Liisa Husu
Liisa Husu Position: Post Retirement Professor School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: bGlpc2EuaHVzdTtvcnUuc2U=
Phone: No number available
Room: F3121

About Liisa Husu
Liisa Husu is Senior Professor of Sociology, at the School of Humanities, Education and Social Science (HumES), Örebro University. She is an affiliated researcher and member of the GODESS Institute at the Department of Management and Organisation, Hanken School of Economics, Finland, and scientific advisory for the Chalmers University of Technology 10-year gender equality action GENIE.
Liisa Husu is a Finnish sociologist and gender expert with a strong international engagement. She has previously been a board member of GEXcel Centre of Gender Excellence, one of the Swedish Centres of Gender Excellence, funded by the Swedish Research Council 2007-2011; Professor of Gender Studies at Örebro University 2011-2020, Guest Professor in Gender Studies at Örebro University 2009-2010, Guest Professor at Linköping University Tema Genus 2009-2011, and is Docent in Women’s Studies at Tampere University, Finland.
She received her PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Helsinki in 2001, is Docent of Women's Studies at Tampere University, Finland; and was awarded tin 2002 the Christina of the Year award by the University of Helsinki Christina Institute of Gender Studies, and the University of Helsinki Gender Equality Prize, the Maikki Friberg Prize, in 2009.
Liisa Husu was the National Co-ordinator of Women’s Studies and senior adviser in the Finnish gender equality machinery (Council for Equality between Women and Men and Equality Ombudsman’s Office) at the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 1981-1996; researcher in the Academy of Finland funded research project Gender in Academia 1997-2001 at the Department of Social Psychology, University of Helsinki; Research Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki 2002-2008, and Project Manager of NASTA - Women’s Leadership Research and Development Project, a national three-university project funded by the Finnish Ministry of Education, 2008-2010, at Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki.
Research interests
Liisa Husu's research interests focus on gender in science, academia and knowledge production; especially on gender dynamics and inequalities in scientific careers, organisations and science policy. She led the GEXcel research theme “Gender Paradoxes in Changing Academic and Scientific Organisation(s)”, and the Örebro part of the Swedish Research Council funded project on “Feminist Theorizings of Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies”. In 2021-2023 she was engaged with international consortia in two Horizon2020 research projects related to gender in science and academia: GRANTeD and UniSAFE.
Ph.D. education and examination
Liisa Husu has examined ten Ph.D.s (in Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands and Sweden, in Sociology, Political Science, Education, and Gender Studies) and supervised seven doctoral students. She was Board Member of Intergender, the Swedish-International doctoral school in gender research.
Evaluation activities
Husu has been a member of the evaluation panel in the Uppsala University overall research evaluation Quality and Renewal 2006, as a "researcher on research" panel member in the Uppsala University overall research evaluation Quality and Renewal 2017, and in the international evaluation panel of Social Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 2015 and 2020.
She has been a reviewer for ERC; Elsevier New Scholar Programme; Swedish Institute of Development Aid grants (SIDA); Austrian Wissenschaftsfonds Wittgenstein award; Israel Science Foundation; the Science Foundation Ireland Institute Development Awards; assessor for the Irish Higher Education Agency Senior Academic Leadership Initiative; member in the evaluation committee of the MEERVOUD programme of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO, member of the jury of the European Women Inventor and Innovation Award 2009, and took part in the Swedish Council for Higher Education's assessment of gender equality projects in higher education, funded by DJ, the Delegationen för jämställdhet i högskolan (Committee for gender equality in higher education). In 2017, she conducted a gender equality review of the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences) research project funding processes.
Expert activities
Husu has functioned extensively as a gender expert and adviser for diverse research stakeholders in Nordic countries, Europe and internationally, including research funding organisations and Ministries, and has been actively involved in developing gender approaches in universities and research policy since the early 1980s in many roles and contexts.
She has served as the Vice-Chair and member of the University of Helsinki Equality Committee, and was a member of Örebro University Equality Committee 2010-2018 (Committee discontinued in 2018). She was member of the board of NIKK, Nordic Gender Institute, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, 1995-2000, and the Chair of its first board 1995-1996.
She was a member of the Swedish Ministry of Education advisory group on gender and gender equality in European research policy, set up in 2017. June 2017-October 2018 she served as a member of the Board of the Tampere University Foundation (Finland) which led the merger of the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology into a new foundation university which started in January 2019.
