Anette Bagger
Anette Bagger Position: Teacher School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: YW5ldHRlLmJhZ2dlcjtvcnUuc2U=
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About Anette Bagger
Bagger has a PhD in education and is associate professor in education and is docent. Research interests and the focus in research is assessment in mathematics, school development and promoting equity in opportunities to learn for all students. Bagger has a degree in postgraduate education is a Degree of Doctor of Philopsophy in Educational Work with specialization in Mathematics.
Bagger has built and led the special education research environment SpecUL at Örebro University, is a member of the Nordic SUM (Special Needs Education in Mathematics) network and is a co-leader in a TWG group in CERME concerning diversity and sociopolitical issues in mathematics education. Bagger has contributed to anthologies on special education and assessment, both nationally and internationally.
Research projects
Active projects
Articles in journals
- Roos, H. & Bagger, A. (2024). Ethical dilemmas and professional judgment as a pathway to inclusion and equity in mathematics teaching. ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education, 56 (3), 435-446. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. , Bagger, A. & Lillvist, A. (2024). Looking through the kaleidoscope of inclusion in policy on students with intellectual disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 39 (4), 612-625. [BibTeX]
- Nieminen, J. H. , Bagger, A. & Allan, J. (2023). Discourses of risk and hope in research on mathematical learning difficulties. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 112 (2), 337-357. [BibTeX]
- Andersen, K. N. & Bagger, A. (2023). Language Policies in STEM Subjects: Triggering Inclusion, Exclusion, or Abjection?. Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 14 (1), 85-98. [BibTeX]
- Nieminen, J. H. , Bagger, A. , Padilla, A. & Tan, P. (2023). Student Positioning in Mathematics Assessment Research: A Critical Review. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 54 (5), 317-341. [BibTeX]
- Österborg Wiklund, S. , Bertilsdotter Rosqvist, H. , Bagger, A. & Allan, J. (2023). Waiting for Discovery and Support? Neurodivergent Subjectivities in the Swedish Educational Landscape. The European Journal of Inclusive Education, 1 (1), 15-29. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Jusso, N. (2022). Ethical and Philosophical Dimensions of Mathematics Assessment. Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal (39), 1-11. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2022). Opportunities to display knowledge during national assessment in mathematics: a matter of access and participation. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 37 (1), 104-117. [BibTeX]
- Andersen, K. N. , Vogt, M. , Bagger, A. , Macchia, V. & Bierschwale, C. (2022). Perspective luxembourgeoise: Conclusions sur le caractère inclusif des supports pédagogiques. Forum für Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur in Luxemburg (423), 12-15. [BibTeX]
- Black, L. , Bagger, A. , Chronaki, A. , Bohlmann, N. & Bobsin Salazar, S. (2021). ERME column: ERME Thematic Working Groups. Introducing CERME’s Thematic Working Group 10 – Social, Cultural and Political Aspects of Mathematics Education. EMS magazine, 121, 51-52. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Öhman, A. (2021). Hållbar inkludering: En väg till ett hållbart samhälle?. Utbildning och Demokrati, 30 (1), 3-7. [BibTeX]
- Vogt, M. , Andersen, K. , Bagger, A. , Macchia, V. & Bierschwale, C. (2021). Inklusionssensible Bildungsmaterialien als „Must have“: Hilfen bei der Bewertung von Vorhandenem und eigenen Erstellung von Neuem. Grundschule aktuell, 155, 18-21. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Lillvist, A. (2021). Mediala diskurser om inkludering: En berättelse om (gem)ensamhet. Utbildning och Demokrati, 30 (1), 45-74. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. , Holgersson, I. , Reikerås, E. & Bergqvist, E. (2020). Editoral on Special needs education in mathematics. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD: [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education], 25 (3-4), 1-5. [BibTeX]
- Roos, H. , Lindfors, M. & Bagger, A. (2020). Educational settings in relation to special educational needs in mathematics. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD: [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education], 25 (3-4), 95-113. [BibTeX]
- Bierschwale, C. , Vogt, M. , Andersen, K. N. , Bagger, A. & Macchia, V. (2020). Qualitätskriterien von inklusiven Bildungsmedien im Fach Mathematik: Theoretische und empirische Rahmenbedingungen. k:ON - Kölner Online Journal für Lehrer*innenbildung, 2 (2), 1-25. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. , Björklund Boistrup, L. & Norén, E. (2018). The governing of three researchers' technologies of the self. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 15 (1-2), 278-302. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2017). Den flerspråkiga elevens nationella provdeltagande i matematik: diskursiva förutsättningar. Utbildning och Demokrati, 26 (2), 95-111. [BibTeX]
- Silfver, E. , Sjöberg, G. & Bagger, A. (2016). An 'appropriate' test taker: the everyday classroom during the national testing period in school year three in Sweden. Ethnography and Education, 11 (3), 237-252. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2016). Pressure at stake: Swedish third graders' talk about national tests in mathematics. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD: [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education], 21 (1), 47-69. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2016). Student Equity vs Test Equality?: support during third graders' national tests in mathematics in Sweden. Cursiv [publisher: Institut for Didaktik, Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole, Aarhus Universitet, DK] (18), 123-139. [BibTeX]
