Supervising PhD students (Forskarhandledarutbildningen)

The university offers the course Supervising PhD students (Forskarhandledarutbildningen) in both Swedish and English. The English course runs in spring semesters. The course is aimed at employees at the university and Region Örebro County but we also welcome external applicants.
The course Supervising PhD students is not included in the 10 weeks of university teaching courses required for employment as lecturer or above at Örebro University.
The purpose of the course is collegial development of knowledge about research supervision and to contribute to the development of a good supervisory and postgraduate culture at the university.
The course comprises two parts or perspectives. One is the public mission of PhD study in Sweden; that is, the role the development of research plays in society and the public domain and how it is regulated both nationally by the Higher Education Act and Ordinance and locally at Örebro University. The other is the educational mission of the PhD supervisor, and more precisely the challenges, opportunities and problems that he or she faces in the supervision context.
Credits and attendance
The course is planned to cover 120 hours of work includes six full-day teaching sessions and another nine days of independent work on the course tasks.
NB! The course is offered in English during spring semesters and Swedish in autumn semesters.
Course dates spring semester 2025
Course day 1: Thursday 3 April, 10.15-16.00, on campus.
Course day 2: Friday 4 April, 09.15-16.00, on campus.
Course day 3: Thursday 24 April, 10.15-16.00, on campus.
Course day 4: Friday 25 April, 09.15-16.00, on campus.
Course day 5: Thursday 22 May, 10.15-16.00, on campus.
Course day 6: Friday 23 May, 09.15-16.00, on campus.
Eligibility and selection
Eligible applicants must hold a valid doctoral degree.
Applicants are offered a place on the course on a first-come, first-served basis provided a complete application has been submitted which the applicant’s head or director has approved. Note that the application may close before the deadline if the course fills up. In case of too few applicants the course may be cancelled.
Please note that you must be able to attend the first two days of the course in full in order to be accepted onto the course. The remaining four sessions may be made up for at another time within two years from the starting semester.
Course fee
Employees at Örebro University:
The course fee is SEK 1,500/week, including VAT (total fee SEK 4,500, including VAT).
External applicants:
The course fee is SEK 4,500/week, excluding VAT (total fee SEK 13,500, excluding VAT).
The course fee will be invoiced after the deadline for registration for the course. In the event of cancellation after the last day of registration or an interruption of the course, no refund will be made.
If you have any questions regarding the application process, feel free to contact us at
Registration for the spring semester's course 2025 is now closed. Late registration is possible – subject to availability on the course – by sending an email to
Please note! We do not accept registrations after the start of the course.