She is member of the scientific advisory board of CIEG, the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studes at Lisbon University, Portugal (2023-), is scientific adviser of Chalmers University of Technology ten-year gender initiative for excellence GENIE since 2018, and was a member of the External Advisory Group for Lund University Science Faculty on gender and diversity 2020-2022.
International engagements
Liisa Husu has lectured and given invited presentations in over thirty countries, in Australia, Canada, China, European countries, Latin America, Morocco, South Africa, and USA.
International engagements include a keynote presentation in the Japanese-American-Scandinavian forum on gender in science in Washington D.C. in 2009; at the UNCTAD multi-year expert meeting on enterprise development and capacity building in science, technology and innovation in 2011; in the EC Social Dialogue, Committee on Education in 2012; at the European Conference of Women University Rectors in Istanbul in 2014; at the International Conference on Gender and Higher Education in Europe in University of Lund, Sweden in 2014, and in the Gender Panel of the Second African Ministerial Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation in Rabat, Morocco in 2014. Husu has been a long-term member of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 32 (Women in Society) and has served two terms in its board, and was appointed in 2018 to the board of International Sociological Association Research Committee 23, Sociology of Science and Technology.
European engagements
Liisa Husu has played an active role in European actions and research development on gender and science and is member, earlier PI, of the Örebro team in the H2020 research project GRANTeD (2019-2023) on gender and research funding. She was a partner in a major European FP7 project GenPORT that was pooling and organising extensive gender and science resources to an interactive portal; researcher in the EU FP7 project genSET, a capacity building action project on gender equality and excellence in science; a partner in the EU FP6 research project PROMETEA on empowering women in technological research careers; a partner in the EU FP6 project ADVANCE on promoting women’s scientific careers; and is a member of the COST action Gender STE. She contributed to the EC report Gender and Excellence in the Making (2004), was the Rapporteur of the EC expert group Gender and Excellence (The Gender Challenge in Research Funding, 2009) reviewing research funding from gender perspective in 33 countries and a member of the EC expert group on impact of COVID-19 on gender equality in research and innovation (2022-2023). She was a member of the steering group of the European conference on gender in research and innovation organised by the Finnish EU Presidency in October 2019.
Husu has been the moderator of the European Network on Gender Equality in Higher Education, and its email list eq-uni since 1998, and has contributed to organising eleven European Conferences on Gender Equality in Higher Education. She was a founding member of the European Platform of Women Scientists EPWS and long-term member of its board, and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Women Rectors Association EWORA.
Her publications include Hard Work in the Academy. Research and Interventions on Gender Inequalities in Higher Education (1999), the special issue on Academe and Gender of UNESCO/CEPES journal Higher Education in Europe (2000), Sexism, Support and Survival in Academia: Academic Women and Hidden Discrimination in Finland (2001), Tiede, tieto ja sukupuoli [Science, Knowledge and Gender] (2005), Dold diskriminering på akademiska arenor – osynligt, synligt, subtilt [Hidden discrimination on academic arenas – invisible, visible, subtle] (2005); Leadership through the Gender Lens (2010), Women, Management and Leadership (2011), and a special issue on Feminist Encounters in Research and Innovation of the journal Feminist Encounters, as well as many journal articles and chapters in books. In 2013 she was among the invited researchers writing in Nature on”Scientists of the world speak up for equality”.
