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Cookies and JavaScript

Örebro University's website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file sent from a web server and stored on your computer or smartphone. These temporary text files are not harmful and do not contain any program code. We use cookies to improve the functionality of the website and to simplify for you, the visitor.

Read more about cookies on the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority’s (PTS) website.

Strictly necessary cookies used on this website

Accepted or denied cookies

Name: Oru-accept-cookies

  • Purpose: The cookie saves whether you accept or reject the website use of cookies. If you click “I accept cookies” the cookie saves the value “oru-accepted”. If you click “No, don’t save any cookies” the cookie saves the value “oru-denied”.
  • Use: To know whether or not you accept that we use cookies. If you accept, then cookies are saved in your web browser.
  • Data stored: No personal information, only information about your computer and your web browser.
  • Duration: The cookie is stored for one month from the date of consent or denial.

Information about an ongoing website visit

Name: ASP.NET_Sessionsid

  • Purpose: The cookie is used to register choices you make or services used during your visit on the website, also called a session.
  • Use: Storing the cookie simplifies the use of the website and its services.
  • Data stored: Information about the choices you make during your visit. This cookie does not identify you personally.
  • Duration: Closing the web browser window deletes the cookie.

Name: __RequestVerificationToken

  • Purpose: A cookie is used to verify the  authenticity of the site. 
  • Use: Increased security for users of our site.
  • Data stored: No personal information, only information about your computer and your web browser.
  • Duration: Closing the web browser window deletes the cookie.

Information about filling in web forms

Name: EPiForm_BID

  • Purpose: A cookie is used when you visit a page with a web form.
  • Use: Used when you fill in a web form so that the webserver can keep track of which form you are filling in.
  • Data stored: No personal information, only information about your computer and your web browser.
  • Duration: The cookie is saved for 90 days.

Name: EPiForm_VisitorIdentifier

  • Purpose: A cookie is used when you send in a web form.
  • Use: Used so that the webserver can keep track of which user has sent in which form.
  • Data stored: No personal information, only information about your computer and your web browser.
  • Expires: The cookie is saved for 90 days.

Optional cookies that we use on our website

Statistics about the use of our website

Name: siteimproveses, nmstat, AWSELB / AWSELBCORS.

  • Purpose: These cookies collect statistics about the number of visits over time, how long your visit lasts on our website, what pages you visit on our website and what page you as a visitor came from.
  • Use: Cookies allows us to improve your user experience as a visitor on our website.
  • Data stored: No personal information, only information about your computer and your web browser.
  • Duration:  The siteimproveses, AWSELB / AWSELBCORS cookie is deleted when you close the web browser. The nmstat cookie is deleted after 1,000 days.

Information about chat widget

Name: lhc_per, lhc_ses, lhc_ldep

  • Purpose: The cookies save information about the chat widget, chat id to be able to keep the same chat while you navigate through pages, temporary information about the chat and required department information.
  • Use: These cookies allows us to show a chat widget while you browse our web pages.
  • Data stored: No personal information, only information about the chat widget and ongoing chat.
  • Duration: The cookies are saved up to six months, information about ongoing chat is cleared when you close the chat.

If you do not accept storing cookies

If you do not accept cookies by clicking “No, don’t save any cookies”, then you may also configure your web browser to automatically deny cookies upon all website cookie requests. You can also use your web browser to delete previously stored cookies. Visit your web browser's help for learn how.

If you choose not to accept cookies, then certain functions described above will not function or partially function on our website. Not accepting cookies will also prevent you from logging in to our website.

If you do not want user data collected in advertising or for web statistics by Google's services, then you can use a so-called opt-out extension in your web browser or service from the industry coalition, European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA):

Read more about how to activate the service on EDAA’s website


JavaScript is used on our website and by several of our web-based systems, such as Studentforum. These scripts are used, for example, to place the cursor in the correct field in a search form, to verify that specific fields are filled in or to open dialogue boxes. For the best use of the website and our web-based systems, you need to have JavaScript enabled.

Mer information

If you would like information about without using our website, you are welcome to call our switchboard at 019 – 30 30 00.