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FAQs about donations

Image of University staff and researchers working in our Social Impact Lab

All donations, of any size and type, are welcome. Every donation contributes to supporting our researchers, students and staff in their work and we will ensure that every kronor is used to best effect.

No donation is too small – when we bring smaller donations together they have a significant impact.

By making a donation and being an active supporter all donors are contributing to raising awareness about our work, our ambition and our impact, and encouraging others to support us too.

If you are thinking about making a donation, thank you!

Areas to support. Ways to give.

The three general areas we suggest – research, the student experience and open gifts – provide us with the greatest flexibility to be able to direct your donation to where it can make a real difference at any given time.

If you make a general gift to one of these three areas then a special committee led by the Vice-Chancellor will meet once a year to decide how it will be used to best effect within that area.

Alternatively you can make a gift that supports a particular project or area you are interested in – and you are very welcome to do so.

You can find and review information on our website about our research, education, campus and collaboration activities. You can also get in touch with us to discuss your areas of interest and passion, and how your gift might be used to support them.

If you decide to support a specific project or area, then you can make your donation through one of the options provided.

The difference is that once you’ve chose then general area (research, the student experience or an open gift) you then add further, specific details.

  • For example, you might make a donation via Swish to our research area – and in the ‘message’ space add that it was to ‘Support research into democracy’.
  • Another example might be a gift via Bankgiro to our student experience area – and in the ‘message/OCR’ space add that it was to ‘Support non-EU students studying at Örebro’.

If your description is too specific it could mean we’re not able to fulfill your wishes and are unable to use your donation. For example, if you specify your donation should be used to support a project or research area that is no longer active, or a professor who has retired.

To avoid this you can make your description of the area/project more general and flexible – this helps us act on the spirit of your wishes, even if circumstances at the University have changed over time.

Yes, you can set up a reoccurring payment from your bank account to ours, either via Bankgiro or bank transfer.

A gift of share dividends is reoccurring until you either sell the shares that relate to the dividends, or notify your bank that you wish to end your gift.

Thank you for your support!

Areas to support. Ways to give.

Yes, as a gift or within your Will – as long as it is possible for us to sell the property/items and use the gains to support our work and mission as a University.

You can choose how we should use the gains, or alternatively you can allow us to allocate the gains on your behalf to where it will have the most impact within one of our three donation areas.

If you donate to one of our three general donation areas, then we will allocate your donation to a project or activity within the area you have selected.

If your donation is not made to one of our three general areas – and instead is made to a specific area, project or activity – then we will follow your wishes when using your donation*.

We use donations to support projects and activities in many ways, and at all stages in their lifecycle – from development and preparation to delivery and communication. Each stage is important and helps the university make the fullest contribution possible to society via our research and education.

The types of cost within a project or activity typically include equipment, personnel, recruitment, overheads and administration, premises, communications, travel and materials.

*To avoid any challenges regarding our ability to fulfil your wishes, we recommend you avoid being very specific, and instead keep things more general or flexible. For example, a specific research project or researcher named in a donation may no longer be active at the University. Other challenges might occur if a gift does not match our remit as a university or our research/education offering, or if it is not allowed under Swedish donation law.

To avoid any challenges in following your wishes, we recommend being flexible in your wording, and talking to us in advance if you’re thinking about making a significant donation. Of course, donating to one of our three general donation areas is another way to avoid any challenges.

However you decide to make a donation, you can rest assured that we will always do our best to fulfil your wishes and use your donation to the best possible effect.

According to the Donations Ordinance (1998:140) donations should be made without the donor expecting any special considerations or preferential status.

By giving a gift a donor is championing and investing in our ability as a University – in our staff, students and researchers – to conduct independent, trustworthy and high-quality research, education and collaboration activities that can have a real impact for society, now and in the future.

We are grateful for any and all support we receive that invests in our ability to do this. We will always undertake to make careful and considered use of any donation, and ensure a gift is only used for the purpose the donor has requested.

As we have a duty to freedom, integrity and transparency we cannot accept donations whose purpose results in conflict of interest, academic restrictions, is not allowed under Swedish law, or negatively affect the purpose, delivery or use of our research and education.

The purpose of a donation should always be relevant to our mission as a University – supporting our ability to conduct research, education and collaboration that contributes to an enlightened and sustainable society, grounded on knowledge and education.

Once a donation has been made a donor can expect us to thank them in writing for their gift, as long as we have their contact details. With the permission of the donor, we may also celebrate the gift in our general communications in order to raise awareness of our work as well as encourage others to consider making a donation.

A donor can expect us to process, manage and safeguard their personal details in a professional and transparent way.

Areas to support. Ways to give.

As a state-funded university, we follow the Donations Ordinance (1998:140) when it comes to donations, you can read an English translation of it here.

You can also read about how we process, manager and safeguard the personal details your provide to us when you make a donation is covered by GDPR data protection law.

Yes and no.

Requesting anonymity will mean that we do not actively use your name if we carry out any marketing or communications relating to the donation. However as we need to properly process and manage your donation, we will be aware of the personal details you have shared with us through making your donation.

Read more about how we manage and safeguard the personal information you share with us.

Areas to support. Ways to give.

As one of Sweden’s most forward-thinking and innovative universities, with a comprehensive range of research, education and collaboration projects, we attract significant investments from the Swedish government, the EU as well as many large and small foundations.

These funds allow our students and researchers to ask the questions, explore the ideas and contribute to the solutions that are shaping the future.

However, with your support – and the support of others like you – we can ask more, explore further and make a greater contribution to our shared future.

Our future as a university. As individuals and families, companies and organisations. As a society.

Every donation we receive, big and small, is an investment in that future. Every donation makes a difference.

So support us, lend your strength to ours. Make a gift and be a part of what we do.

Because together, the possibilities are endless.

We are very happy to help you with any questions and explore how your donation can support the University.

Tim Stubbings

Position: Coordinator School/office: Communication and Collaboration

Profile page: Tim Stubbings

Email: dGltLnN0dWJiaW5ncztvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303158

Room: E2210

Tim Stubbings