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Support for your life and mind

Friends for life

Friends forever...

You can like us on Facebook, which means you can stay in touch with your old University as well as your old classmates. But don't stop there - join our official LinkedIn alumni group to strengthen and grow your professional network, and if you let us know you're planning a reunion or an alumni get together then we'll help you spread the word...

Music and events to feed your mind

Events to inspire and inform

You're welcome to enjoy and be a part of the University's cultural and social life. We offer you a richly rewarding programme of events that include popular science lectures, concerts, art exhibitions, social gatherings and more. They are events that will entertain, challenge, inform and inspire. And they're often free! What are you waiting for?

Have a question? Contact:

Tim Stubbings

Tim Stubbings Position: Coordinator School/office: Communication and Collaboration

Profile page: Tim Stubbings

Email: dGltLnN0dWJiaW5ncztvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303158

Room: E2210

Tim Stubbings