Interviews and media outreach
There is no quick fix for gender equality Interview by Robert Karlsson, Chalmers University of Technology) April 4, 2019
Så kan forskningsfinansiärer bidra till jämlikhet Interview by Michael Nyhaga at Riksbankens Jubileumsfond web June 20, 2018
Om en forskningsfinansiär - "Jämställdhet är en fråga om kvalitet" Interview by Charlie Olofsson for, December 20, 2018
Equality targets futile without incentives Interview by Carin Mannberg-Zaccari, Curie, web journal of Swedish RC, 2017
Miljonsatsning på jämställd högskola misslyckades Interview by Hugo Lindqvist, Dagens Nyheter, 14 March 2015
Research projects
Active projects
- Gender paradoxes in academic and scientific organisations
- UniSAFE: Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe (2021-2024)
Completed projects
- "Our day is nice." Meeting places for fathers on parental leave
- Conceptualizing intersectionality
- Feminist Theories on Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies
- FEMITURES: Feminist Politics and the (Re)structuring of European Equality Architectures (2015-2020)
- Gender dynamics of East-West research mobility
- GenSET - Building institutional capacity for action on gender dimension in science
- Gender mainstreaming and innovation in public services
- Gender diversity, research and innovation
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Strid, S. & Husu, L. (2024). Genusbaserat våld i akademin. Astra. Samhälle, Kultur, Feminism (2), 42-47. [BibTeX]
- Simonsson, A. , Ovesen, N. , Steinþórsdóttir, F. S. & Husu, L. (2024). Rethinking Institutional Responses to Gender-Based Violence in Academia as Forms of Care in the Nordic Context: [Institutionelle Reaktionen auf geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in der Wissenschaft im nordischen Kontext als Formen der Fürsorge überdenken]. Open Gender Journal, 8. [BibTeX]
- Peterson, H. & Husu, L. (2023). Online panel work through a gender lens: implications of digital peer review meetings. Science and Public Policy, 50 (3), 371-381. [BibTeX]
- Benschop, Y. & Husu, L. (2021). Close Encounters of the Feminist Kind with Research and Innovation. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics, 5 (2), 1-6. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2019). Gender challenges in research funding. Global Dialogue, 9 (2). [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Strid, S. , Husu, L. & Verloo, M. (2016). Interrogating violence against women and state violence policy: Gendered intersectionalities and the quality of policy in The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. Current Sociology, 64 (4), 551-567. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Tainio, L. (2016). Representations of women researchers in Finnish print media: top researchers, multi-talents and experts [Representaciones de mujeres investigadoras En la prensa escrita finlandesa: investigadoras de élite, multi-talentos y expertas]. Investigaciones Feministas, 7 (2), 203-224. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. , Al-Gazali, L. , Valian, V. , Barres, B. , Wu, L. , Andrei, E. Y. , Handelsman, J. & Moss-Racusin, C. (2013). Scientists of the world speak up for equality. Nature, 495 (7439), 35-38. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. & Husu, L. (2011). Understanding gender: some implications for science and technology. ISR. Interdisciplinary science review, 36 (2), 103-113. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Koskinen, P. (2010). Gendering excellence in technological reseach: a comparative European perspective. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 5 (1), 127-139. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2004). Naisystävällisempään yliopistoon?: Tiedenaiset ja muutoksen visiot. Naistutkimus - Kvinnoforskning, 17 (1), 4-21. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Tainio, L. (2004). Tiedenaiset suomalaisten sanoma: ja aikakauslehtien haastatteluissa (Women scientists in interviews in Finnish print media). Tiedotustutkimus, 27 (4-5), 56-76. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2000). Gender Discrimination in the Promised Land of Gender Equality. Higher Education in Europe, 25 (2), 221-228. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Hearn, J. , Husu, L. & Biricik, A. (2011). genSET Workshop Briefing Materials: ”Advancing Excellence in Science through Gender Equality”. EU FP7 Report to the European Commission. [BibTeX]
