Camilla Warnicke
Camilla Warnicke Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesEmail: Y2FtaWxsYS53YXJuaWNrZTtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: 46 019 6025894
Room: USÖ S-huset

About Camilla Warnicke
Camilla Warnicke is Associate professor, affiliated with Social Work.
She is currently working as a guset researcher at Stockholm University.
She is emloyed at Region Örebro County as a researcher and trainer at the Sign Language Interpreter and Deaf-Blind Interpreter Education. In addition to research, Camilla works part-time at the Grants Office (RÖL) as a research funding advisor.
Camilla Warnicke is an authorized interpreter between Swedish and Swedish Sign Language (STS).
Camilla Warnicke's research focuses on social equality, participation and interaction between people and between people and society. Her research is primarily related to interpretation between Swedish and Swedish Sign Language (STS), deaf people and people with deafblindness.
Camilla Warnicke supervises theses and teaches at basic, advanced, postgraduate and doctoral level. She has been teaching since 2007 at the Sign Language and Deaf-Blind Interpreter Education in Örebro (Fellingsbro Folk High School).
She gives lectures on research funding for researchers and doctoral students at Region Örebro, and supervise PBL-groups at the Medical Program.
She is responsible for and gives courses in Remote interpretating for all of Sweden's sign language interpreter training courses and is regularly employed as a course leader and lecturer at the bachelor's program in sign language and interpretation at Stockholm University.
Camilla Warnicke is assistant supervisor to Charlotte Ryman, doctoral student at the Department of Health Sciences at Örebro University.
Collaborations and assignments
Camilla Warnicke has several research projects, among other things she researches interaction during mediated calls via Video Relay Service (VRS). The VRS enables remote calls at between people who use Swedish sign language who use a video telephone and people who use spoken Swedish and use a telephone, and vice versa. An interpreter mediates the conversation. In her thesis project, Camilla Warnicke investigated the interaction between the participants in VRS. After her defense, Camilla Warnicke has continued with this research by using Conversation Analysis (CA) to analyze how interpreters at the service use different types of resources during the interaction. In projects related to this research, collaboration takes place with IKK; Linköping University.
Current assignments
Camilla Warnicke works as a researcher in several projects:
Remote interpreting between a spoken and a signed language (ReS) a project at Region Örebro County
Social equality and road safety - a preliminary study on disability and vision zero a collaboration between Region Örebro County and Örebro University funded by the Swedish Transport Administration
Better communication in individuals with congential deafblindness (BeCom) a Forte-funded project in collaboration with Linköping University
Health literacy within cancer care, a doctoral project at Region Örebro County
Camilla Warnicke is employed as a referee-examiner in scientific journals related to interaction, interpretation and sign language.
Completed missions
Specialized water dance intervention for people with multiple disabilities (SVAN) a project at Region Örebro County
Camilla Warnicke has had assignments in collaboration with the National Knowledge Center for Deafblind Issues (Nkcdb) related to interventions for people with deafblindness
Research projects
Active projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Warnicke, C. , Schönström, K. , Holmer, E. & Plejert, C. (2024). Co-Construction of Orientation in Time and Activities Between an Individual With Deafblindness and Support Persons. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 26 (1), 620-634. [BibTeX]
- Anderzen-Carlsson, A. , Huus, K. , Björk, M. , Warnicke, C. & Wahlqvist, M. (2024). Lived experiences of parents with deafblindness - not 'a walk in the park'. Disability and Rehabilitation. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Matérne, M. (2024). Regulation, modification, and evolution of remote sign language interpreting in Sweden: a service in progress. BMC Health Services Research, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Kristianssen, A. (2024). Safety and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in the Swedish Transport System: Prioritization and Conceptual Boundaries. Disability & Society, 39 (9), 2357-2374. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Matérne, M. (2024). Sign language interpreters’ experiences of remote interpreting in light of COVID-19 in Sweden. Interpreting and Society, 4 (2), 137-158. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Broth, M. (2023). Embodying dual actions as interpreting practice: How interpreters address different parties simultaneously in the Swedish Video Relay Service. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 18 (2), 191-212. [BibTeX]
