The Research Day of the Faculty of Medicine and Health 2024

The research day of the faculty of medicine and health

Tuesday, June 18 , 2024

Tidefeltsalen, Campus USÖ

08.30-08.45 Opening, Dean Mia Von Euler and Vice-Chancellor Johan Schnürer 
08.45-09.30 Inspirational lecture, Sören Andersson

09.30-10.15 Panel discussion, how to build a research career in Medicine and Health Science
Facilitated by Helena Backman, Jonas Halfvarson, Marie Holmefur, Elina Mäki-Torkko and Eva Särndahl
Moderator: Dimitri Beeckman and Magnus Johansson

10.15-10.45 Coffee Break and Poster session 
10.45-12.00 How do you develop a good research culture and to build a research group, Katja Boersma, Professor of Psychology, School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences, Örebro University
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-13.45 Workshop 
I. Exploring the interplay between pollutants and society,
Facilitated by Ulrika Eriksson and Magnus Boström (Room X1405)
II. Advancing Precision Medicine: Insights from Örebro's Leading Experts, 
Facilitated by Anna Göthlin-Eremo and Helena Nilsson at the Örebro Precision Medicine Centre (Room X1403)
III. NEOLAiA: Unraveling the new era of learning and innovation,
Facilitated by Ignacio Rangel, Elisabeth Hultgren-Hörnquist and Hans Hjelmqvist 
(Room X4425)

IV. Forge Connections: Building an international network in medicine and health,
Facilitated by Dimitri Beeckman (Room X2501)

14.00-14.45 Workshop 
I. Exploring the interplay between pollutants and society,
Facilitated by Ulrika Eriksson and Magnus Boström (Room X1405)
II. Advancing Precision Medicine: Insights from Örebro's Leading Experts, 
Facilitated by Anna Göthlin-Eremo and Helena Nilsson at the Örebro Precision Medicine Centre (Room X1403)
III. NEOLAiA: Unraveling the new era of learning and innovation,
Facilitated by Ignacio Rangel, Elisabeth Hultgren-Hörnquist and Hans Hjelmqvist 
(Room X4425)
IV. Forge Connections: Building an international network in medicine and health,
Facilitated by Dimitri Beeckman (Room X2501)
14.45-15.45 Coffee Break and Poster session 

15.45-16.45 Oral presentations of four selected abstracts
I.  Samuel Edelbring
II. Sofia Ramström
III. Lis Sjöberg
IV. Kristofer Nilsson

16.45-17.00 Concluding session, Summarize, what is next?
Dimitri Beeckman and Magnus Johansson

17.00 Drinks

17.30 Dinner at restaurang