- de Cheveigné, S. & Husu, L. (2009). The Gender Challenge in Research Funding: Assessing European National Scenes. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Husu, L. & Peterson, H. (2024). Research funding organisations as change agents for gender equality: Policies, practices and paradoxes in Sweden. In: Sandra Acker; Oili-Helena Ylijoki; Michelle K. McGinn, The Social Production of Research: Perspectives on Funding and Gender (pp. 204-220). . Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Muñoz-García, A. , Hope, M. , Wigdor, G. & Husu, L. (2023). Men, gender and knowledge construction in higher education. In: Jeff Hearn; Kadri Aavik; David L. Collinson; Anika Thym, Routledge Handbook on Men, Masculinities and Organizations: Theories, Practices and Futures of Organizing (pp. 339-352). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2020). What does not happen: interrogating a tool for building a gender-sensitive university. In: Eileen Drew and Siobhán Canavan, The Gender-Sensitive University: A Contradiction of terms? (pp. 166-176). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. & Husu, L. (2019). Age-Gender Relations in the Academic Profession: Putting the Challenges of Early Career Academics into Context. In: Marta Choroszewicz and Tracey L. Adams, Gender, Age and Inequality in the Professions (pp. 193-212). New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2019). Gender equality in Nordic academia: advances and challenges. In: Dragica Vujadinović and Zorana Antonijević, RODNA RAVNOPRAVNOST U VISOKOM OBRAZOVANJU: Koncepti, prakse i izazovi (pp. 63-73). Novi Sad, Serbia: Akademska knjiga. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Koskinen (Koskinen-Sandberg), P. (2019). Płeć a obszary doskonałości w badaniach technicznych i inżynieryjnych: porównanie europejskie. In: Renata Siemienska, Kariery akademickie kobiet i mężczyzn: Różne czy podobne? (pp. 29-50). Warsaw, Poland: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2018). Nordic Countries and the Nordic Region: Gender Research and Gender Studies in Northern Europe. In: Beate Kortendiek, Birgit Riegraf & Katja Sabisch, Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung. . Springer Nature. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Biese, I. , Choroszewicz, M. & Husu, L. (2016). Gender, diversity and intersectionality in professions and potential professions: analytical, historical and contemporary perspectives. In: Mike Dent, Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Jean-Louis Denis and Ellen Kuhlmann, The Routledge Companion to the Professions and Professionalism (pp. 57-70). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. & Husu, L. (2016). Gender equality. In: Nancy Naples, J. M. Ryan, r.c. hoogland, M. Wickramasinghe, W. C. A. Wong, The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies. Oxford, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Inc.. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2015). A Comprehensive National Approach to Promote Gender Equality in Science: The Case of Norway. In: Willie Pearson, Jr.; Lisa M. Frehill; Connie L. McNeely, Advancing Women in Science: an International Perspective (pp. 327-329). Cham, Heidelberg, New York, Dordrecht, London: Springer Publishing Company. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2014). Att verka på lika villkor i akademin: om jämställdhet och likabehandling. In: Sara Eldén och Anna Jonsson, Efter festen: Om konsten att utvecklas från doktor till docent eller en överlevnadsguide för den postdoktorala tillvaron (pp. 213-230). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2012). TANEn tutkimusjaosto tutkimuksen ja tasa-arvopolitiikan solmukohtana: varhaista, vaikuttavaa ja valtakunnallista verkottumista. In: Saara Kuusinen, Ritva Reinboth, Hannele Varsa, uuli Vuori, TANEn aiheet ja vaiheet - tasa-arvoasiain neuvottelukunta 40 vuotta [TANE genom tiderna. Delegationen för jämställdhetsärenden 40 år - Themes and times of TANE. The Council for Gender Equality (TANE) 40 years.]. (pp. 25-30). Helsinki: Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö, tasa-arvoasiain neuvottelukunta (Social- och hälsovårdsministeriet, Delegationen för jämställdhetsärenden, Finland). [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. , Hearn, J. , Lämsä, A. & Vanhala, S. (2011). Introduction. In: Liisa Husu, Jeff Hearn, Anna-Maija Lämsä, Sinikka Vanhala, Women, management and leadership - Naiset ja johtajuus: NASTA women's leadership project final report (pp. V-29). Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Husu, L. , Hiillos, M. , Vanhala, S. , Lämsä, A. , Holm, J. , Laukkanen, M. & Peltola, K. (2011). Teaching on gender and staffing witin three Finnish business schools. In: Liisa Husu, Jeff Hearn, Anna-Maija Lämsä, Sinikka Vanhala, Women, management and leadership: naiset ja johtajuus (pp. 14-24). Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy. [BibTeX]
