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Carl Görtz

Position: Research Assistant School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

Email: Y2FybC5nb3J0ejtvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303192

Room: F2215

Carl Görtz
Research subject

About Carl Görtz

Carl Görtz is a PhD student in Political Science. His research focus is political orientations among citizens. In his PhD-project he elaborate with how citizens' conceptualize politics, if and how people percieve politics diffentley, and to what extent different conceptions correspond with political participation. In addition, he is also intrested in methodological conserns, such as concept and measure development.



Research projects

Active projects


Articles in journals |  Chapters in books |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Manuscripts | 

Articles in journals

Chapters in books

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
