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Areas to support

Selecting a book in the library

With over 36 research areas, 16 000 students, three campus areas and 85 programmes it can be difficult to know where and how your donation can be used for the best effect.

This is why we suggest three areas to choose from for your donation.

Forskare som använder universitetsbiblioteket

Örebro University Research

Making a general gift to Örebro research allows the University to allocate your gift to the area of research where it will make the biggest difference.

If you would prefer your gift to support a specific research area or project then this is possible too. Read more about our research areas.

Make a gift that supports our research.

Image of Örebro student

The Örebro Student Experience

We want the benefits of this education to be available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances. This might mean providing scholarships or grants to students and staff who might otherwise be unable to come to Örebro University. It might mean investing in projects that create more open, welcoming and accessible campus environments.

Making a general gift to the Örebro study experience allows the University to allocate your gift to the project and area where it will make the biggest difference.

If you would prefer your gift to support a specific area or project then this is possible too.

Make a gift that supports the student experience at Örebro University.

Örebro University robotics researcher

Open Gifts

Making an Open Gift allows us to allocate to your donation to those areas of greatest need or potential at any one time. An open gift can support activities, people, projects and opportunities across the entire University. It can reflect all aspects of our work, mission and ambition.

An Open Gift allows you to be sure that your donation can be used not only to support the challenges we face now, but also those that emerge in the months and years ahead.

If you would prefer your gift to target a more specfic area of our work, then this is possible too.

Make an Open Gift.

Tim Stubbings

Position: Coordinator School/office: Communication and Collaboration

Profile page: Tim Stubbings

Email: dGltLnN0dWJiaW5ncztvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303158

Room: E2210

Tim Stubbings