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Camilla Nicander

Position: Innovation Advisor School/office: Örebro University Holding AB

Email: Y2FtaWxsYS5uaWNhbmRlcjtvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303270

Room: IA2001

Camilla Nicander

About Camilla Nicander

Camilla Nicander is working as Innovation advisor at ORU Innovation, the innovation office at Örebro University.

The Innovation advisors at ORU Innovation offers support in the process of innovation and idea development.

ORU Innovation targets students, researchers and other staff at Örebro University. We also have collaboration with external partners and funding bodies.

Our offer:

  • Advice, which is free of charge
  • Support in the innovation and development process
  • Seminars, workshops and courses
  • Protection of your intellectual asset
  • Support in locating funding.
  • We respect confidentiality


Welcome to contact us with your idea!