- Nyroos, M. , Korhonen, J. , Peng, A. , Linnanmäki, K. , Svens-Liavåg, C. , Bagger, A. & Sjöberg, G. (2015). Cultural and Gender Differences in Experiences and Expression of Test Anxiety Among Chinese, Finnish, and Swedish Grade 3 Pupils. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 3 (1), 37-48. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2015). De nationella proven som en arena för likvärdighetsfrågor. Specialpedagogisk tidskrift (3), 4-6. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, G. , Silfver, E. & Bagger, A. (2015). Disciplined by tests. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD: [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education], 20 (1), 55-75. [BibTeX]
- Silfver, E. , Sjöberg, G. & Bagger, A. (2013). Changing Our Methods and Disrupting the Power Dynamics: National Tests in Third-Grade Classrooms. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 12, 39-51. [BibTeX]
- Nyroos, M. , Bagger, A. , Silfver, E. & Sjöberg, G. (2012). Exploring the presence of test anxiety and its relation to mathematical achievement in a sample of grade 3. Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning, 151-160. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Bagger, A. (2023). Book Review: Care in mathematics education: alternative educational spaces and practices. Research in Mathematics Education, 25 (3), 409-413. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Bagger, A. , Roos, H. & Engvall, M. (2020). Directions of intentionalities in special needs education in mathematics. Educational Studies in Mathematics (104), 41-63. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Bagger, A. (2022). Discourses on inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in policy. In: K. N. Andersen; V. Silva de Moraes Novais; B. T. Ferreira da Silva, Educação, cultura e inclusão: contextos internacionais e locais (pp. 27-45). Brazil: Editora Appris Ltda.. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2022). Provgivande med flerspråkiga provdeltagare: Styrningen av nationella prov i matematik. In: Paola Valero; Lisa Björklund Boistrup; Iben Maj Christiansen; Eva Norén, Matematikundervisningens sociopolitiska utmaningar (pp. 101-128). Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Daniel, Ö. (2021). Hållbar bedömning med elever som har intellektuell funktionsnedsättning: Vad, hur och varför?. In: Jonny Wåger; Daniel Östlund, Hållbart och meningsfullt lärande: Undervisning för elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (pp. 223-244). Stockholm: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2021). Specialpedagogisk kunskapsbedömning. In: Åsa Hirsh; Christian Lundahl, Hållbar bedömning: Bildning, välbefinnande och utveckling i skolans bedömningsarbete (pp. 250-268). Stockholm: Natur och kultur. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Roos, H. (2020). The Shared Duty of Special Educational Support in Mathematics: Borders and Spaces in Degree Ordinances for Pre-service Teachers. In: Limin Jao; Nenad Radakovic, Borders in Mathematics Pre-Service Teacher Education (pp. 141-161). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2017). Quality and equity in the era of national testing: the case of Sweden. In: Julie Allan, Alfredo J. Artiles, World yearbook of education 2017: assessment inequalities (pp. 68-88). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Nyroos, M. (2013). Performance, anxiety and the mathematical self image. In: Anne Berit Fuglestad, Special needs education in mathematics: new trends, problems and possibilities (pp. 86-91). Kristiansand: Portal forlag. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Ålander, J. & Bagger, A. (2024). Changing policy, changing Inclusive Teaching: Providing Learning Materials for all?. Paper presented at 17th IARTEM international conference on textbooks and educational media, Paris, France, May 29-31, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Ålander, J. & Bagger, A. (2023). Policy on Inclusion and Teaching Materials for Diverse Learners. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2023), Glasgow, UK, August 21-25, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. , Ålander, J. & Karlsson, J. (2023). Teaching materials and their quality: as aspects of inclusion. Paper presented at NERA Conference 2023: Digitalization and Technologies in Education Opportunities and Challenges (NERA 2023), Oslo, Norway, March 15-17, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Roos, H. & Bagger, A. (2022). Explicit instruction and special educational needs in mathematics in early school years. In: J. Hodgen; E. Geraniou; G. Bolondi; F. Ferretti, Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). Paper presented at Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, (Online conference), February 2-6, 2022. (pp. 4517-4524). ERME / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Emma, H. (2022). Inkluderande undervisningsmaterial och undervisning . In: Abstractbook för Nationell konferens om särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik Att kunskapa om särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik, Växjö: Linnéuniversitetet , 2022. Paper presented at Nationell konferens om särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik. Att kunskapa om särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik, Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö (online), November 1, 2022. Växjö: Linnéuniversitetet. [BibTeX]
