Jeff Hearn; Kadri Aavik; David L. Collinson; Anika Thym, Routledge Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations: Theories, Practices and Futures of Organizing (pp. 417-429). . Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. , Henriksson, M. & Balkmar, D. (2023). Välfärdssamhället och vardagsresorna: jämlikhet och rättvisa i transportsammanhang. In: Tanja Joelsson; Malin Henriksson; Dag Balkmar, Rättvist resande? Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen (pp. 11-32). Boxholm: Linnefors förlag. [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. , Henriksson, M. & Balkmar, D. (2021). Det omätbaras revolution: Mot rörliga idévärldar och komplexa visioner för en rättvis(are) transportplanering. In: Linnea Eriksson; Karolina Isaksson; Jacob Witzell, På väg mot hållbar omställning? Kunskap, makt och mening i nationell transportplanering (pp. 123-130). Boxholm: Linnefors förlag. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2021). Otrygg mobilitet: cyklisters förhandling av utsatthet och konflikter i trafiken. In: Malin Rönnblom, Ida Linander och Linda Sandberg, (O)tryggt? Texter om makt, plats och motstånd (pp. 259-277). Stockholm: Premiss förlag. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. , Hearn, J. , Balkmar, D. & Morley, L. (2020). Introduction: Does knowledge have a gender?. In: Sofia Strid, Dag Balkmar, Jeff Hearn, Lousie Morley, Does Knowledge Have a Gender? A Festschrift for Liisa Husu on Gender, Science and Academia (pp. 12-18). Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Mellström, U. (2020). Towards an anthropology of transport affect: The place of emotions, gender and power in smart mobilities. In: Tanu Priya Uteng, Hilda Rømer Christensen, Lena Levin, Gendering Smart Mobilities (pp. 57-74). Abingdon/New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Hearn, J. (2019). Men, Automobility, Movements, and the Environment: Imagining (un)sustainable, automated transport futures. In: Jeff Hearn, Ernesto Vasquez del Aguila, and Marina Hughson, Unsustainable Institutions of Men: Transnational Dispersed Centres, Gender Power, Contradictions (pp. 227-254). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2019). Men on the move: masculinities, (auto)mobility and car cultures. In: Lucas Gottzén, Ulf Mellström and Tamara Shefer, Routledge International Handbook on Masculinity Studies. Abingdon Oxon/New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2019). Towards an Intersectional Approach to Men, Masculinities and (Un)sustainable Mobility: The Case of Cycling and Modal Conflicts. In: Christina Lindkvist Scholten and Tanja Joelsson, Integrating Gender into Transport Planning : From One to Many Tracks (pp. 199-220). Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Pringle, K. & Balkmar, D. (2018). Men, masculinities and social policy. In: Sheila Shaver, Handbook on Gender and Social Policy (pp. 55-73). Oxford: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2017). Too many women?: Women and gender (in)equality in Swedish media. In: Karen Ross and Claudia Padovani, Gender Equality and the Media: A Challenge for Europe (pp. 208-219). Abingdon Oxon/New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Joelsson, T. (2014). The dangerous other?: Towards a contextual approach of men’s risk-taking with motor vehicles. In: Ingrid Lander, Signe Ravn and Nina Jon, Masculinities in the criminological field: control, vulnerability and risk-taking (pp. 187-202). Farnham: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Joelsson, T. (2012). Feeling the speed: the social and emotional investments in dangerous road practices. In: Maria Jansdotter Samuelsson, Clary Krekula, Magnus Åberg, Gender and change: power, politics and everyday practices (pp. 37-52). Karlstad: Karlstad University Press. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2011). Genusrelaterade perspektiv på polisbilskörning. In: Jörgen Lundälv, Utryckningsföraren (pp. 54-65). Gävle: Meyer. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2010). Kör så det ryker!: hälsorisker i samspelet mellan män, maskulinitet och bil. In: Barbro Wijma, Goldina Smirthwaite, Katarina Swahnberg, Genus och kön inom medicin- och vårdutbildningar (pp. 401-413). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Joelsson, T. (2009). Burning rubber, marking territory: technology, auto-erotic desires and violating mobility. In: Åsberg, Cecilia; Harrison, Katherine; Pernud, Björn; Gustavsson, Malena, Gender delight: science, knowledge, culture and writing … (pp. 117-126). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2009). Online/Offline with Virtual Garages. In: Alp Biricik and Jeff Hearn, GEXcel work in progress report. Vol. 6, Proceedings from GEXcel theme 2: Deconstructing the hegemony of men and masculinities : conference 27-29 April 2009 (pp. 91-96). Linköping: Linköping University. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2009). Spinning around the ”lycra-lout”. In: Centrum med många riktningar: en vänbok till Gunilla Bjerén (pp. 11-24). Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2008). Drive-by shaming: reflections on the emotions on (dangerous) car driving. In: Annika Olsson, Thinking with Beverly Skeggs (pp. 9-19). Stockholm: Centre for Gender studies, Stockholm University. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Breivik-Meyer, M. (ed.) , Lindvert, M. (ed.) , Callerstig, A. (ed.) , Balkmar, D. (ed.) & Alsos, G. A. (ed.) (2025). Gendering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Levelling the Field. New York/Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (ed.) (2024). Vi talar om våld: Hur kan vi förstå vad våld är?. Örebro: Centrum för våldsstudier, Örebro universitet (Texter om våld 2024:1). [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. (ed.) , Henriksson, M. (ed.) & Balkmar, D. (ed.) (2023). Rättvist resande? Villkor, utmaningar och visioner för samhällsplaneringen. Boxholm: Linnefors förlag. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. (ed.) , Balkmar, D. (ed.) , Hearn, J. (ed.) & Morley, L. (ed.) (2020). Does Knowledge Have a Gender? A Festschrift for Liisa Husu on Gender, Science and Academia. Örebro: Örebro University (CFS report series 26). [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Balkmar, D. , Strid, S. , Hearn, J. & Humbert, A. L. (2021). Disperse violence: gender-based violence and environmental violence. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Interpersonal Violence Interventions – Social and Cultural Perspectives (IPVI 2021 Online), Jyväskylä, Finland, June 10-11, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. , Hearn, J. , Humbert, A. L. & Balkmar, D. (2021). Violence regimes: A framework for analysing multiple forms of violence and their relation. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Interpersonal Violence Interventions – Social and Cultural Perspectives (IPVI 2021 Online), Jyväskylä, Finland, June 10-11, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. , Hearn, J. , Balkmar, D. & Humbert, A. L. (2021). Violence regimes: Analysing the multiplicity of gendered violence(s). Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on Interpersonal Violence Interventions – Social and Cultural Perspectives (IPVI 2021 Online), Jyväskylä, Finland, June 10-11, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Andersson, S. & Callerstig, A. (2021). Women truck drivers and (future) mobile work: Towards gender equal transport futures?. In: Maria Chiara Leva; Augustus Ababio-Donkor; Ajeni Thimnu; Wafaa Saleh, Gender and Equality in Transport Proceedings of the 2021 Travel Demand Management Symposium. Paper presented at 10th International TDM and the EU projects DIAMOND and TInnGO’s final conference, (Virtual conference), November 17-19, 2021. (pp. 161-165). Dublin: TU Dublin. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Strid, S. , Hearn, J. & Humbert, A. L. (2020). Disperse violence: gender-based violence and environmental violence. Paper presented at Interpersonal Violence Interventions - Social and Cultural Perspectives - 3rd International Conference, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, June 10-12, 2020 (Conference cancelled). [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2020). Masculinity and Autonomous Vehicles: From automotive emotions to transport robots. Paper presented at Against Robot Dystopias: Thinking through the ethical, legal and societal issues of robotics and automation (AGAINST-20),ICRA, (Paris)/Online, June 4, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. , Humbert, A. L. , Hearn, J. & Balkmar, D. (2019). Conceptualising violence: From welfare regimes to violence regimes. Paper presented at European Conference on Politics and Gender, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 4-6, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. , Hearn, J. , Humbert, A. L. & Balkmar, D. (2019). Introduction to Regimes of Violence: Theorising and Explaining Variations in the Production of Violence in Welfare State Regimes. Paper presented at Violence Regimes: Conceptualisations, Contestations, Challenges, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, October 17, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Humbert, A. L. , Strid, S. , Balkmar, D. & Delaunay, M. (2019). Lost in translation: The connections and disjunctions between welfare regimes, gender regimes and violence regimes. Paper presented at Gender Regimes Workshop, City University, Helsinki, Finland, 7 June 2019. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Strid, S. & Humbert, A. L. (2019). On violence policy and “women friendly” welfare regimes. Paper presented at Violence regimes: Conceptualisations, contestations, challenges. Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, October 17, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Strid, S. , Hearn, J. & Humbert, A. L. (2019). On violence policy and “women friendly” welfare regimes: From gender regimes to (gender) violence regimes?. Paper presented at g19: Rethinking Knowledge Regimes. Solidarities and Contestations, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 7-9, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Strid, S. , Humbert, A. L. , Balkmar, D. & Delaunay, M. (2019). Rethinking the place of violence: The interrelations between welfare regimes, gender regimes and violence regimes. Paper presented at Violence regimes: Conceptualisations, contestations, challenges. Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, October 17, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Humbert, A. L. , Strid, S. , Hearn, J. & Balkmar, D. (2019). Undoing the Nordic paradox. Paper presented at Violence Regimes: Conceptualisations, Contestations, Challenges, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, October 17, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2018). A Violent Regime: Men, Masculinities and Road Conflicts in Sweden. Paper presented at Non-motorized mobility - Walking and Biking. Workshop no.2: Gendering Smart Mobility, organized by: Coordination for Gender Research, Institute of Sociology, University of Copenhagen; Swedish National Road and Transport, Research Institute; Norwegian Centre for Transport Research, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 21, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Humbert, A. L. , Strid, S. , Hearn, J. & Balkmar, D. (2018). Contextual and methodological factors affecting the prevalence of violence against women across the EU. Paper presented at 4th Approaches to Inequalities Conference: Shades of Grey, University of Northampton, UK, September 19, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, S. , Balkmar, D. & Callerstig, A. (2018). Moving with(in) normative firewalls: a dynamic approach to study gendered careers and innovation processes in the truck industry. Paper presented at Gender, Work and Organization, 10th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference, Sydney, Australia, June 13-16, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Summerton, J. (2017). Cykelpolitik: rörelser, strategier och visioner i svensk cykelpolitik. Paper presented at Transportforum, Linköping, Sweden, January 10-11, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Mellström, U. (2017). Men, Movements and Automation: Imagining (un)sustainable transport futures. Paper presented at Men and Masculinities: Politics, Policy and Praxis, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, June 14-16, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Mellström, U. (2017). Re-gendering the relation between men, masculinity and cars? On autonomous vehicles and emancipatory challenges. Paper presented at Gendering Smart Mobilities in the Nordic Region, Oslo Science Park, Oslo, Norway, August 24-25, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Callerstig, A. (2017). Varför kliver kvinnliga lastbilsförare ur lastbilen på passagerarsidan när det är dags för rast? Om kön och normer i transportsektorn. Paper presented at Hur kan forskningsresultat från fordonsindustrin bidra till Agenda 2030? Organiserat av Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation (FFI), Stockholmsmässan, Stockholm, Sweden, November 23, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2017). Violent Mobilities: Men, Masculinities and Intermodal Conflicts in Sweden. Paper presented at Symposium on Crisis: Gender Asymmetries, Climate Changes, and Precariousness, organized by the Advanced Study Group of CRISIS Pufendorf Institute, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, October 26, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Summerton, J. (2016). Bicycling and politics: movements, strategies and visions in bicycle activism in Sweden. Paper presented at Cycling and Society Annual Symposium, Lancaster, UK, September 29-30, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Usiskin, S. (2016). Bikes 4 refugees: intersections between gender, ethnicity, age, mobility and integration. Paper presented at Violence, Honour and Revolution: Towards Alternative Gender Equality Futures, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, April 26-27, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Henriksson, M. (2016). Mobilitet på lika villkor? Om jämlikhet och makt i transportpolitiken. Paper presented at Transportforum, Linköping, Sweden, January 12-13, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2016). Våldsam mobilitet - ett könat problem: Om män, våld och cyklisters utsatthet i trafikrummet. Paper presented at g16- Gränser, mobilitet och mobilisering, Linköping, Sweden, November 24, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2015). Online risk-management: Cyclists negotiations of risk and safety in urban traffic space. Paper presented at ACSIS Conference: In the Flow: People, Media, Materialities. Norrköping, Sweden, June 15-17, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2015). Violent traffic: Men, Masculinities and road conflicts in ’cycling friendly’ Sweden. Paper presented at Cycling and Society Annual Symposium, Manchester and Salford, UK, September 14-15, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2015). Våld i trafiken: om cyklisters utsatthet för kränkningar, hot och våld i omställning mot hållbart resande. Paper presented at Transportforum, Linköping, Sweden, January 