Courses for university teachers

The Centre for Academic Development offers a wide range of courses for you to become a qualified university teacher. Three courses are mandatory to give a solid theoretical foundation. In addition to this, you may choose at least three more weeks of courses to meet the requirement of ten weeks of university teacher training when holding a permanent teaching position at the university.
In addition to the ten weeks required for permanent teaching staff, you may, of course, continue to develop your pedagogical skills according to the needs of your role or your own interests. Maybe you want to develop your digital teaching skills? Or integrate sustainable development in your teaching in new ways? The Centre for Academic Development will continue to develop the range of courses based on the needs of the departments. If you have ideas for a course, please contact us!
To register, click on the respective course and the form can be found at the bottom of each course page.
The course Supervising PhD students is not included in the 10 weeks of university teaching courses required for employment as lecturer or above at Örebro University.
Mandatory foundational course
Other mandatory courses
Optional courses
Course for PhD supervisors
The course Supervising PhD students is not included in the 10 weeks of university teaching courses required for employment as lecturer or above at Örebro University.