Whistleblowing Reporting irregularities - providing my personal data Report irregularities that are in the public interest In making this claim, I: believe I am among those that are entitled to the protection offered under law to persons making a claim, that is, that I am an employee of, or have employment-like status at, Örebro University, for instance through placement, consultancy or similar, have reasonable cause to believe that what I am reporting is true, and believe that my claim is in the public interest, that is, it concerns irregularities or wrongdoing within university operations, violations of external or internal regulations, or other similar circumstances. Don't fill in this field *Name *Email Phone number (Not Required) *What type of irregularities would you like to draw Örebro University’s attention to? Where have these taken place? When did they happen? Please state date and time and if they are recurring. Who is/are involved? Do you have access to any type of documentation? Yes No Have you taken any other action as a result of these irregularities? Other Submit