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Donate via bank transfer

Student in the library

Making a bank transfer can be particularly useful if you’re based outside of Sweden.

Information you'll need for a bank transfer within Sweden:

  • Bank: Danske Bank
  • Account: 107-6645

Information you'll need for a bank transfer from other countries:

  • Bank: Danske Bank
  • IBAN: SE1812000000012810106274
  • BIC/Swift-code: DABASESX

Don’t forget to include your name, contact details (please include your email address) as well as which or our three donation areas you would like to support - Research, Student Experience or Open Gifts. If you do not specify an area then the University will treat your donation as an Open Gift.

Read more about how we manage, store and safeguard the data you provide to us by making a donation.

Tim Stubbings

Position: Coordinator School/office: Communication and Collaboration

Profile page: Tim Stubbings

Email: dGltLnN0dWJiaW5ncztvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303158

Room: E2210

Tim Stubbings