Ahmed Al-Ahmadi
Ahmed Al-Ahmadi Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Medical SciencesEmail: YWhtZWQuYWwtYWhtYWRpO29ydS5zZQ==
Phone: No number available
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About Ahmed Al-Ahmadi
Ahmed Al-Ahmadi works as a specialist in family medicine and is a researcher in gastroenterology at Örebro University with focus on IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Ahmed has been a registered Doctoral Student at Örebro University since 2019.
Research project
Ahmed's project is to classify IBS patients according to their symptoms using validate questionnaires. Afterwards, participants will be randomized to either internet cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) or low FODMAP (fermentable mono-, di- and oligosaccharides and polyols) dietary treatment. Treatment results are evaluated afterwards to see if the presence of certain symptom criteria can predict the effectiveness of treatment for each individual.
The aim is to be able to individualize IBS treatment and offer patients effective treatment that is adapted to their symptoms.
Ahmed Al-Ahmadi participates in teaching in the medical programme at Örebro University and clinical supervision of medical students in primary care.