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Örebro University investing in social innovation

Two pictures in one. The first is of a woman balancing on a gym ball; the second shows a woman wearing a white lab coat pouring a liquid.

Climate change, increased mental health problems and an ageing population are global problems. To discover innovations that can solve issues such as these, Örebro University is collaborating in a large national project, Social Innovation Sweden (MSI).

Social Innovation Sweden (MSI) is currently scaling up and being established across the country. Six universities, among those Örebro, are participating.

The project aims at creating platforms for promoting social innovations, entrepreneurship and enterprise. Solving global problems requires new ideas, methods and cooperation – and that is where social innovations and universities come into the picture.

MSI in social media

Martin Tverling

Martin Tverling Position: Innovation Advisor/Business Advisor School/office: Örebro University Holding AB

Profile page: Martin Tverling

Email: bWFydGluLnR2ZXJsaW5nO29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: +46 19 301337

Room: IA2016

Martin Tverling