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Assimakis Tseronis

Assimakis Tseronis Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

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Room: F3145

Assimakis Tseronis
Research subject Research environments

About Assimakis Tseronis

Assimakis Tseronis is Associate Professor (docent) at the section of Rhetoric, at the School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (HumUS). His research interests fall under the areas of discourse analysis, rhetorical argumentation, and pragmatics. The focus of his research is on the textual and semiotic properties of argumentative discourse, as well as on the social and cultural context in which such discourse is produced and interpreted.

In his doctoral and post-doctoral research, Assimakis studied phenomena pertaining to the linguistic aspects of argumentative discourse, such as the use of stance adverbs and evaluative words as well as the use of discourse markers and connectors. His aim was to provide a refined analysis and evaluation of argumentative discourse that considers the stylistic and pragmalinguistic aspects of language use.

In the years following that, he has taken a special interest in the argumentative and rhetorical analysis of multimodal discourse in particular. He has thus focused on the interaction between verbal and non-verbal modes in argumentative and persuasive communication as well as on the rhetorical and argumentative functions of the visual and other non-verbal modes. Assimakis has given talks and published papers on printed advertisements, magazine covers, front pages and documentary films, combining insights from argumentation theory, rhetoric, pragmatics, and multimodal discourse analysis.

Currently, he is studying the argumentative functions and rhetorical effects of images in scientific journals and popular science magazines.

Assimakis has taught courses at BA and MA levels in the fields of discourse analysis, verbal communication, rhetoric and argumentation studies, as well as visual and multimodal argumentation. He has also supervised a number of MA theses on topics pertaining to the above fields. He is currently teaching at the first, fourth and sixth term of the BA programme Språk, Retorik och Kommunikativt Ledarskap (Language, Rhetoric, and Communicative Leadership).

He is a member of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation (ISSA), the Rhetoric Society of Europe (RSE), and of the editorial board of Journal of Argumentation in Context (Benjamins), Argumentation (Springer), and Pathways to Multimodality (De Gruyter).

Research groups


Articles in journals |  Articles, book reviews |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Chapters in books |  Collections (editor) |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, monographs |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, book reviews

Articles, reviews/surveys

Chapters in books

Collections (editor)

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, monographs
