Create assignment

  • Go to the place in the course where you want to publish your assignment
  • Click the plus sign and select Create
  • In the panel that opens, click Assessment and then select Assignment.
  • Name the assignment (in the top left field)
  • To add assignment instructions and attachments, click on the plus sign in the large box

Create assignment.PNG

  • Select the Add text option
  • Enter your instructions and attach files if necessary
  • Finish by clicking the Save button
    Do you need to edit your instructions, click on the three points to the right of the text or attachment

Assignment content.PNG

  • To edit the task settings, click the gear icon to view all settings.
    • Due date: Enter the due date and time:
      Note! Participants can submit after the deadline. Submissions are marked as late. If you want to limit this possibility, you must regulate the availability of the assignment.
    • Allow class conversations: Select to allow participants to discuss the assignment.
    • Mark category: Assignment
    • Attempts allowed: Enter the number of attempts. It is possible to increase in retrospect, both at the assignment and individual levels.
    • Mark attempts: select the Last attempt with a mark.
    • Mark using: Here you choose either points, Letter (U-G-VG) or percent.
    • Max Points: If you have selected points in the previous, enter the desired number of points. If you have selected Letter (U-G-VG), enter 3 as a maximum point. Specified score values ​​are converted to letter grades. 1 = U, 2 = G, 3 = VG.
    • Time limit: If this is stated, the time will start counting down from the time the participant opened the assessment. For information, it is usually sufficient that the submission date is specified.
    • Assessment criteria: Assessment criteria can be linked to a task.
    • Objectives and standards: not used
    • Assigned groups: The assignment can be divided into groups. The groups are created in Bb Learn. Note that a group task at this time can only have one attempt.
    • Description: Voluntary.
  • When you are done with the settings, click the Save button.

  • Finish by making the assignment visible to the users or alternatively set the period during which it should be visible. Click the drop-down menu at the top right of the page and edit the setting.