8-9, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2014). Men, masculinities and motor vehicles: an unsustainable equation. Paper presented at Gendering Transport and Sustainability – Nordic Perspectives - A workshop at the Nordic Forum, Malmö, Sweden, June 14, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2014). Män, maskulinitet och bilar: en fråga om makt. Paper presented at Maskulinitet i förändring – maskulinitet och makt, Organized by The Örebro County Administrative Board, Campus USÖ, Örebro, Sweden, October 21, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2014). On the road to sustainable mobility: shared space, conflicts and micro-politics in everyday traffic interaction. Paper presented at Emerging ideas in masculinity research – Masculinity studies in the North, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 4-6, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2014). On the road to sustainable mobility: shared space, gendered conflicts and micro-politics in everyday traffic interaction. Paper presented at Networked Urban Mobilities Conference and Mobile Art Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 5-7, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. , Balkmar, D. , Burman, M. & Westerstrand, J. (2014). Transversala dialoger för att etablera våld mot kvinnor som ett postdisciplinärt forskningsfält. Paper presented at g14 - Att utmana makten. Nationell konferens för genusforskning, Umeå, Sweden, November 24-28, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2013). Arbetspendling på cykel: vardagsrisk, hälsa och arbetsorganisationers strategier för ökad cykelpendling. In: Johanna Dahlin, Tove Andersson, I Rörelse/On the move ACSIS conference 11-13 June 2013. Paper presented at ACSIS, I Rörelse/On the Move. Linköping University, Campus Norrköping, Sweden, June 11-13, 2013. (pp. 96-96). ACSIS. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Balkmar, D. (2012). On Men and Cars: An Ethnographic Study of Gendered, Risky and Dangerous Relations. (Doctoral dissertation). Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2009). Manlighetens pyspunka. Göteborg: Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning, Göteborgs universitet. [BibTeX]
- Henriksson, M. , Joelsson, T. & Balkmar, D. (2024). Familjers vardagsmobilitet i ”socialt utsatta områden”: Konsekvenser för välfärd, rättvisa och hållbarhet. Linköping: VTI, Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI rapport 1200). [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Callerstig, A. & Eva, L. (2022). Hur kan elvägar bli socialt hållbara? Ett ramverk för social hållbarhet vid teknik- och miljöomställningar. Karlshamn: . [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Callerstig, A. , Alsos, G. A. , Bedenik, T. , Breivik-Meyer, M. , Heilbrunn, S. , Lindvert, M. , Ljunggren, E. & et al. (2022). Levelling the field: A Guide to an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Dublin: Dublin City University. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Callerstig, A. , Alsos, G. A. , Bedenik, T. , Breivik-Meyer, M. , Heilbrunn, S. , Lindvert, M. , Ljunggren, E. C. & et al. (2022). My Better Entrepreneneurial Ecosystem: A Workshop on How to Promote an Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem. Dublin: Dublin City University. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. , Callerstig, A. , Alsos, G. A. , Bedenik, T. , Breivik-Meyer, M. , Heilbrunn, S. , Lindvert, M. , Ljunggren, E. C. & et al. (2022). The Gendered Nature of Tech Entrepreneurship: Understanding the Gender-Divide in Tech Entrepreneurship. Dublin: Dublin City University. [BibTeX]
- Joelsson, T. , Fridén Syrjäpalo, L. , Henriksson, M. & Balkmar, D. (2021). Vardagen i rörelse: en forsknings- och kunskapsöversikt om familjers vardagsmobilitet, social hållbarhet och mobilitetsrättvisa. Linköping: Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI rapport 1090). [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Lykke, N. (2015). Developing disruptive norm-critical innovation at Volvo: FINAL REPORT. Linköping: Linköping University (Tema Genus Report Series 2015:23). [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Nyberg, A. (2006). Genusmedveten tillväxt och jämställd vinst: Om genus och jämställdhet i ansökningar till VINNOVAs VINNVÄXT-program 2005. Stockholm: . [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Biller, H. & Balkmar, D. (2006). Mäns våldsutövande - barns upplevelser: en kartläggning av interventioner, kunskap och utvecklingsbehov. Stockholm: Näringsdepartementet, Regeringskansliet. [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. & Pringle, K. (2006). Sweden National Reports on Men's Practices: Reports on Research, Statistical information, Law and Policy Adressing Men’s Practices. Stockholm: Centrum för genusstudier (Centrum för genusstudiers skriftserie ). [BibTeX]
- Balkmar, D. (2006). VINNOVAs FoU-verksamhet ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Yrkesverksamma disputerade kvinnor och män i VINNOVAs verksamhetsområde. Stockholm: VINNOVA (VINNOVA rapport 2). [BibTeX]