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Anette Bagger

Anette Bagger Position: Teacher School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences

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Anette Bagger
Research subject

About Anette Bagger

Bagger has a PhD in education and is associate professor in education and is docent. Research interests and the focus in research is assessment in mathematics, school development and promoting equity in opportunities to learn for all students. Bagger has a degree in postgraduate education is a Degree of Doctor of Philopsophy in Educational Work with specialization in Mathematics.  

Bagger has built and led the special education research environment SpecUL at Örebro University, is a member of the Nordic SUM (Special Needs Education in Mathematics) network and is a co-leader in a TWG group in CERME concerning diversity and sociopolitical issues in mathematics education. Bagger has contributed to anthologies on special education and assessment, both nationally and internationally.



Articles in journals |  Articles, book reviews |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Manuscripts |  Other | 

Articles in journals

Articles, book reviews

Articles, reviews/surveys

Chapters in books

Conference papers

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries

