Christina Hedenskog
Christina Hedenskog Position: Lecturer School/office: School of Health SciencesEmail: Y2hyaXN0aW5hLmhlZGVuc2tvZztvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 303224
Room: P2462

About Christina Hedenskog
Christina Hedenskog is Head of Unit for the Unit of Nursing at the School of Health Sciences. In this role she is primarily responsible for the Nursing Programme at the undergraduate level, six programmes at advanced level as well as a number of independent courses. She has previous managerial experience from the university hospital, Örebro County Region, and the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic and commenced her current position at Örebro University (ORU) in August 2018.
In her leadership, Christina strives to be relationship-oriented and organized; she values human capital. She follows the values and vision that exist at ORU to achieve set goals. Previous experiences have enabled her to work for issues that concern education, research, development, and society. To "build" for the future and develop a high-quality nursing education based on knowledge and science.
Christina perceives her role as Head of Unit as engaging and believes that meetings between people make a difference.
Articles in journals
- Hedenskog, C. , Nilsson, U. & Jaensson, M. (2017). Swedish-Registered Nurse Anesthetists’ Evaluation of Their Professional Self. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 32 (2), 106-111. [BibTeX]