- de Cheveigné, S. , Husu, L. & Suter, C. (2010). Gender and excellence in research funding: European perspectives. In: Regula Julia Leemann, Heidi Stutz, Forschungsförderung aus Geschlechterperspektive: Zugang, Bedeutung und Wirkung in wissenschaftlichen Laufbahnen (pp. 181-201). Zürich: Verlag Rüegger Zürich. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & de Cheveigné, S. (2010). Gender and gatekeeping of excellence in research funding: European perspectives. In: Birgit Riegraf, Brigitte Aulenbacher, Edit Kirsch-Auwärter, Ursula Müller, GenderChange in Academia: re-mapping the fields of work, knowledge, and politics from a gender perspective (pp. 43-59). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. , Siebenhandl, K. , Apostolov, G. , Zauchner, S. , Gindl, M. & Bammer, D. (2009). ADVANCE - Advanced training for women in scientific research across Europe: a review of an innovative program. In: Lipinsky, Anke, Encouragement to advance: supporting women in European science careers (pp. 119-136). München: Kleine Verlag. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2009). Finland. In: Suzanne de Cheveigné (chair), Liisa Husu (rapporteur), The Gender Challenge in Research Funding: Assessing European National Scenes (pp. 96-97). Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2005). Women's Work-Related and Family-Related Discrimination and Support in Academia. In: Marcia Texler Segal, Vasilikie Demos, Gender Relations: Local and Global (pp. 161-199). . Emerald Group Publishing Limited. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Niemelä, P. (1993). Finland. In: Leonore Loeb Adler, International Handbook on Gender Roles (pp. 59-76). Westport, Connecticut - London: ABC-CLIO. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Griffin, G. (ed.) , Benschop, Y. (ed.) & Husu, L. (ed.) (2021). Feminist Encounters in Research and Innovation: Special Issue.. Lectito (Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics Vol. 5: 2). [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (ed.) , Hearn, J. (ed.) , Lämsä, A. (ed.) & Vanhala, S. (ed.) (2011). Women, management and leadership - Naiset ja johtajuus: NASTA women's leadership project final report. Helsingfors: Edita Publishing Oy (Hanken School of Economics Research Reports 72). [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (ed.) , Hearn, J. (ed.) , Lämsä, A. (ed.) & Vanhala, S. (ed.) (2010). Leadership through the gender lens: women and men in organizations. Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy (Hanken School of Economics Research Reports 71). [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Husu, L. , Peterson, H. , Schiffbaenker, H. & Sauer, A. (2023). Research Funding Organisations As Change Agents for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: European Perspectives. In: Book of abstracts XX ISA World Congress of Sociology. Paper presented at XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia, June 25 - July 1, 2023. (pp. 328-328). International Sociological Association. [BibTeX]
- Peterson, H. , Husu, L. , Schiffbänker, H. & Sauer, A. (2023). The GEP as instrument to foster gender equality and intersectionality: also for RFOs?. Paper presented at 21st Annual STS Conference, Graz, Austria, May 8-10, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Callerstig, A. (2019). Gender challenges in research funding: Nordic and European perspectives. Paper presented at Nordic Science and Technology Studies Conference, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland, June 13-14, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Erlingsdóttir, I. , Hearn, J. , Husu, L. & Shefer, T. (2019). Panel: Tensions between building up feminist academic infrastructure and feminist visions for the future: an interactive panel. Paper presented at Genders and Feminisms in a Polarised World: Sustainability, Futures and Utopias, RINGS: the International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies Conference, Tallinn University, Estonia, October 2-4, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2019). Scientific Careers, Organisations and Knowledge Production: Why and How Does Gender Matter?. Paper presented at International Conference "Gender Studies and Research in 2019 – Centenary Achievements and Perspectives", Vilnius University, Lithuania, November 21-23, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2018). Interrogating Science Policy in a Pro Gender Equality Setting: The Case of Sweden. Paper presented at XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, session Science Policy and the Sustainable Development Goals: Why Is a Gender Lens Necessary?, Toronto, Canada, July 15-21, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. & Husu, L. (2015). The intersectional (re)structuring of equality architectures: comparing case Sweden and case Finland. In: 3rd "Equal is not Enough" Conference. 2015. Paper presented at 3rd "Equal is not Enough" Conference: Exploring novel theoretical and empirical approaches to the shaping of (in)equalities, Antwerp, Belgium, Februar 4-6, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Strid, S. & Husu, L. (2014). Interrogating violence against women and state violence policy through gendered intersectionalities and intersectional gender: local, national and transnational contexts. Paper presented at International Sociological Association (ISA) World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan, July 13-19, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Koskinen, P. (2010). What does it take to get to the top?: women at the top of technological research. In: Anne-Sophie Godfroy-Genin, Women in engineering and technology research the PROMETEA conference proceedings. Paper presented at Women in Engineering and Technology Research, 26-27 October 2007, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris. (pp. 303-326). Berlin: Lit Verlag. [BibTeX]
