The HRS4R process at Örebro University

In March 2005, the European Commission issued a recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The aim of the Charter & Code is to help create the world's most competitive knowledge-based economy through European research activities.

The Charter & Code are a set of general principles and requirements which specify the roles, responsibilities and entitlements of researchers, as well as of employers and/or funders of researchers. They also outline principles and requirements that should be followed by employers and/or funders when appointing or recruiting researchers. 

Örebro University is using the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), a tool that is provided by the Commission for the implementation of the Charter & Code. 

The work at ORU started in 2017 and is continuously an important part in our quality assurance work. Here is a timeline of our process. 

ORU activities

Example of HRS4R activities that have been carried out the past years and new ones included in the 2024-2027 action plan. 

Information activities and courses have been developed regarding:

  • Contractual and legal obligations
  • GDPR
  • Data storage
  • Open Data

Activities regarding recruitment 

  • Continual improvements in the recruitment process following the review conducted by the ORU Internal Auditors.
  • New guidelines regarding employment as a professor, senior lecturer and assistant professor have been drawn up by the three faculties.
  • Information on the recruitment process, aimed at candidates, has been clarified and highlights the concept of Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R).

Career advice and mobility


Information on ORU web

  • Increased amount of information (webpages and documents) in English on ORU web.
  • Further development of the Research Support web portal 

Increased knowledge of the Swedish language for international staff

  • Courses made available in collaboration with Örebro municipality.

Planned activities for 2024-2027 include:

  • Continuation of translation of necessary documents and webpages into English and assessment of ways to automate the process.
  • More wide-ranging introduction of mentorship programmes.
  • Introduction and implementation of Academic Citizenship.
  • Further assistance with helping researchers handle research data and ethical reviews.
  • Further development of career development and career advice activities, including careers outside of academia.
  • Help developed for onboarding new externally funded research projects.
  • Further activities with gender mainstreaming and anti-discrimination.
  • Implementation of an updated recruitment process using requirements’ profiles that are more wide ranging and take greater account of candidates’ personal qualities