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Wall of Inspiration – showcasing alumni in Örebro University’s jubilee exhibition

A student looks at portraits of Alumni.

Photo: Jesper Eriksson

Our Wall of Inspiration is a celebration of our alumni and their contribution to society. Alumni that show how an Örebro University education can change the life of not just one person, but also help make the world a better place.

Wall of Inspiration is located in Novahuset, Örebro University. Welcome to pay it a visit. Find the opening times here.

Olympic gold medallist Ulrika Knape-Lindberg, world-renowned soprano Camilla Tilling and former CEO of Telia Johan Dennelind are among the alumni showcased, speaking on their careers and looking back on their time at Örebro University.

Our Wall of Inspiration was first created to mark Örebro University’s 20-year anniversary. In connection with the university’s 25-year anniversary in 2024, the display was updated to include five new alumni.

Photographer is Ulla-Carin Ekblom.

Here are the five new alumni on the Wall of Inspiration:

Kalle Norwald

Kalle Norwald

Här finns ingen information.

Joanna Hedqvist

Joanna Hedqvist

Här finns ingen information.

Henrik Löwdahl

Henrik Löwdahl

Här finns ingen information.

Johanna Gillberg

Johanna Gillberg

Här finns ingen information.

Jens Ericsson

Jens Ericsson

Här finns ingen information för tillfället.

Here you can learn more about the other alumni included in the Wall of Inspiration

Abraham Zeito

Abraham Zeito

There is no information to show at this time.

Amy Loutfi

Amy Loutfi

There is no information to show at this time.

Bahram Pazhman

Bahram Pazhman

There is no information to show at this time.

Camilla Tilling

Camilla Tilling

There is no information to show at this time.

Daniel Rydén

Daniel Rydén

There is no information to show at this time.

David Silverlid

David Silverlid

There is no information to show at this time.

Frida Elfsten

Frida Elfsten

There is no information to show at this time.

Hewa Abdelzadeh

Hewa Abdelzadeh

There is no information to show at this time.

Ingela Korsell

Ingela Korsell

There is no information to show at this time.

Johan Dennelind

Johan Dennelind

There is no information to show at this time.

Johan Hyltner

Johan Hyltner

There is no information to show at this time.

Josefin Stålbert

Josefin Stålbert

There is no information to show at this time.

Karin Hugelius

Karin Hugelius

There is no information to show at this time.

Marie Hammarström Liljesson

Marie Hammarström Liljesson

There is no information to show at this time.

Misse Wester

Misse Wester

There is no information to show at this time.

Ola Albrektsson

Ola Albrektsson

There is no information to show at this time.

Rebecca Meiselbach

Rebecca Meiselbach

There is no information to show at this time.

Rickard Olsson

Rickard Olsson

There is no information to show at this time.

Sara Hedblom

Sara Hedblom

There is no information to show at this time.

Ulrika Knape-Lindberg

Ulrika Knape-Lindberg

There is no information to show at this time.