- Black, L. , Bagger, A. , Chronaki, A. , Bohlmann, N. & Salazar, S. (2022). Introduction to the work of TWG10: Diversity and Mathematics Education: Social, Cultural and Political Challenges. In: J. Hodgen; E. Geraniou; G. Bolondi; F. Ferretti., Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). Paper presented at Twelfth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12), Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, (Online conference), February 2-6, 2022. (pp. 1658-1661). ERME / Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2022). Reflections on International Education Research on Global Issues of Local Specifications. Paper presented at 2022 ECER Plus (online), Yerevan, Armenia, September 1-10, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. , Lillvist, A. & Bagger, A. (2022). The stealth policy of inclusion of students with intellectual disability. In: Mikael Dal, EDUCATION AND INVOLVEMENT IN PRECARIOUS TIMES ABSTRACT BOOK. NERA CONFERENCE 2022. Paper presented at Inclusive Education for Students With Intellectual Disabilities. Nordic educational research association (NERA 2022), Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3, 2022. (pp. 1039-1039). School of Education, University of Iceland. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2022). Tillgänglighet till att visa kunskap under bedömning: En fråga om hållbarhet och delaktighet. In: Abstractbook för Nationell konferens om särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik Att kunskapa om särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik. Paper presented at Nationell konferens om särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik. Att kunskapa om särskilda utbildningsbehov i matematik, Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö (online), November 1, 2022. Växjö: Linnéuniversitetet. [BibTeX]
- Österborg Wiklund, S. & Bagger, A. (2021). A critical comparison of the two new examination goals for Swedish teacher education. Paper presented at Inkludering i etikens motljus, Örebro universitet, Örebro, November 10-11, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Nieminen, J. H. , Bagger, A. , Padilla, A. & Tan, P. (2021). A Critical Review on Student Positioning in Mathematics Assessment Research. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2021), (Online Conference), September 6–10, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2021). Access to displaying knowledge during assessment: a matter of sustainability. Paper presented at NORSMA10, Conference on quality mathematics education, Reykjavik, Iceland, (Virtual conference), November 4-5, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Vennberg, H. (2021). Assessment of mathematics in Preschool-class. Paper presented at NORSMA10, Conference on quality mathematics education, Reykjavik, Iceland, (Virtual conference), November 4-5, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. , Padilla, A. & Tan, P. (2021). Beyond ability rankings: educational assessment as relational rigor and accountability. Paper presented at 14th International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME-14), Shanghai, China, July 11-18, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Helena, R. & Bagger, A. (2021). Developing mathematics education promoting equity and inclusion: Is it possible?. In: David Kollosche, Exploring new ways to connect Proceedings of the Eleventh International Mathematics Education and Society Conference. Volumes 1-3. Paper presented at 11th International Mathematics Education and Society Conference, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 24-29, 2021. (pp. 223-226). Hamburg, Germany: MES. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2021). Evaluation of Swedish educational material. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2021), (Online Conference), Geneva, Switzerland, September 6-10, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Öhman, A. & Bagger, A. (2021). Feedback from the point of view of students with special educational needs. Paper presented at Feedback Literacy: From Education to Professional Practice, University of Surrey, Guildford UK (Online symposium), January 12-13, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Daniel, Ö. (2021). Inclusion Seen Through The Fabrication Of The Disabled Child In Policy Documents. In: Franziska Primus; Johannes Westberg, ISCHE 42 - Looking from Above and Below: Rethinking the Social in the History of Education Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at The Annual International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE 42), (Virtual Conference), Örebro, Sweden, June 14-25, 2021. (pp. 37-38). International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE), Berlin / School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Roos, H. (2021). Inkluderande och likvärdig matematikundervisning: är det möjligt?. Paper presented at Inkludering i etikens motljus, Örebro universitet, Örebro, November 10-11, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2021). Inkluderande undervisningsmaterial: rapport från ett EU-projekt. Paper presented at Inkludering i etikens motljus, Örebro universitet, Örebro, November 10-11, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2021). Participation as both a discursive/positional and narrative/lived issue of shifting frontiers. In: Symposium led by Paulo Tan Disability and inclusive equity in light of old and new frontiers of mathematics assessment. Paper session 3. Paper presented at NORSMA10, Conference on quality mathematics education, Reykjavik, Iceland, (Virtual conference), November 4-5, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Tan, P. , Padilla, A. & Bagger, A. (2021). Powerful new frontiers: a preliminary exploration of assessment as relational relevance in authentic caring mathematics education. Paper presented at 14th International Congress of Mathematics Education (ICME-14), Shanghai, China, July 11-18, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Öhman, A. & Bagger, A. (2020). UDL in practise as a tool for inclusion: success factors and challenges. Paper presented at Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Högskolan Kristianstad, Sweden (digital conference), October 7-8, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Raddock, E. (2019). Access and participation in assessment. Paper presented at Fjärde nationella konferensen i pedagogiskt arbete. Tema: Pedagogiskt arbete i en global tid, Umeå, Sweden, August 19-20, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. , Norén, E. , Boistrup, L. & Lundahl, C. (2019). Digitalized national tests in mathematics: a way of increasing and securing equity?. In: Jayasree Subramanian, Proceedings of the TenthInternational Mathematics Educationand Society Conference. Paper presented at The tenth International Mathematics Education and Society conference (MES10), Hyderabad, India, Jan 28th-Feb 2nd, 2019. Hyderabad, India: International Mathematics Education and Society Co. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Helena, V. (2019). Early assessment in mathematics, the ethics in a practice close research approach. In: Abstractbok. Paper presented at Fjärde nationella konferensen i pedagogiskt arbete. Tema: Pedagogiskt arbete i en global tid. Umeå, 19–20 augusti, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Straehler-Pohl, H. , Bagger, A. , Black, L. , Chronaki, A. & Kollosche, D. (2019). Introduction to the work of TWG10: Diversity and Mathematics Education: Social, Cultural and Political Challenges. In: Jankvist, U. T., Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., & Veldhuis, M., Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Paper presented at 11th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11), Utrecht, the Netherlands, February 6-10, 2019. Utrecht: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Bergström, P. (2019). The Liminal Space Between National Tests and ICT for Teaching and Learning: (Dis)Harmony of Teacher Roles. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2019), "Education in an Era of Risk – the Role of Educational Research for the Future", Hamburg, Germany, September 3-6, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. , Vennberg, H. & Lisa, B. B. (2019). The politics of early assessment in mathematics education. In: Jankvist, U. T., Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M., & Veldhuis, M., Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Paper presented at 11th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11), Utrecht, the Netherlands, February 6-10, 2019. (pp. 1831-1838). Utrecht: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. , Roos, H. & Engvall, M. (2018). Investigating the politics of meaning(s) in Nordic research on special education mathematics: developing a methodology. In: J. Häggstroöm, Y. Liljekvist, J. Bergman, Ärlebäck, M. Fahlgren & O. Olande, Perspectives on professional development of mathematics teachers Proceedings of MADIF 11. The eleventh research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education Karlstad, January 23–24, 2018. Paper presented at Madif 11, Karlstad, Sweden,January 23–24, 2018. (pp. 141-150). Göteborg: Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2017). "It is only a test": social aspects of displaying knowledge in mathematics for second language learners. In: Dooley, T., & Gueudet, G., Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education . Paper presented at Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME10), Dublin, Ireland, February 1-5, 2017. (pp. 1433-1440). Dublin: Institute of Education, Dublin City University. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2017). The discourse regarding the multilingual student in need of support in test-instructions. In: ICT in mathematics education the future and the realities : proceedings of MADIF 10 : the tenth research seminar of the Swedish society for research in mathematics education, Karlstad, January 26-27, 2016. Paper presented at The tenth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in Mathematics Education (MADIF 10), Karlstad, Sweden, January 26-28, 2016. (pp. 151- Göteborg: Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning (SMDF). [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. & Roos, H. (2015). How Research Conceptualises the Student in Need of Special Education in Mathematics. In: O. Helenius, A. Engström, T. Meaney, P. Nilsson, E. Norén, J. Sayers, M. Österholm, Development of Mathematics Teaching Design, Scale, Effects. Proceeding of MADIF 9. The Ninth Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar Umeå February 4-5, 2014. Paper presented at The Ninth Swedish Mathematics Education Research Seminar (MADIF9), Umeå, Sweden, February 4-5, 2014. (pp. 27-36). Linköping: Svensk förening för MatematikDidaktisk Forskning - SMDF. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2015). Pressures and positions of need during the Swedish third-grade National Test in Mathematics. In: Krainer, K. & Vondrová, N., Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Paper presented at Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 9), Prague, Czech Republic, February 4-8, 2015. (pp. 1558-1563). Prague: Charles University. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Bagger, A. (2015). Prövningen av en skola för alla: nationella provet i matematik i det tredje skolåret. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Umeå: Umeå Universitet. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. "It is only a test" : Social aspects of displaying knowledge in mathematics for second language learners. [BibTeX]
- Nyroos, M. , Korhonen, J. , Peng, A. , Linnanmäki, K. , Svens-Liavåg, C. , Bagger, A. & Sjöberg, G. A cross-cultural analysis of test anxiety among Chinese, Finnish and Swedish pupils. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2023). Så kan bedömning vara ett stöd för att utveckla undervisningen. [BibTeX]
- Bagger, A. (2015). Möjligheter till stöd och tillgång till lärande i matematik. [BibTeX]