Welcome to the School of Music, Theatre and Art

The School of Music, Theatre and Art at Örebro University is a unique meeting place for artistically and academically-oriented minds to develop their knowledge and skills. The department boasts some of the most highly- renowned teaching and research staff in Sweden, high-spec studio and practice facilities and has close cooperations with the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Norrbotten Big Band as well as music producers from across Sweden.
Here at Örebro, we combine teaching on a wide range of music traditions with practical, skills-based knowledge and research. Our bachelor’s programs in Music Performance (where students can choose to study Music Production, Jazz and Pop, Chamber Music or Composition), Music Education, Musicology and Theatre programs are among the best in Sweden. Our Music and Human Beings research group also delivers first-class, international research through focusing on the societal impact of music.
The city of Örebro is famous for its thriving music and cultural scenes and the School of Music and Theatre is a big part of that. Örebro itself is home to the Swedish Chamber Orchestra as well as the international Live at Heart showcase music festival. Our students make up the sound techs, musicians, performers, actors and set designers, within and beyond the city itself across a range of genres.
Come and take a look at our courses for international applications, learn more about our research and check out our facilities!
Click on the tabs to the left to find out more about our courses. For more information contact our international coordinator or take a look at our Facebook page down below.
24 Mar
Forskarlunch: Introduktion i nyttiggörande
24 March 2025 12:15 – 13:00 Digitalt
Forskarluncherna är ett program i fyra delar för forskare som är nyfikna på nyttiggörande, tillämpning och impact. Programmet ges digitalt från Innovationskontoret Fyrklövern. -
24 March 2025 19:00 Konsertsalen, Musikhögskolan Open for the public
Terminskonsert med jazz- och popstudenterna som går sitt andra år på Musikhögskolan vid Örebro universitet.
New insights into biopharmaceuticals in the treatment of IBD
By studying Swedish patient data, Örebro researcher Isabella Visuri has identified new patterns in how biopharmaceuticals affect patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Legislation appears to impact chemicals in preschools
When one harmful substance is banned, it is often replaced by another. It is essential to evaluate the health effects of chemicals before they reach the market. This is Ylva Sjöström’s conclusion based on the results of her doctoral thesis in chemistry...
New model that can help develop quantum computers
Researchers have developed a new mathematical model that allows us to understand better how quantum physics affects the dynamics of magnetic materials – a basis for new technologies for data storage and quantum computers,” says Danny Thonig, researcher...