Conference proceedings (editor)
- Strid, S. (ed.) & Husu, L. (ed.) (2013). Gender Paradoxes in Changing Academic and Scientific Organisation/s : GEXcel work in progress report. Vol. 18, Proceedings from GEXcel Themes 11-12: conference of workshops 20-21 October 2011. Örebro: Örebro universitet (CFS Report Series 24). [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. (ed.) & Husu, L. (ed.) (2013). Gender Paradoxes in Changing Academic and Scientific Organisation/s: GEXcel work in progress report. Vol. 17, Proceedings from GEXcel Themes 11-12: Visiting Scholars. Örebro: Örebro universitet (CFS Report Series 23). [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. (ed.) , Husu, L. (ed.) & Gunnarsson, L. (ed.) (2012). Gender paradoxes in Changing Academic and Scientific Organisation(s): GEXcel Work in Progress Report, Volume X Proceedings from GEXcel Themes 11-12. Örebro: Örebro universitet (CFS Report Series 16). [BibTeX]
- Oertelt-Prigione, S. , Andersen, J. P. , Squazzoni, F. , Husu, L. , Belloso, M. L. , Lerchenmueller, M. J. , Forman-Rabinovici, A. , França, T. & et al. (2023). COVID-19 impact on gender equality in research & innovation – Policy report: Independent expert report. Luxembourg: European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. , Peterson, H. , Schiffbänker, H. , Hearn, J. , Sauer, A. , Hock, M. & Walker, D. (2022). GRANTeD - Grant Allocation Disparities from a Gender Perspective: Synthesis report on contextual factors, gender equality policy analysis and gender bias risk analysis (Deliverable 5.1.).. . [BibTeX]
- Jousilahti, J. , Tanhua, I. , Paavola, J. , Alanko, L. , Kinnunen, A. , Louvrier, J. , Husu, L. , Levola, M. & et al. (2022). KOTAMO : Report on the state of equality and diversity in Finnish higher education institutions. Helsinki: Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland (Publications of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland 44). [BibTeX]
- Jousilahti, J. , Tanhua, I. , Paavola, J. , Alanko, L. , Kinnunen, A. , Louvrier, J. , Husu, L. , Levola, M. & et al. (2022). KOTAMO : Selvitys korkeakoulujen tasa-arvon, yhdenvertaisuuden ja monimuotoisuuden tilasta Suomessa. Helsinki: Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö (Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön julkaisuja 36). [BibTeX]
- Strid, S. , Humbert, A. L. , Hearn, J. , Bondestam, F. & Husu, L. (2021). UniSAFE D3.1 Theoretical and conceptual framework.. Zenodo. [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Callerstig, A. (2018). Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds beredningsprocesser ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv. Stockholm: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ rapporterar 2018:1). [BibTeX]
- Palmén, R. , Hearn, J. & Husu, L. (2016). Historical Perspectives and Future Scenarios. Barcelona, spain: GenPORT. [BibTeX]
- Lipinsky, A. , Ahlzweig, G. , Steinweg, N. , Getz, L. , GenPort consortium, G. , Husu, L. & Hearn, J. (2015). GenPORT Analysis of Policy Environments. Cologne: GenPORT. [BibTeX]
- Palmén, R. , Bitusikova, A. , GenPORT Consortium, G. a. , Husu, L. & Hearn, J. (2015). Institutional practices and processes. Barcelona: GenPORT (Research synthesis 3). [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. & Hearn, J. (2013). GenPort: An internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science: Conceptual Framework. Örebro: . [BibTeX]
- Hearn, J. , Husu, L. & Biricik, A. (2011). Advancing Excellence in Science through Gender Equality: genSET Capacity Building Report. Linköping: Tema Genus. [BibTeX]
- Pollitzer, E. , Crane, E. , Dale, H. , Blaszczuk, A. , Hearn, J. , Husu, L. , Kikis-Papadakis, K. , Urban, C. & et al. (2010). genSET Consensus Seminars.: The Gender Dimension in Science. Briefing Notes 1 and Supplement.. . [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. (2010). Mot mera jämställda universitet: en internationell översikt över strategier och åtgärder. Stockholm: Delegationen för jämställdhet i högskolan (Delegationen för jämställdhet i högskolan, rapporter 2010:6). [BibTeX]
- Husu, L. , Pollitzer, E. e. a. & Hearn, J. (2010). Recommendations for Action on the Gender Dimension in Science, EU FP7 Report to the European Commission: Authors: Pollitzer E., Crane E., Dale H., Blaszczuk A., Hearn J., Husu L., Kikis-Papadakis K., Margetousaki A., Urban C., Reimer R., & Strähle M... . [BibTeX]