FAQ for new employees from abroad

Do you have questions about moving to Sweden? If you can’t find the answer to your question, you’re always welcome to contact relocation@oru.se.

It depends on what you’re going to work with and how long you’ll be staying.

You can find all information on the Swedish Migration Agency’s (Migrationsverket) website, but you’ll need supporting documents from Örebro University, depending on the type of permit. Consult with relocation@oru.se.

Visit the Swedish Migration Agency website.

If they’re citizens of a country outside of EU/EES, they’ll also need a permit. Your family members can apply for a permit at the same time, so you include them in your application.

When in contact with Relocation ORU, mention if you have questions regarding bringing your family. 

If you’ve moved to Sweden from abroad and plan to live in Sweden for one year or more, you’re generally required to be registered in the Swedish Population Register (folkbokförd). You need to visit the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) in person to complete the registration. It’s good to prepare for your visit using the Move to Sweden service found on the Tax Agency website.

More information on the Swedish Tax Agency’s website

You’ll receive a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer) once you’ve registered. It usually takes one to two months but may take longer. You’re entitled to medical and dental care under the same terms as others who live in Sweden once you’re registered in the Swedish population register and get a Swedish personal identity number. That means you pay the standard Swedish patient fee for medical care and the regular fee for dental care in the public healthcare system. It’s the same for your family.

Make sure to notify HR when you get your Swedish personal identity number.

You’re insured by Örebro University during your work hours, on business travels and while going to/home from work. However, it’s recommended to have private insurance, such as home insurance and a personal accident policy. Contact an insurance company for more information. Make sure that your family has suitable insurance coverage as well.

The Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) administers social insurance in Sweden. Social insurance in Sweden means that you’re covered by the Swedish social insurance system and are entitled to various benefits. Försäkringskassan decides whether you’re qualified for social insurance. After you’ve moved to Sweden, you should submit your details to Försäkringskassan, and they’ll then assess whether you’re considered residing or working in Sweden. Make sure to request an EHIC card (European Health Insurance Card) in section 6 "Övriga upplysningar" when filling out the form at the Försäkringskassan website.

More information about social insurance is found on the Försäkringskassan website

Make sure to read the section about what to do upon arrival. If you’ve been here for more than a year, you need to be registered in the population register (folkbokförd) to be entitled to medical care under the same terms as others living in Sweden. 

If there is an emergency and you need immediate assistance, call 112.

You are free to choose which primary care centre you want to be listed at, but you will automatically be listed at the one nearest to your home if you don’t change it. Call 019 – 602 16 00 if you’re unsure which centre is closest.

You can get 24-hour medical advice by calling 1177 (no area code). Call this number if you need medical care in the evening and on weekends or if it can’t wait until the next day.

For general information about the health care system in Sweden:
Visit 1177 – Finding your way around the health care system

For general information about medical care in Örebro:
Medical care in Örebro County

In Sweden, most children start school from the age of six. For the first ten years, attending school is mandatory and is offered to all children living in Örebro Municipality. Register the child using the form on the municipality website, and they will contact you to schedule an appointment.

Children between the ages of 1–5 have the right to childcare if you are working or studying. If your partner moves with you and is looking for work or is on parental leave, you have the right to childcare for 15 hours per week. It can take up to four months to get a place at the preschool, so make sure to send the application as soon as possible. Contact the Service Centre in Örebro if you’re unsure how to fill in the application.

Read more about preschool in Örebro. Since the Örebro municipality website is in Swedish, use the “translate” link at the bottom of their website.
In Sweden, all education is free of charge – from preschool and up to university studies.

Information about the Swedish school system

We can transfer the money to foreign accounts if you don’t have a Swedish account yet. Make sure to submit your account details to HR. Salary is usually paid on the 25th of each month, but it can take a couple of extra days when transferring the money to a foreign account. When you have obtained a Swedish bank account, make sure to update the information to HR.

Yes. The university offers courses in Swedish every semester at two levels depending on previous knowledge. The head of division/unit must approve the participation. Contact relocation@oru.se for more information.

In some cases, yes. A foreign driving licence issued in a country outside the EEA is not valid in Sweden if you have been registered here for more than a year. As long as you’re not registered in Sweden, there’s no time limit for how long you’re allowed to drive in the country. If you have a foreign driver’s licence issued in a country within the EEA, you may continue driving as long as your driver’s licence is still valid.

You can switch your foreign license to a Swedish license in some cases.

More information about foreign licenses at Swedish Transport Agency’s (Transportstyrelsen)

Örebro University is part of the Euraxess network and cooperates with other universities to offer a series of webinars aimed at spouses. You can find all information and dates on the Euraxess website. 

Dual Career and Spouse Support