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Agneta Yngve

Agneta Yngve Position: Affiliated Researcher, Professor School/office: School of Health Sciences

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Agneta Yngve
Research subject

About Agneta Yngve

My research focus has almost exclusively been dealing with public health nutrition. I have, however, in the last ten years or so focused also on evaluation of research applications and research projects, internationalisation and course programme evaluation on university level or national level, in several countries and settings. I have also been active in areas of internationalisation and issues on publication and medical ethics.  My background is very international, I have been leading international projects on European level and been editor-in-chief for a journal published by Cambridge University Press (Public Health Nutrition). I am retired from a Professor's Chair in Uppsala at the Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Studies since one year and am now affiliated to Örebro University since December 2020.

 CV Agneta Yngve

Research projects

Completed projects


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Manuscripts | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys

Chapters in books

Conference papers
