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Smarter – Competence development within Artificial Intelligence (AI) for professionals

Competence development within AI, artificiell intelligens (Smarter)

Via our short, flexible and needs-oriented AI courses, you can take advantage of Örebro University's progressive expertise. Courses are led by the internationally recognised research centre, AASS, which conducts innovative research in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and autonomous systems.

Courses Fall 2024

Learning AI can be a challenging task, especially for professionals. Finding time in a busy everyday life is not always easy. At Örebro University, we strive to create the best learning environment for you, so that you have the best possible conditions to develop. Our courses are flexible and primarily offered online, but we also include in-person sessions as we believe they enhance the learning experience for participants.

Distributed AI and Multi-Agent Systems

Apply now.
The course includes in-person meetings on October 11th, November 29th, and January 10th from 9:00 to 13:00. There is an option for digital attendance.

Machine Learning

Apply now.
Mandatory meetings at Örebro campus: October 29th, January 21st, March 25th from 9:00 to 12:00. Digital meetings: December 3rd from 10:00 to 12:00, February 18th from 10:00 to 12:00.

Reinforcement Learning

Apply now. Mandatory meetings at Örebro campus: October 25th, December 3rd, January 24th, February 28th from 9:00 to 12:00.

Data Mining

Apply now.
The course includes in-person meetings from 13:15 to 16:00 on October 4th, November 8th, and December 13th. There is an option for digital attendance.