- Matérne, M. , Plejert, C. , Frank, A. , Bui, J. , Ridder, K. & Warnicke, C. (2023). Interaction and multimodal expressions in a water-dance intervention for adults with intellectual and multiple disabilities. Journal of Interactional Research in Communication Disorders/Equinox, 14 (1), 122-153. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2021). Signed and spoken interaction at a distance: Interpreter practices to strive for progressivity at the beginning of calls via the Swedish video relay service. Interpreting, 23 (2), 296-320. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Plejert, C. (2021). The use of the text-function in Video Relay Service calls. Text & Talk, 41 (3), 391-416. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2019). Equal Access to Make Emergency Calls: A Case for Equal Rights for Deaf Citizens in Norway and Sweden. Social Inclusion, 7 (1), 173-179. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Plejert, C. (2018). The headset as an interactional resource in a video relay interpreting (VRI) setting. Interpreting, 20 (2), 285-308. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Plejert, C. (2016). The positioning and bimodal mediation of the interpreter in a Video Relay Interpreting (VRI) service setting. Interpreting, 18 (2), 198-230. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Plejert, C. (2012). Turn-organisation in mediated phone interaction using Video Relay Service (VRS). Journal of Pragmatics, 44 (10), 1313-1334. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Ryman, C. , Warnicke, C. , Hugosson, S. , Zakrisson, A. & Dahlberg, K. (2024). Health literacy in cancer care: A systematic review. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 70. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Granberg, S. (2022). Interpreter-mediated interactions between people using a signed respective spoken language across distances in real time: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. , Wahlqvist, M. , Anderzen-Carlsson, A. & Sundqvist, A. (2022). Interventions for adults with deafblindness: an integrative review. BMC Health Services Research, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Warnicke, C. (2019). Tolkning via bildtelefoni: förr, nu och i framtid. In: Stefan Coster, Konferensvolym: STTF:s årsmötes- och fortbildningshelg februari 2019 (pp. 36-51). . Myrans tryckeri. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2018). The co-creation of communicative projects within the Swedish Video Relay Service (VRS). In: Jemina Napier, Robert Skinner & Sabine Braun, Here or There: Research on Interpreting Via Video Link (pp. 210-229). Washington: Gallaudet University Press. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2018). Tolkning vid förmedlade samtal via Bildtelefoni. In: Hilde Haualand, Anna-Lena Nilsson & Eli Raanes, Tolkning: språkarbeid og profesjonsutøvelse. Oslo, Norway: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Warnicke, C. , Plejert, C. , Schönström, K. & Holmer, E. (2022). Co-construction of orientation in time and daily activities for a person with deafblindness. Paper presented at 7th Copenhagen Multimodality Day: “On Multisensoriality”, Copenhagen, Denamrk, 4 november, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2019). Bildtelefoni förr, nu och i framtiden. Paper presented at Sveriges teckenspråkstolkars förenings konferens 2019 - STTF 50 år, Gothenburg, Sweden, February 22-24, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2019). När det oförutsedda händer: Dövas möjlighet att larma SOS. Paper presented at UR Samtiden: Hörselnedsättning, dövhet och kognition, Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten och Linnécentrum HEAD, Linköping, Sweden, March 21, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2018). Delade arenor vid förmedlade samtal via In: Abstractsamling OFTI 36 Tema: Tal – Interaktion – Multimodalitet. Paper presented at OFTI 36, Stockholm, 20–21 september, 2018. (pp. 19-19). [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Plejert, C. (2018). Languaging in the Swedish Video Relay Interpreting Service: Signed and Spoken Languages in Combination with Written Text Messages. Paper presented at 5th Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse and Interaction (Nordisco 2018), Aarhus, Denmark, November 21-23, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2018). Tolkning mellan svenska och svenskt teckenspråk. Paper presented at Temadag om teckenspråk, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2017). Textmeddelanden som en kommunikativ resurs vid förmedlade samtal via Paper presented at Områdesgruppen för Forskning om Tal och Interaktion (OFTI-35), Karlstad, Sweden, September 21-22, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2017). Video Relay Service. Paper presented at Nobeldagen, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2016). Co-creation of Communicative Projects within the Swedish Video Relay Interpreting Service (VRI). Paper presented at Critical Link 8, Edinburgh, UK, June 29 - July 1, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2016). The co-creation of communicative projects within the Swedish Video Relay Interpreting Service (VRI). Paper presented at European Federation of Sign Language Interpreter Conference (EFSLI 2016), Athens, Greece, September 9-11, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2015). Det tolkade bildtelefoni-samtalet som ett gemensamt projekt: Tolkens positionering som samtalsbidragande. Paper presented at HLF NAV Tolketjenesten, Jevnaker, Norway, September 14, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2015). Interaction within the Video Relay Service in Sweden. Paper presented at Nobeldagen, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2015). The headset as a communicative resource in a Video Relay Interpreting service setting. Paper presented at Integrating Multimodality in the study of Dialogue Interpreting (IMDI), University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, August 31 - September 1, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2015). Tolkaspekter av interaktionen vid förmedlade samtal via Paper presented at Förskrivarkonferens Alternativ telefoni 2015, Stockholm, Sweden, November 10-11, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2014). Interaktion vid förmedlade samtal via Paper presented at Rikstolkkonferens, Örebro, Sweden, June 12-13, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2013). Characteristics of Interaction within the Video Relay Service (VRS). Paper presented at Critical Link 7, Toronto, Canada, June 17-21, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2012). Characteristics of Interaction within the Video Relay Service. Paper presented at Nordic Seminar, Faroe Islands, June 2, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2012). Characteristics of interaction within the Video Relay Service (VRS). Paper presented at SignVideo Remote Journal Discussion Group, London, UK, December 7, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2012). Förmedlade samtal via bildtelefoni- en utmaning!. Paper presented at Bildetolktjenestens fagsamling, Oslo, Norway, November 20, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2012). Förmedlade samtal via Paper presented at Områdesgruppen för Forskning om Tal och Interaktion (OFTI-30), Stockholm, Sweden, September 20-21, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2012). Teckenspråkstolkade samtal via Paper presented at HAB2012, Örebro, Sweden, April 17-19, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2012). Turn-organisation in mediated phone interaction using Video Relay Service (VRS). Paper presented at 8th International Postgraduate Conference in Translating and Interpreting (IPCITI 2012), Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, November 8-10, 2012. Dublin City University. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2011). Teckenspråkstolkens positionering vid förmedlade samtal via Paper presented at Områdesgruppen för Forskning om Tal och Interaktion (OFTI-29), Eskilstuna, Sweden, September 15-16, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2011). Vems tur?: Ett perspektiv av interaktionen vid förmedlade samtal via Paper presented at Rikstolkkonferensen, Örebro, Sweden, June 16, 2011. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Warnicke, C. (2017). Tolkning vid förmedlade samtal via interaktion och gemensamt meningsskapande. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. Interpreter practices to strive for progressivity in the beginning of calls via the Swedish video relay service (VRS). [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. The co-creation of communicative projects within the Swedish Video Relay Service (VRS). [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2018). Tolkning vid förmedlade samtal via Interaktion och gemensamt meningsskapande. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2015). Characteristics of Interaction within the Video Relay Service (VRS). [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2014). Characteristics of interaction within the Swedish Video Relay Service. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. (2010). Characteristics of interaction within the Video Relay Service. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Sundqvist, A. (2020). Habiliterings- och rehabiliteringsinsatser för vuxna personer med dövblindhet: en systematisk kunskapsöversikt. Lund: Nationellt kunskapscenter för dövblindfrågor. [BibTeX]