Centre for Academic Development

Call for papers — Research on higher education

The Centre for Academic Development at Örebro University and the journal Högre utbildning invite you to a multidisciplinary research conference on higher education on 19–20 May 2021. The conference will be run digitally.

Higher education studies is an established field internationally and one that is growing in Sweden. To address its relatively marginalized position, a first conference on the topic was held at Lund University in May 2018. The focus there was on creating a larger network of researchers within higher education studies in Sweden. This conference will build on the initiatives and themes raised at the previous conference and continue the task of creating space for research that is specifically about higher education.

We welcome proposals for presentations and topics for panel discussions, special interest groups (SIGs) and seminars. Contributions are submitted via the web form below.

Examples of research areas

  • Teaching and learning in higher education: for example, teaching and course design, pedagogical challenges, assessment, examination, digital learning, progression, curriculum studies
  • Postgraduate education: for example, supervision, organization and management, internationalization, intersectionality
  • Students’ experiences and participation: for example, diversity, intersectionality, participation, special needs
  • Quality of education: for example, systems, tensions, development, support, processes and reviews
  • The relationship between research and teaching: for example, research-based teaching, ideals, institutional conditions
  • Systems, policies and politics: for example, conditions, governance models, financing, implementation, evaluation, merit structures
  • Management and organization: for example, academic cultures, collegiality, management models
  • The structure and development of the university landscape: for example, the relationship between colleges and universities, education and social status
  • The societal role of higher education: for example, civic education, marketing, sustainability, views on knowledge, internationalization, historical development, relationship to other actors

Contributions can be empirical, theoretical and/or critically probing.

Format and languages

We hope to be able to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital format and have adapted the formats to provide as much opportunity for discussion and exchange as possible.

Proposals and presentations may be written and given in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish or English.

Paper presentation

30 minutes, of which at least 15 minutes for questions and discussion. Abstract of up to 400 words plus references.


60 minutes, of which 20 minutes presentation/introduction followed by 40 minutes discussion. A seminar is defined here as a discussion between a small group of invited specialists. There may be questions from the auditorium, but the small group prepares in advance and is proactive. A seminar can be about a new book, a large ongoing research project, about the history of higher education pedagogy or the like. Abstract of a maximum of 800 words plus references, which must contain both a summary and suggestions for how the subsequent discussion should be set up and which people should participate in the introduction. Those who have proposals accepted are asked to submit a short summary of the seminar discussion after the conference to be posted on the conference website.

SIG proposal

60 minutes for discussion. Proposals on a theme for a special interest group (SIG) around a research area are submitted in the form of an explanatory title and abstract that both clarifies and justifies the SIG proposal. The text should state the background to the proposal, any previous research, delimitation and some form of forward-looking purpose for the group. Maximum 800 words plus references. If two proposals are similar, the programme committee will contact the authors to explore possibilities for merging the proposals into one, or further clarify the differences. The coordinating member of the SIG will be asked to submit a short reflection based on the discussions after the conference. The reflections from the SIG groups will then be posted on the conference website.

Peer review

All contributions are peer-reviewed and the scientific quality and relevance of the contributions are taken into account in the assessment. Contributions in the form of seminars and SIG proposals are also assessed on the basis of their potential for creating discussion.

All contributions are to be submitted via the web form below by 15 January 2021.

Successful proposals will be announced no later than 1 March 2021.

Publication in the journal Högre utbildning

As an opportunity to develop conference contributions and disseminate them to a wider audience, conference participants are encouraged to submit contributions to the journal Högre utbildning after the conference. Högre utbildning is a peer-reviewed scientific e-journal with the aim of supporting the growth of knowledge that is relevant to teaching and education at universities and colleges. Contributions may be written in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian or English. Information about various forms of contributions and guidelines for authors can be found on the journal's website. 

Call for papers — Research on higher education 2021


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